Commit 2eae7db9 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

libbpmclient/*: add data-driven threshold function

parent 4d1ec34a
......@@ -491,6 +491,17 @@ bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_data_trig_filt (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_data_trig_filt (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *data_trig_filt);
/* Configure data-driven signed threshold. data_trig_thres is signed integer
* number from -2^31 to 2^31-1, meaning the number to be compared on which the
* data-driven trigger will be detected. This is only valid for
* data-driven trigger.
* Returns BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS if the trigger was correctly set or
* or an error (see bpm_client_err.h for all possible errors)*/
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_data_trig_thres (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t data_trig_thres);
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_data_trig_thres (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *data_trig_thres);
/* Configure trigger delay. hw_trig_dly is an integer number from 0 to 2^32-1,
* meaning the number of ADC clock cycles after which the detected trigger
* will be used. This is only valid for external or data-driven trigger types.
......@@ -982,6 +982,20 @@ bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_data_trig_filt (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_data_trig_thres (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t data_trig_thres)
return param_client_write (self, service, ACQ_OPCODE_HW_DATA_TRIG_THRES,
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_data_trig_thres (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *data_trig_thres)
return param_client_read (self, service, ACQ_OPCODE_HW_DATA_TRIG_THRES,
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_hw_trig_dly (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t hw_trig_dly)
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