Commit cf7a7a41 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/dev_mngr/*.mk: move libs variable to specific makefile

parent cb2be771
......@@ -227,10 +227,6 @@ $(APP)_OBJS += $(dev_io_core_OBJS) $(ll_io_OBJS) \
$(APP)_cfg_OBJS += $(dev_io_core_OBJS) $(ll_io_OBJS) \
$(sm_io_OBJS) $(msg_OBJS) $(board_OBJS)
# Specific libraries for OUT targets
dev_mngr_LIBS =
dev_mngr_STATIC_LIBS =
# Save a git repository description
......@@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ dev_mngr_OUT =
dev_mngr_all_OUT = dev_mngr
dev_mngr_LIBS = -lbsmp
dev_mngr_STATIC_LIBS =
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