Commit 7bc25abe authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

Merge branch 'master' of git://

parents c526c0a3 4b6271e1
% White-Rabbit NIC Gateware
% Javier Díaz, UGR-7S
% 30 Jul. 2012
% Javier Díaz Univ. of Granada, Rafael Rodriguez Seven Solutions
% 14 Dec. 2012
The White-Rabbit Network Interface Card (WR-NIC) project is concerned with the development of gateware and software to make the combination of a SPEC and a DIO mezzanine behave as a Network Interface Card (NIC) under Linux. Basic demo uses two SPEC boards, one configured as grandmaster and one as slave. Different simple use cases will be provided as basic demo.
This document focus on the description of the project gateware. This manual is part of the associated hardware project, hosted at, whose git repository hosts the latest version.
This document focus on the description of the project gateware. This manual is part of the associated hardware project, hosted at <>, whose git repository hosts the latest version.
![Basic wr-nic project elements](./img/wrnic_components.png)
Note that the WR-NIC project inherits many code and working methodology of many other projects. Specially important to highly the following ones:
1. White-Rabbit core collection: `` (wishbonized branch). Look at the WR PTP Core. It is a black-box standalone WR-PTP protocol core, incorporating a CPU, WR MAC and PLLs. It is also convenient to look at TxTSU and NIC project. For further details, search for its related wbgen2 files (extension .wb).
2. Software for White-Rabbit PTP core: `` (a subproject of the previous one)
3. Gennum GN4124 core: ``
4. The platform independent core collection: ``. An important one is the Wishbone crossbar with is download at the DOWNLOAD_PATH/wr-cores/ip_cores/general-cores/modules/wishbone.
1. White-Rabbit core collection: <> (wishbonized branch). Look at the WR PTP Core. It is a black-box standalone WR-PTP protocol core, incorporating a CPU, WR MAC and PLLs. It is also convenient to look at TxTSU and NIC project. For further details, search for its related wbgen2 files (extension .wb).
2. Software for White-Rabbit PTP core: <> (a subproject of the previous one)
3. Gennum GN4124 core: <>
4. The platform independent core collection: <>. An important one is the Wishbone crossbar with is download at the `DOWNLOAD_PATH/wr-cores/ip_cores/general-cores/modules/wishbone`.
In addition to these project, software support is provided from the project:
1. Software (driver, fmc-bus and NIC working examples) <>. This projects requires a "golden FPGA gateware" (spec-init.bin) which is available at <>
2. Starting kit tutorial. A quick overview about the global project (mainly tutorials and applications examples). It is available at
Gateware elements
......@@ -47,11 +52,11 @@ The `WRPC (White Rabbit PTP Core)` block is the HDL block that makes possible th
In this project, WRPC provides the timing information used for accurate output generation and input time stamping of the DIO signals. Note that this data is provided with an accuracy of 8 ns.
Please note that the current gateware contains the LM32 firmware (so the FPGA . Latest version is available at: ``. Gateware the wrc.ram file produced after firmware compilation.
Please note that the current gateware contains the LM32 firmware (so the FPGA) . The embedded binary corresponds to the `wr-nic-v1.0` release available at: <>.
It is important to remark that for this release the I2C bus of the FMC-DIO card is connected to WRPC. This is needed because current implementation of WRPC store configuration data on the FMC-DIO card EEPROM. Please be aware that for future releases this could change.
The whole description of the core goes beyond the scope of this documentation but the additional information is available at: `` and in:
The whole description of the core goes beyond the scope of this documentation but the additional information is available at: <> and in:
G. Daniluk, White Rabbit PTP Core the sub-nanosecond time synchronization over Ethernet, 2012.
M.Sc thesis describing the development and implementation of the first standalone HDL module handling the sub-nanosecond synchronization over a regular Ethernet - the White Rabbit PTP Core.
......@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ Any address within this memory space may be addressed by the PC to configure cor
DIO core utilization
The DIO core, according to its architecture already shown, it allows to read input data of each of the 5 channel with precise time-tag information provided by the WRPTP core. It is also possible to program output at a precise time or we could just generate an output signals immediately. In addition, it is also possible to configure different boards elements as terminator resistors or reference voltage Level using the DAC. All this elements could be controlled independently for each of the 5 channels. More information about the different board configuration elements is available at:
The DIO core, according to its architecture already shown, it allows to read input data of each of the 5 channel with precise time-tag information provided by the WRPTP core. It is also possible to program output at a precise time or we could just generate an output signals immediately. In addition, it is also possible to configure different boards elements as terminator resistors or reference voltage Level using the DAC. All this elements could be controlled independently for each of the 5 channels. More information about the different board configuration elements is available at: <>
Note that dio channels time base work wth 8 ns accuracy for inputs time-tagging. Outputs need to be generated align on 8 ns time-slices but their time-stamps values have subnanosecond accuracy thanks to the White-Rabbit timing properties.
In order to use input/output channels as previously described, the following actions are required:
......@@ -134,6 +139,74 @@ Please note that each peripheral generating interrupts has own interrupts regist
For instance for the DIO core, please check the status of interrupt registers by looking at `wr_nic.wb ` as previously described.
How to synthetize it?
You first step is to obtain the `wrc.ram` that you need to embedded in your HDL,
then you can synthetize the gateware.
WRPC-SW (LM32 firmware)
You can download it from <> or you can try to compile it following the instructions below:
You should first installed the **lm32** compiler as suggested in [wrpc.pdf], then you can compile executing the following commands:
#Set up CROSS_COMPILE variable for this terminal
export CROSS_COMPILE="<your_path_to_lm32>/lm32/bin/lm32-elf-";
#Clone the repository
$ git clone git://
$ git checkout -b wr-nic-v1.0 wr-nic-v1.0
$ cd wrpc-sw
And finally configure & compile it
# Configuring the project for SPEC
$ make wrnic_defconfig
# Compile
$ make
You should obtain various files named wrc.bin, wrc.elf, wrc.vhd, wrc.ram
> ***Notes***: These steps are a simple resume on how to compile the
firware specifically for the wr-nic, you should also look at the [wrpc.pdf] to understand how to use it
and how to compile for other configurations.
WR-NIC (HDL-gateware)
The final step is to prepare the WR-NIC bitstream (SPEC+FMC DIO) with
the wrpc-sw embeded inside.
## Checkout the code
git clone git://
git checkout -b wr-nic-v1.0 wr-nic-v1.0
## Import the wrc.ram from wrpc-sw to the wr-nic project
cp wrpc-sw/wrc.ram wr-nic/syn/spec/
## Go to the main directory
cd wr-nic/syn/spec/
## Synthetize using hdlmake
hdlmake --fetch
hdlmake --fetch
hdlmake -l
you should finally obtain the bitstream to import in your fmc driver folder.
Software support and applications
......@@ -143,28 +216,34 @@ This project could be used as starting demo with White-Rabbit technology, illust
* Applications examples.
Both elements are described in the software manual of the WR-NIC project and it is out of the scope of current document to describe them with further details. Please read that document in order to have a complete understanding of the NIC project.
Both elements are described in the software manual of the WR-NIC project and it is out of the scope of current document to describe them with further details. The corresponding links are provided at the introduction section of this document. Please read that document in order to have a complete understanding of the NIC project.
Finally, as working examples, current release already provide the following applications:
* Simple transmission of timing information from the master to the slave, with nothing necessarily hooked to the external inputs of the boards.
* The master host could be configured as grandmaster (if external PPS and 10 MHz signal is available from GPS or Cesium clock) or just work as simple master (free-running).
* The slave host schedule a pulse output each second. Looking at the outputs on a scope we should see them perfectly aligned.
* Network latency measurements. This is interesting if we connect a switch between the SPEC cards. By using the timestamps on Ethernet frames we could get the measurement of the network latency, verify it it is constant or how traffic affect this parameter.
There are some considerations about the gateware properties that need to be well understood in order to avoid problems. They are:
Many other options are possible. For instance, we could transmit an external frequency and schedule a similar output with a fixed delay on other nodes. We should be able to see a constant time offset between the two pulses on the scope. Examples like this could be added on next releases.
* Properly setting of interrupts registers or wrong memory maps are the typical errors at this stage. Please check it carefully.
* Please verify that the embedded LM32 processor has been loaded with the correct firmware (`wrc.ram` file on the project folder) and it runs on the proper mode (slave or master). Otherwise time information will not be available and therefore time-stamping information and programmable outputs will not be able to run properly. The software manual provide information about how to program the softprocessor and verify its right behavior.
* The programmable output does not support buffering mode. Therefore, if one output is programmed, user should avoid to reprogramming until output pulse has been done. Otherwise, previous pulse will be lost. This is implemented as it to simplify the hardware and specifications (current functionality works well for our simple illustrative applications examples). Nevertheless it should be taken into account if you develop your own application.
* Timestamping granularity of inputs DIO channel is limited to 8ns so there is not any error if further accuracy is not obtained. Nevertheless, note White-Rabbit will still synchronize the system clock with subnanosecond accuracy.
* Currently virtual UART is not running but it is expected to be solved very soon.
Further information will be provided in future releases.
Properly setting of interrupts registers or wrong memory maps are the typical errors at this stage (in addition to HDL bugs!).
Please verify that the embedded LM32 processor has been loaded with the corresponding software and it runs on the proper mode (slave or master). Otherwise time information will not be available and therefore time-stamping information and programmable outputs will not be able to run properly. The software manual provide information about how to program the softprocessor and verify its right behavior.
Further information will be provided.
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