Commit 54f9a462 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

userspace/3rdparty: cleaned up Makefile

parent 8f617a1a
include ../../Makedefs
all: all_liblua
$(MAKE) -C $(LUA_DIR) PLAT=posix \
CC=$(CROSS_COMPILE_ARM)gcc INSTALL_TOP=$(shell pwd) all
deploy: deploy_liblua
make -C $(LUA_DIR) PLAT=posix CC=$(CROSS_COMPILE_ARM)gcc INSTALL_TOP=$(shell pwd) all
make -C $(LUA_DIR) PLAT=posix CC=$(CROSS_COMPILE_ARM)gcc INSTALL_TOP=$(shell pwd) install
deploy_liblua: all_liblua
install: all
$(MAKE) -C $(LUA_DIR) PLAT=posix \
CC=$(CROSS_COMPILE_ARM)gcc INSTALL_TOP=$(shell pwd) install
chmod +x lib/
mkdir -p $(WR_INSTALL_ROOT)/lib
cp lib/ $(WR_INSTALL_ROOT)/lib
# on clean, also remove the installation into the local directory
make -C $(LUA_DIR) clean
\ No newline at end of file
$(MAKE) -C $(LUA_DIR) clean
rm -rf bin include lib man
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