Commit 460d5556 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

wrdev-tools: end-of-line cleanup (space, return)

parent b5cb3b41
make -C ./src/mch_flasher
make -C ./src/uboot_env
make -C ./src/gen_fpga_image
$(MAKE) -C ./src/mch_flasher
$(MAKE) -C ./src/uboot_env
$(MAKE) -C ./src/gen_fpga_image
make -C ./src/mch_flasher clean
make -C ./src/uboot_env clean
make -C ./src/gen_fpga_image clean
\ No newline at end of file
$(MAKE) -C ./src/mch_flasher clean
$(MAKE) -C ./src/uboot_env clean
$(MAKE) -C ./src/gen_fpga_image clean
\ No newline at end of file
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