Commit 358ff7a5 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

swcore: beautifulized i/o block sources

parent a41240fb
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Maciej Lipinski
-- Company : CERN BE-Co-HT
-- Created : 2010-10-28
-- Last update: 2012-03-09
-- Last update: 2012-03-15
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL'87
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ entity xswc_input_block is
pta_prio_o : out std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
tap_out_o: out std_logic_vector(49 + 62 downto 0)
tap_out_o : out std_logic_vector(49 + 62 downto 0)
end xswc_input_block;
......@@ -241,19 +241,19 @@ architecture syn of xswc_input_block is
type t_page_alloc is(S_IDLE, -- waiting for some work :)
S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT, -- setting usecnt to a page which was allocated
-- in advance to be used for the first page of
-- the pck
-- (only in case of the initially allocated usecnt
-- is different than required)
S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ, -- allocating in advnace first page of the pck
S_PCKINTER_PAGE_REQ); -- allocating in advance page to be used by
-- all but first page of the pck (inter-packet)
S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT, -- setting usecnt to a page which was allocated
-- in advance to be used for the first page of
-- the pck
-- (only in case of the initially allocated usecnt
-- is different than required)
S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ, -- allocating in advnace first page of the pck
S_PCKINTER_PAGE_REQ); -- allocating in advance page to be used by
-- all but first page of the pck (inter-packet)
type t_transfer_pck is(S_IDLE, -- wait for some work :), it is used only after reset
S_READY, -- being in S_READY state means that we are in sync with rcv_pck
S_WAIT_RTU_VALID, -- Started receiving pck, wait for RTU decision
S_WAIT_SOF, -- received RTU decision but new pck has not been started
-- still receiving the old one, or non
-- still receiving the old one, or non
S_SET_USECNT, -- set usecnt of the first page
S_WAIT_WITH_TRANSFER, -- waits for ll_write to clear the first page
......@@ -261,38 +261,38 @@ architecture syn of xswc_input_block is
S_TRANSFERED, -- transfer has been done, waiting for the end of pck (EOF)
S_DROP -- after receiving RTU decision to drop the pck,
-- it still needs to be received
-- it still needs to be received
type t_rcv_pck is(S_IDLE, -- wait for some work :)
S_READY, -- Can accept new pck (i.e. the previous pck has been transfered
S_PAUSE, -- need to pause reception (internal reason, e.g.: next page not allocated)
-- still receiving the old one, or non
S_RCV_DATA, -- accepting pck
S_DROP, -- if
S_WAIT_FORCE_FREE, -- waits for the access to the force freeing process (it
-- only happens when the previous request has not been handled
-- (in theory, hardly possible, so it will happen for sure ;=))
S_INPUT_STUCK -- it might happen that the SWcore gets stack, in such case we need
-- to decide what to do (drop/stall/etc), it is recognzied and done
-- here
S_READY, -- Can accept new pck (i.e. the previous pck has been transfered
S_PAUSE, -- need to pause reception (internal reason, e.g.: next page not allocated)
-- still receiving the old one, or non
S_RCV_DATA, -- accepting pck
S_DROP, -- if
S_WAIT_FORCE_FREE, -- waits for the access to the force freeing process (it
-- only happens when the previous request has not been handled
-- (in theory, hardly possible, so it will happen for sure ;=))
S_INPUT_STUCK -- it might happen that the SWcore gets stack, in such case we need
-- to decide what to do (drop/stall/etc), it is recognzied and done
-- here
type t_ll_write is(S_IDLE, -- wait for some work :)
S_READY_FOR_PGR_AND_DLAST, -- can write both:
-- (1) request of inter-pck page (mpm_pg_req_i)
-- (2) request of last page write (dlast)
S_READY_FOR_DLAST_ONLY, -- can write only last page (dlast) since the
-- inter-pck page has not been allocated yet
S_WRITE, -- write Linked List (either double write (with
-- clearing the next page to be used) or just
-- one page (if next page not allocated yet)
S_EOF_ON_WR, -- request for writting the last page (dlast)
-- received while writting to Linked List
S_SOF_ON_WR -- reception of new PCK received while writting
); -- this might require some work (if the next
-- first page is not cleard) but it also might
-- require no work
S_READY_FOR_PGR_AND_DLAST, -- can write both:
-- (1) request of inter-pck page (mpm_pg_req_i)
-- (2) request of last page write (dlast)
S_READY_FOR_DLAST_ONLY, -- can write only last page (dlast) since the
-- inter-pck page has not been allocated yet
S_WRITE, -- write Linked List (either double write (with
-- clearing the next page to be used) or just
-- one page (if next page not allocated yet)
S_EOF_ON_WR, -- request for writting the last page (dlast)
-- received while writting to Linked List
S_SOF_ON_WR -- reception of new PCK received while writting
); -- this might require some work (if the next
-- first page is not cleard) but it also might
-- require no work
-- state machines
signal s_page_alloc : t_page_alloc; -- page allocation and usecnt setting
signal s_transfer_pck : t_transfer_pck; -- reception of RTU decision, its transfer to outputs
......@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ architecture syn of xswc_input_block is
signal lw_pckstart_pg_clred : std_logic;
signal pckstart_pg_clred : std_logic;
signal rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal zeros : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
......@@ -533,60 +533,60 @@ architecture syn of xswc_input_block is
function f_gen_mask(index : integer; length : integer)
return std_logic_vector is
variable tmp : std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0);
variable tmp : std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0);
tmp := (others => '0');
tmp := (others => '0');
tmp(index) := '1';
return tmp;
end f_gen_mask;
function f_slv_resize(x: std_logic_vector; len: natural) return std_logic_vector is
function f_slv_resize(x : std_logic_vector; len : natural) return std_logic_vector is
variable tmp : std_logic_vector(len-1 downto 0);
tmp := (others => '0');
tmp := (others => '0');
tmp(x'length-1 downto 0) := x;
return tmp;
end f_slv_resize;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg :t_page_alloc) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_page_alloc loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_page_alloc'pos(t),4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg :t_rcv_pck) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_rcv_pck loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_rcv_pck'pos(t),4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg :t_ll_write) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_ll_write loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_ll_write'pos(t),4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg :t_transfer_pck) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_transfer_pck loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_transfer_pck'pos(t),4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg : t_page_alloc) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_page_alloc loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_page_alloc'pos(t), 4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg : t_rcv_pck) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_rcv_pck loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_rcv_pck'pos(t), 4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg : t_ll_write) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_ll_write loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_ll_write'pos(t), 4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
function f_enum2nat (enum_arg : t_transfer_pck) return std_logic_vector is
for t in t_transfer_pck loop
if(enum_arg = t) then
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(t_transfer_pck'pos(t), 4));
end if;
end loop; -- i
return "0000";
end function f_enum2nat;
......@@ -630,9 +630,9 @@ begin --arch
-- detecting error
in_pck_err <= '1' when in_pck_dvalid = '1' and
(snk_adr_int = c_WRF_STATUS) and
(f_unmarshall_wrf_status(snk_dat_int).error = '1') else
(snk_adr_int = c_WRF_STATUS) and
(f_unmarshall_wrf_status(snk_dat_int).error = '1') else
--detecting end of data in the received frame, the data shall be followed by
-- (1) nothing (end of frame)
......@@ -640,9 +640,9 @@ begin --arch
-- (3) USER data
-- so end of data is most often not equal to end of frame
in_pck_eod <= '1' when (in_pck_dvalid = '1' and
snk_adr_d0 = c_WRF_DATA and
(snk_adr_int = c_WRF_OOB or snk_adr_int = c_WRF_USER)) else
snk_adr_d0 = c_WRF_DATA and
(snk_adr_int = c_WRF_OOB or snk_adr_int = c_WRF_USER)) else
-- converting pWB to an internal format (number of '1's in the sel) just to save few bits
in_pck_sel <= f_sel2partialSel(snk_sel_int, g_partial_select_width);
......@@ -765,9 +765,9 @@ begin --arch
-- received when we get the RTU decision, so we are waiting in IDLE.
-- in such case, we will get tp_drop before getting tp_sync, but we will
-- still have tp_drop when finally tp_sync is HIGH, so this is why the order of if's
elsif(tp_drop = '1' and -- transfer_pck state indicates the drop decision
elsif(tp_drop = '1' and -- transfer_pck state indicates the drop decision
mmu_force_free_req = '0') then -- the pck is not being freed yet
mmu_force_free_addr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
if(mmu_force_free_req = '1') then -- it means that the previous request is still
......@@ -1016,8 +1016,8 @@ begin --arch
if(g_input_block_cannot_accept_data = "drop_pck") then
snk_stall_force_l <= '0';
if (in_pck_sof = '1') then
s_rcv_pck <= S_DROP;
rp_accept_rtu <= '1';
s_rcv_pck <= S_DROP;
rp_accept_rtu <= '1';
end if;
-- by default: stall when stuck
......@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ end process p_page_alloc_fsm;
rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i; -- and (not f_gen_mask(g_port_index, current_mask'length));
rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i; -- and (not f_gen_mask(g_port_index, current_mask'length));
p_register_rtu_rsp : process(clk_i)
......@@ -1600,11 +1600,11 @@ begin
if(lw_sync_first_stage = '1' and rp_sync = '1' and tp_sync = '1') then
s_transfer_pck <= S_READY;
-- this is to prevent trashing of the drop process (it happened that force_free was
-- re-done many times by rcv_pck FSM when transfer_pck FSM stayed in DROP state waiting
-- for global sync
-- this is to prevent trashing of the drop process (it happened that force_free was
-- re-done many times by rcv_pck FSM when transfer_pck FSM stayed in DROP state waiting
-- for global sync
elsif(mmu_force_free_req = '1' and mmu_force_free_done_i = '1') then
s_transfer_pck <= S_IDLE;
s_transfer_pck <= S_IDLE;
end if;
......@@ -1919,9 +1919,9 @@ lw_sync_second_stage <= '1' when (s_ll_write = S_READY_FOR_PGR_AND_DLAST and lw_
lw_sync_2nd_stage_chk <= '1' when (page_word_cnt = to_unsigned(g_page_size - 3, c_page_size_width)) else '0';
-- transfer_pck FSM sync (tp): needs to be true for rcv_pck to enter READY state
tp_sync <= '1' when (s_transfer_pck = S_IDLE or --
s_transfer_pck = S_DROP or --
s_transfer_pck = S_TRANSFERED) else '0';
tp_sync <= '1' when (s_transfer_pck = S_IDLE or --
s_transfer_pck = S_DROP or --
s_transfer_pck = S_TRANSFERED) else '0';
-- rcv_pck FSM is sync-ed
rp_sync <= '1' when (s_rcv_pck = S_IDLE) else '0';
......@@ -1931,12 +1931,12 @@ tp_stuck <= '1' when (s_transfer_pck = S_TOO_LONG_TRANSFER) else '0';
-- transfer_pck FSM indicates that the frame should be dropped
tp_drop <= '1' when ((s_transfer_pck = S_DROP) or
((current_drop = '1' or current_mask = zeros) and rtu_rsp_ack = '1')) else '0';
((current_drop = '1' or current_mask = zeros) and rtu_rsp_ack = '1')) else '0';
-- transfer_pck FSM indicates that transfer already started or is finished,
tp_transfer_valid <= '1' when (s_transfer_pck = S_TRANSFERED or
s_transfer_pck = S_TRANSFER or
s_transfer_pck = S_TOO_LONG_TRANSFER) else '0';
s_transfer_pck = S_TRANSFER or
s_transfer_pck = S_TOO_LONG_TRANSFER) else '0';
-- rcv_pck FSM indicates that there is or was error on the received pck
rp_in_pck_error <= '1' when (rp_in_pck_err = '1' or in_pck_err = '1') else '0';
......@@ -2010,7 +2010,7 @@ ll_wr_req_o <= ll_wr_req;
tap_out_o <= f_slv_resize( --
-- f_enum2nat(s_rcv_pck) & --
-- f_enum2nat(s_rcv_pck) & --
(mmu_nomem_i) &
(mmu_page_alloc_done_i) &
(pckinter_page_alloc_req or pckstart_page_alloc_req) &
......@@ -2040,9 +2040,9 @@ tap_out_o <= f_slv_resize( --
ll_entry.oob_size & -- 49
ll_entry.next_page & -- 39
ll_entry.next_page_valid & -- 38
"0000000000" & --pta_pageaddr & -- 28
"0000000000" & --pta_pageaddr & -- 28
pta_transfer_pck & -- 27
"0000000000" & --mpm_pg_addr & -- 17
"0000000000" & --mpm_pg_addr & -- 17
mpm_pg_req_i, -- 16
50 + 62);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Maciej Lipinski
-- Company : CERN BE-Co-HT
-- Created : 2010-11-03
-- Last update: 2012-02-16
-- Last update: 2012-03-15
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL'87
......@@ -55,26 +55,26 @@ library work;
use work.swc_swcore_pkg.all;
use work.genram_pkg.all;
use work.wr_fabric_pkg.all;
use work.endpoint_private_pkg.all; -- Tom
use work.ep_wbgen2_pkg.all; -- tom
use work.endpoint_private_pkg.all; -- Tom
use work.ep_wbgen2_pkg.all; -- tom
entity xswc_output_block is
generic (
generic (
g_max_pck_size_width : integer ;--:= c_swc_max_pck_size_width
g_output_block_per_prio_fifo_size : integer ;--:= c_swc_output_fifo_size
g_prio_width : integer ;--:= c_swc_prio_width;, c_swc_output_prio_num_width
g_prio_num : integer ;--:= c_swc_output_prio_num
g_max_pck_size_width : integer; --:= c_swc_max_pck_size_width
g_output_block_per_prio_fifo_size : integer; --:= c_swc_output_fifo_size
g_prio_width : integer; --:= c_swc_prio_width;, c_swc_output_prio_num_width
g_prio_num : integer; --:= c_swc_output_prio_num
-- new stuff
g_mpm_page_addr_width : integer ;--:= c_swc_page_addr_width;
g_mpm_data_width : integer ;--:= c_swc_page_addr_width;
g_mpm_partial_select_width : integer ;
g_mpm_fetch_next_pg_in_advance : boolean := false;
g_wb_data_width : integer ;
g_wb_addr_width : integer ;
g_wb_sel_width : integer ;
g_wb_ob_ignore_ack : boolean := true
g_mpm_page_addr_width : integer; --:= c_swc_page_addr_width;
g_mpm_data_width : integer; --:= c_swc_page_addr_width;
g_mpm_partial_select_width : integer;
g_mpm_fetch_next_pg_in_advance : boolean := false;
g_wb_data_width : integer;
g_wb_addr_width : integer;
g_wb_sel_width : integer;
g_wb_ob_ignore_ack : boolean := true
port (
clk_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -83,32 +83,32 @@ entity xswc_output_block is
-- I/F with Pck Transfer Arbiter
pta_transfer_data_valid_i : in std_logic;
pta_pageaddr_i : in std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
pta_prio_i : in std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
pta_transfer_data_valid_i : in std_logic;
pta_pageaddr_i : in std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
pta_prio_i : in std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
-- pta_pck_size_i : in std_logic_vector(g_max_pck_size_width - 1 downto 0);
pta_transfer_data_ack_o : out std_logic;
pta_transfer_data_ack_o : out std_logic;
-- I/F with Multiport Memory's Read Pump (MMP)
mpm_d_i : in std_logic_vector (g_mpm_data_width -1 downto 0);
mpm_dvalid_i : in std_logic;
mpm_dlast_i : in std_logic;
mpm_dsel_i : in std_logic_vector (g_mpm_partial_select_width -1 downto 0);
mpm_dreq_o : out std_logic;
mpm_abort_o : out std_logic;
mpm_pg_addr_o : out std_logic_vector (g_mpm_page_addr_width -1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid_o : out std_logic;
mpm_pg_req_i : in std_logic;
mpm_d_i : in std_logic_vector (g_mpm_data_width -1 downto 0);
mpm_dvalid_i : in std_logic;
mpm_dlast_i : in std_logic;
mpm_dsel_i : in std_logic_vector (g_mpm_partial_select_width -1 downto 0);
mpm_dreq_o : out std_logic;
mpm_abort_o : out std_logic;
mpm_pg_addr_o : out std_logic_vector (g_mpm_page_addr_width -1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid_o : out std_logic;
mpm_pg_req_i : in std_logic;
-- I/F with Pck's Pages Free Module(PPFM)
-- correctly read pck
ppfm_free_o : out std_logic;
ppfm_free_done_i : in std_logic;
ppfm_free_pgaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
ppfm_free_o : out std_logic;
ppfm_free_done_i : in std_logic;
ppfm_free_pgaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
-- pWB : output (goes to the Endpoint)
......@@ -116,18 +116,18 @@ entity xswc_output_block is
src_i : in t_wrf_source_in;
src_o : out t_wrf_source_out
end xswc_output_block;
architecture behavoural of xswc_output_block is
constant c_per_prio_fifo_size_width : integer := integer(CEIL(LOG2(real(g_output_block_per_prio_fifo_size-1)))); -- c_swc_output_fifo_addr_width
constant c_per_prio_fifo_size_width : integer := integer(CEIL(LOG2(real(g_output_block_per_prio_fifo_size-1)))); -- c_swc_output_fifo_addr_width
signal pta_transfer_data_ack : std_logic;
signal wr_addr : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width + c_per_prio_fifo_size_width -1 downto 0);
signal rd_addr : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width + c_per_prio_fifo_size_width -1 downto 0);
signal wr_addr : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width + c_per_prio_fifo_size_width -1 downto 0);
signal rd_addr : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width + c_per_prio_fifo_size_width -1 downto 0);
-- drop_imp:
-- signal drop_addr : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width + c_per_prio_fifo_size_width -1 downto 0);
......@@ -135,129 +135,129 @@ architecture behavoural of xswc_output_block is
-- signal drop_index : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
-- signal drop_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal wr_prio : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal rd_prio : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal not_full_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal full_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal not_empty_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal read_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal read : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal write_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal write : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal wr_en : std_logic;
signal rd_data_valid : std_logic;
signal drop_data_valid : std_logic;
signal zeros : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
subtype t_head_and_head is std_logic_vector(c_per_prio_fifo_size_width - 1 downto 0);
type t_addr_array is array (g_prio_num - 1 downto 0) of t_head_and_head;
signal wr_array : t_addr_array;
signal rd_array : t_addr_array;
type t_prep_to_send is (S_IDLE,
signal wr_prio : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal rd_prio : std_logic_vector(g_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal not_full_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal full_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal not_empty_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal read_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal read : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal write_array : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal write : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
signal wr_en : std_logic;
signal rd_data_valid : std_logic;
signal drop_data_valid : std_logic;
signal zeros : std_logic_vector(g_prio_num - 1 downto 0);
subtype t_head_and_head is std_logic_vector(c_per_prio_fifo_size_width - 1 downto 0);
type t_addr_array is array (g_prio_num - 1 downto 0) of t_head_and_head;
signal wr_array : t_addr_array;
signal rd_array : t_addr_array;
type t_prep_to_send is (S_IDLE,
type t_send_pck is (S_IDLE,
type t_send_pck is (S_IDLE,
signal s_send_pck : t_send_pck;
signal s_prep_to_send : t_prep_to_send;
signal wr_data : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal rd_data : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal wr_data : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal rd_data : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal ppfm_free : std_logic;
signal ppfm_free_pgaddr : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pck_start_pgaddr : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal start_free_pck_addr : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal start_free_pck : std_logic;
signal ram_zeros : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width- 1 downto 0);
signal ram_ones : std_logic_vector((g_mpm_page_addr_width+7)/8 - 1 downto 0);
signal ppfm_free : std_logic;
signal ppfm_free_pgaddr : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pck_start_pgaddr : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal start_free_pck_addr : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal start_free_pck : std_logic;
signal ram_zeros : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width- 1 downto 0);
signal ram_ones : std_logic_vector((g_mpm_page_addr_width+7)/8 - 1 downto 0);
signal request_retry : std_logic;
-- pipelined WB
-- source out
signal src_adr_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal src_dat_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal src_dat_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal src_stb_d : std_logic;
signal src_cyc_int : std_logic;
signal src_stb_int : std_logic;
signal src_we_int : std_logic;
signal src_sel_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal out_dat_err : std_logic;
signal src_adr_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal src_dat_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal src_dat_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal src_stb_d : std_logic;
signal src_cyc_int : std_logic;
signal src_stb_int : std_logic;
signal src_we_int : std_logic;
signal src_sel_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal out_dat_err : std_logic;
-- source in
signal src_ack_int : std_logic;
signal src_stall_int : std_logic;
signal src_err_int : std_logic;
signal src_rty_int : std_logic;
signal mpm_pg_addr_memorized : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid: std_logic;
signal mpm_pg_addr_memorized : std_logic_vector(g_mpm_page_addr_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid : std_logic;
signal mpm_dreq : std_logic;
signal mpm_abort : std_logic;
signal mpm_pg_addr : std_logic_vector (g_mpm_page_addr_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm_pg_valid : std_logic;
signal mpm2wb_dat_int : std_logic_vector (g_wb_data_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm2wb_sel_int : std_logic_vector (g_wb_sel_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm2wb_adr_int : std_logic_vector (g_wb_addr_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm2wb_dat_int : std_logic_vector (g_wb_data_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm2wb_sel_int : std_logic_vector (g_wb_sel_width -1 downto 0);
signal mpm2wb_adr_int : std_logic_vector (g_wb_addr_width -1 downto 0);
signal src_out_int : t_wrf_source_out;
signal tmp_sel : std_logic_vector(g_wb_sel_width - 1 downto 0);
signal tmp_dat : std_logic_vector(g_wb_data_width - 1 downto 0);
signal tmp_adr : std_logic_vector(g_wb_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal ack_count : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal set_next_pg_addr : std_logic;
signal tmp_sel : std_logic_vector(g_wb_sel_width - 1 downto 0);
signal tmp_dat : std_logic_vector(g_wb_data_width - 1 downto 0);
signal tmp_adr : std_logic_vector(g_wb_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal ack_count : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal set_next_pg_addr : std_logic;
signal not_set_next_pg_addr : std_logic;
begin -- behavoural
zeros <=(others => '0');
ram_zeros <=(others => '0');
ram_ones <=(others => '1');
zeros <= (others => '0');
ram_zeros <= (others => '0');
ram_ones <= (others => '1');
wr_prio <= not pta_prio_i;
wr_data <= pta_pageaddr_i;
wr_addr <= wr_prio & wr_array(0) when wr_prio = "000" else
wr_prio & wr_array(1) when wr_prio = "001" else
wr_prio & wr_array(2) when wr_prio = "010" else
wr_prio & wr_array(3) when wr_prio = "011" else
wr_prio & wr_array(4) when wr_prio = "100" else
wr_prio & wr_array(5) when wr_prio = "101" else
wr_prio & wr_array(6) when wr_prio = "110" else
wr_prio & wr_array(7) when wr_prio = "111" else
wr_addr <= wr_prio & wr_array(0) when wr_prio = "000" else
wr_prio & wr_array(1) when wr_prio = "001" else
wr_prio & wr_array(2) when wr_prio = "010" else
wr_prio & wr_array(3) when wr_prio = "011" else
wr_prio & wr_array(4) when wr_prio = "100" else
wr_prio & wr_array(5) when wr_prio = "101" else
wr_prio & wr_array(6) when wr_prio = "110" else
wr_prio & wr_array(7) when wr_prio = "111" else
(others => 'X');
rd_addr <= rd_prio & rd_array(0) when rd_prio = "000" else
rd_prio & rd_array(1) when rd_prio = "001" else
rd_prio & rd_array(2) when rd_prio = "010" else
rd_prio & rd_array(3) when rd_prio = "011" else
rd_prio & rd_array(4) when rd_prio = "100" else
rd_prio & rd_array(5) when rd_prio = "101" else
rd_prio & rd_array(6) when rd_prio = "110" else
rd_prio & rd_array(7) when rd_prio = "111" else
(others => 'X');
rd_addr <= rd_prio & rd_array(0) when rd_prio = "000" else
rd_prio & rd_array(1) when rd_prio = "001" else
rd_prio & rd_array(2) when rd_prio = "010" else
rd_prio & rd_array(3) when rd_prio = "011" else
rd_prio & rd_array(4) when rd_prio = "100" else
rd_prio & rd_array(5) when rd_prio = "101" else
rd_prio & rd_array(6) when rd_prio = "110" else
rd_prio & rd_array(7) when rd_prio = "111" else
(others => 'X');
-- drop_imp:
-- drop_addr <= drop_index & rd_array(0) when drop_index = "000" else
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ begin -- behavoural
in_i => not_empty_array,
onehot_o => read_array,
out_o => rd_prio);
write_array <= "00000001" when wr_prio = "000" else
"00000010" when wr_prio = "001" else
"00000100" when wr_prio = "010" else
......@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ begin -- behavoural
"00100000" when wr_prio = "101" else
"01000000" when wr_prio = "110" else
"10000000" when wr_prio = "111" else
"00000000" ;
wr_en <= write(0) and not_full_array(0) when wr_prio = "000" else
wr_en <= write(0) and not_full_array(0) when wr_prio = "000" else
write(1) and not_full_array(1) when wr_prio = "001" else
write(2) and not_full_array(2) when wr_prio = "010" else
write(3) and not_full_array(3) when wr_prio = "011" else
......@@ -301,27 +301,27 @@ begin -- behavoural
write(7) and not_full_array(7) when wr_prio = "111" else
-- I don't like this
pta_transfer_data_ack_o <= not_full_array(0) when wr_prio = "000" else
not_full_array(1) when wr_prio = "001" else
not_full_array(2) when wr_prio = "010" else
not_full_array(3) when wr_prio = "011" else
not_full_array(4) when wr_prio = "100" else
not_full_array(5) when wr_prio = "101" else
not_full_array(6) when wr_prio = "110" else
not_full_array(7) when wr_prio = "111" else
pta_transfer_data_ack_o <= not_full_array(0) when wr_prio = "000" else
not_full_array(1) when wr_prio = "001" else
not_full_array(2) when wr_prio = "010" else
not_full_array(3) when wr_prio = "011" else
not_full_array(4) when wr_prio = "100" else
not_full_array(5) when wr_prio = "101" else
not_full_array(6) when wr_prio = "110" else
not_full_array(7) when wr_prio = "111" else
prio_ctrl : for i in 0 to g_prio_num - 1 generate
prio_ctrl : for i in 0 to g_prio_num - 1 generate
write(i) <= write_array(i) and pta_transfer_data_valid_i ;
read(i) <= read_array(i) and mpm_pg_valid;
write(i) <= write_array(i) and pta_transfer_data_valid_i;
read(i) <= read_array(i) and mpm_pg_valid;
-- drop_imp:
-- read(i) <= (read_array(i) and mpm_pg_valid) or (drop_array(i) and not mpm_pg_valid);
PRIO_QUEUE_CTRL : swc_ob_prio_queue
generic map(
g_per_prio_fifo_size_width => c_per_prio_fifo_size_width -- c_swc_output_fifo_addr_width
g_per_prio_fifo_size_width => c_per_prio_fifo_size_width -- c_swc_output_fifo_addr_width
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n_i,
......@@ -329,9 +329,9 @@ begin -- behavoural
read_i => read(i),
not_full_o => not_full_array(i),
not_empty_o => not_empty_array(i),
wr_en_o => open, --wr_en_array(i),
wr_en_o => open, --wr_en_array(i),
wr_addr_o => wr_array(i),
rd_addr_o => rd_array(i)
rd_addr_o => rd_array(i)
-- drop_imp:
-- full_array(i) <= not not_full_array(i);
......@@ -347,29 +347,29 @@ begin -- behavoural
-- onehot_o => drop_array,
-- out_o => drop_index);
PRIO_QUEUE : generic_dpram
generic map (
g_data_width => g_mpm_page_addr_width, -- + g_max_pck_size_width,
g_size => (g_prio_num * g_output_block_per_prio_fifo_size)
port map (
-- Port A -- writing
clka_i => clk_i,
bwea_i => (others => '1'), --ram_ones,
wea_i => wr_en,
aa_i => wr_addr,
da_i => wr_data,
qa_o => open,
PRIO_QUEUE : generic_dpram
generic map (
g_data_width => g_mpm_page_addr_width, -- + g_max_pck_size_width,
g_size => (g_prio_num * g_output_block_per_prio_fifo_size)
port map (
-- Port A -- writing
clka_i => clk_i,
bwea_i => (others => '1'), --ram_ones,
wea_i => wr_en,
aa_i => wr_addr,
da_i => wr_data,
qa_o => open,
-- Port B -- reading
clkb_i => clk_i,
bweb_i => (others => '1'), --ram_ones,
web_i => '0',
ab_i => rd_addr, -- drop_imp : ram_rd_addr,
db_i => (others => '0'), --ram_zeros,
qb_o => rd_data
clkb_i => clk_i,
bweb_i => (others => '1'), --ram_ones,
web_i => '0',
ab_i => rd_addr, -- drop_imp : ram_rd_addr,
db_i => (others => '0'), --ram_zeros,
qb_o => rd_data
-- check if there is any valid frame in any output queue
-- rd_data_valid=HIGH indicates that there is something to send out
rd_valid : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
......@@ -379,23 +379,23 @@ begin -- behavoural
rd_data_valid <= '0';
drop_data_valid <= '0';
if(not_empty_array = zeros) then
rd_data_valid <= '0';
rd_data_valid <= '1';
end if;
if(not_empty_array = zeros) then
rd_data_valid <= '0';
rd_data_valid <= '1';
end if;
-- drop_imp :
-- if(full_array = zeros) then
-- drop_data_valid <= '0';
-- else
-- drop_data_valid <= '1';
-- end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- FSM to prepare next pck to be send
-- This state machine takes data, if available) from the output queue. The data is only the
......@@ -418,132 +418,132 @@ begin -- behavoural
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
s_prep_to_send <= S_IDLE;
mpm_pg_addr <= (others => '0');
mpm_pg_valid <= '0';
mpm_abort <= '0';
mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid <= '0';
mpm_pg_addr_memorized <= (others => '0');
-- default values
mpm_pg_valid <= '0';
mpm_abort <= '0';
case s_prep_to_send is
case s_prep_to_send is
when S_IDLE =>
if(request_retry = '1') then
if(request_retry = '1') then
mpm_abort <= '1';
s_prep_to_send <= S_RETRY_PREPARE;
elsif(set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr <= rd_data(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
elsif(set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr <= rd_data(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
if(s_send_pck = S_DATA or s_send_pck = S_FINISH_CYCLE) then
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
end if;
end if;
if(request_retry = '1') then
if(request_retry = '1') then
mpm_abort <= '1';
s_prep_to_send <= S_RETRY_PREPARE;
mpm_pg_addr_memorized <= mpm_pg_addr;
mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid <= '1';
mpm_pg_addr_memorized <= mpm_pg_addr;
mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid <= '1';
elsif(mpm_dlast_i = '1') then
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
end if;
if(request_retry = '1') then
mpm_abort <= '1';
s_prep_to_send <= S_RETRY_PREPARE;
if(request_retry = '1') then
mpm_abort <= '1';
s_prep_to_send <= S_RETRY_PREPARE;
elsif(s_send_pck = S_DATA) then
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_USED;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_USED;
end if;
if(request_retry = '1') then
mpm_abort <= '1';
s_prep_to_send <= S_RETRY_PREPARE;
elsif(set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr <= rd_data(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
if(request_retry = '1') then
mpm_abort <= '1';
s_prep_to_send <= S_RETRY_PREPARE;
elsif(set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr <= rd_data(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
if(s_send_pck = S_DATA or s_send_pck = S_FINISH_CYCLE) then
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
end if;
elsif(not_set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
elsif(not_set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
s_prep_to_send <= S_IDLE;
end if;
if(mpm_pg_req_i = '1') then
if(mpm_pg_req_i = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr <= pck_start_pgaddr;
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
s_prep_to_send <= S_RETRY_READY;
end if;
if(mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid = '1' and set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid <= '0';
mpm_pg_addr <= mpm_pg_addr_memorized;
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
if(mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid = '1' and set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr_memorized_valid <= '0';
mpm_pg_addr <= mpm_pg_addr_memorized;
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
if(s_send_pck = S_DATA or s_send_pck = S_FINISH_CYCLE) then
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
end if;
--elsif(rd_data_valid = '1' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1') then
elsif(set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr <= rd_data(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
--elsif(rd_data_valid = '1' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1') then
elsif(set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
mpm_pg_addr <= rd_data(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pg_valid <= '1';
if(s_send_pck = S_DATA) then
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_SET_IN_ADVANCE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
s_prep_to_send <= S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY;
end if;
elsif(not_set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
elsif(not_set_next_pg_addr = '1') then
s_prep_to_send <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
s_prep_to_send <= S_IDLE;
s_prep_to_send <= S_IDLE;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process p_prep_to_send_fsm;
next_page_set_in_advance: if (g_mpm_fetch_next_pg_in_advance = TRUE) generate
set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (rd_data_valid = '1' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1' and mpm_pg_valid = '0') else '0';
not_set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (rd_data_valid = '0' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1') else '0';
next_page_set_in_advance : if (g_mpm_fetch_next_pg_in_advance = true) generate
set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (rd_data_valid = '1' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1' and mpm_pg_valid = '0') else '0';
not_set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (rd_data_valid = '0' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1') else '0';
end generate next_page_set_in_advance;
next_page_set_after_pck_transmision: if (g_mpm_fetch_next_pg_in_advance = FALSE) generate
set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (rd_data_valid = '1' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1' and mpm_pg_valid = '0' and s_send_pck = S_IDLE) else '0';
not_set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (mpm_pg_req_i = '1' and mpm_pg_valid = '0' ) else '0';
next_page_set_after_pck_transmision : if (g_mpm_fetch_next_pg_in_advance = false) generate
set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (rd_data_valid = '1' and mpm_pg_req_i = '1' and mpm_pg_valid = '0' and s_send_pck = S_IDLE) else '0';
not_set_next_pg_addr <= '1' when (mpm_pg_req_i = '1' and mpm_pg_valid = '0') else '0';
end generate next_page_set_after_pck_transmision;
-- FSM send pck with pWB I/F
-- Forwarding pck read from MPM to pWB interface.
......@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ begin -- behavoural
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
s_send_pck <= S_IDLE;
src_out_int.stb <= '0';
src_out_int.we <= '1';
......@@ -567,133 +567,133 @@ begin -- behavoural
src_out_int.cyc <= '0';
src_out_int.sel <= (others => '0');
start_free_pck <= '0';
start_free_pck_addr <= (others =>'0');
tmp_adr <= (others =>'0');
tmp_dat <= (others =>'0');
tmp_sel <= (others =>'0');
start_free_pck_addr <= (others => '0');
tmp_adr <= (others => '0');
tmp_dat <= (others => '0');
tmp_sel <= (others => '0');
-- default values
start_free_pck <= '0';
request_retry <= '0';
start_free_pck <= '0';
request_retry <= '0';
case s_send_pck is
case s_send_pck is
when S_IDLE =>
if(s_prep_to_send = S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY and src_i.err = '0' and src_i.stall = '0') then
src_out_int.cyc <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
pck_start_pgaddr <= mpm_pg_addr;
end if;
end if;
when S_DATA =>
if(src_i.stall = '0') then
if(mpm_dvalid_i = '1') then -- a avoid copying crap (i.e. XXX)
src_out_int.adr <= mpm2wb_adr_int;
src_out_int.dat <= mpm2wb_dat_int;
src_out_int.sel <= mpm2wb_sel_int;
if(mpm_dvalid_i = '1') then -- a avoid copying crap (i.e. XXX)
src_out_int.adr <= mpm2wb_adr_int;
src_out_int.dat <= mpm2wb_dat_int;
src_out_int.sel <= mpm2wb_sel_int;
end if;
src_out_int.stb <= mpm_dvalid_i;
end if;
src_out_int.stb <= mpm_dvalid_i;
end if;
if(src_i.err = '1') then
s_send_pck <= S_EOF; -- we free page in EOF
s_send_pck <= S_EOF; -- we free page in EOF
src_out_int.cyc <= '0';
src_out_int.stb <= '0';
elsif(out_dat_err = '1') then
s_send_pck <= S_FINISH_CYCLE; -- to make sure that the error word was sent
s_send_pck <= S_FINISH_CYCLE; -- to make sure that the error word was sent
elsif(src_i.rty = '1') then
src_out_int.cyc <= '0';
src_out_int.stb <= '0';
request_retry <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_RETRY;
src_out_int.cyc <= '0';
src_out_int.stb <= '0';
request_retry <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_RETRY;
elsif(src_i.stall = '1' and mpm_dvalid_i = '1') then
s_send_pck <= S_FLUSH_STALL;
s_send_pck <= S_FLUSH_STALL;
end if;
if(mpm_dlast_i = '1')then
s_send_pck <= S_FINISH_CYCLE; -- we free page in EOF
end if;
if(mpm_dvalid_i = '1') then -- only when dvalid to avoid copying crap (i.e. XXX)
s_send_pck <= S_FINISH_CYCLE; -- we free page in EOF
end if;
if(mpm_dvalid_i = '1') then -- only when dvalid to avoid copying crap (i.e. XXX)
tmp_adr <= mpm2wb_adr_int;
tmp_dat <= mpm2wb_dat_int;
tmp_sel <= mpm2wb_sel_int;
end if;
if(src_i.err = '1') then
s_send_pck <= S_EOF; -- we free page in EOF
src_out_int.cyc <= '0';
src_out_int.stb <= '0';
s_send_pck <= S_EOF; -- we free page in EOF
src_out_int.cyc <= '0';
src_out_int.stb <= '0';
elsif(src_i.stall = '0') then
src_out_int.dat <= tmp_dat;
src_out_int.adr <= tmp_adr;
src_out_int.stb <= '1';
src_out_int.sel <= tmp_sel;
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
src_out_int.dat <= tmp_dat;
src_out_int.adr <= tmp_adr;
src_out_int.stb <= '1';
src_out_int.sel <= tmp_sel;
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
end if;
if(src_i.stall = '0') then
src_out_int.stb <= '0';
end if;
if(((ack_count = 0) or g_wb_ob_ignore_ack) and src_out_int.stb = '0') then
src_out_int.cyc <= '0';
s_send_pck <= S_EOF; -- we free page in EOF
s_send_pck <= S_EOF; -- we free page in EOF
end if;
when S_EOF =>
if(ppfm_free = '0') then
start_free_pck <= '1';
start_free_pck_addr <= pck_start_pgaddr;
if(s_prep_to_send = S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY and src_i.err = '0') then
src_out_int.cyc <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
pck_start_pgaddr <= mpm_pg_addr;
pck_start_pgaddr <= mpm_pg_addr;
s_send_pck <= S_IDLE;
s_send_pck <= S_IDLE;
end if;
s_send_pck <= S_WAIT_FREE_PCK;
end if;
s_send_pck <= S_WAIT_FREE_PCK;
end if;
when S_RETRY =>
if(s_prep_to_send = S_RETRY_READY) then
src_out_int.cyc <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
pck_start_pgaddr <= mpm_pg_addr;
end if;
if(s_prep_to_send = S_RETRY_READY) then
src_out_int.cyc <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
pck_start_pgaddr <= mpm_pg_addr;
end if;
if(ppfm_free = '0') then
start_free_pck <= '1';
start_free_pck_addr <= pck_start_pgaddr;
if(s_prep_to_send = S_NEWPCK_PAGE_READY and src_i.err = '0') then
src_out_int.cyc <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
pck_start_pgaddr <= mpm_pg_addr;
src_out_int.cyc <= '1';
s_send_pck <= S_DATA;
pck_start_pgaddr <= mpm_pg_addr;
s_send_pck <= S_IDLE;
s_send_pck <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
s_send_pck <= S_IDLE;
s_send_pck <= S_IDLE;
end case;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -720,19 +720,19 @@ begin -- behavoural
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
ppfm_free <= '0';
ppfm_free_pgaddr <= (others => '0');
ppfm_free <= '0';
ppfm_free_pgaddr <= (others => '0');
if(start_free_pck = '1') then
ppfm_free <= '1';
ppfm_free_pgaddr <= start_free_pck_addr;
ppfm_free <= '1';
ppfm_free_pgaddr <= start_free_pck_addr;
-- drop_imp:
-- elsif(drop_data_valid = '1') then
-- ppfm_free <= '1';
-- ppfm_free_pgaddr <= rd_data(g_mpm_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
elsif(ppfm_free_done_i = '1') then
ppfm_free <='0';
ppfm_free_pgaddr <= (others => '0');
ppfm_free <= '0';
ppfm_free_pgaddr <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -746,21 +746,21 @@ begin -- behavoural
mpm_pg_valid_o <= mpm_pg_valid;
-------------- pWB ----------------------
out_dat_err <= '1' when src_out_int.stb = '1' and -- we have valid data *and*
(src_out_int.adr = c_WRF_STATUS) and -- the address indicates status *and*
(f_unmarshall_wrf_status(src_out_int.dat).error = '1') else -- the status indicates error
mpm2wb_adr_int <= mpm_d_i(g_mpm_data_width -1 downto g_mpm_data_width - g_wb_addr_width);
mpm2wb_sel_int <= '1' & mpm_dsel_i ; -- TODO: something generic
mpm2wb_dat_int <= mpm_d_i(g_wb_data_width -1 downto 0);
out_dat_err <= '1' when src_out_int.stb = '1' and -- we have valid data *and*
(src_out_int.adr = c_WRF_STATUS) and -- the address indicates status *and*
(f_unmarshall_wrf_status(src_out_int.dat).error = '1') else -- the status indicates error
mpm2wb_adr_int <= mpm_d_i(g_mpm_data_width -1 downto g_mpm_data_width - g_wb_addr_width);
mpm2wb_sel_int <= '1' & mpm_dsel_i; -- TODO: something generic
mpm2wb_dat_int <= mpm_d_i(g_wb_data_width -1 downto 0);
-- source out
src_o <= src_out_int;
src_o <= src_out_int;
-------------- PPFM ----------------------
ppfm_free_o <= ppfm_free;
ppfm_free_pgaddr_o <= ppfm_free_pgaddr;
ppfm_free_o <= ppfm_free;
ppfm_free_pgaddr_o <= ppfm_free_pgaddr;
end behavoural;
\ No newline at end of file
end behavoural;
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