Commit 74a31dc7 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

dev_mngr/dev_mngr_core.c: fix hash key ID

Now, we don't map our hash with <pattern>/afe or
<pattern>/dbe, just <pattern> is enough and we
split different configuration options in hash
structure fields.
parent ab4fa7b5
......@@ -542,8 +542,7 @@ static dmngr_err_e _dmngr_scan_devs (dmngr_t *self, uint32_t *num_devs_found)
/* This follows the hierarchy found in the config file */
int errs = snprintf (key, sizeof (key), HUTILS_CFG_HASH_KEY_PATTERN_COMPL,
devio_info_id, /* BPM ID does not matter for DBE DEVIOs */ 0,
devio_info_id, /* BPM ID does not matter for DBE DEVIOs */ 0);
/* Only when the number of characters written is less than the whole buffer,
* it is guaranteed that the string was written successfully */
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