Commit 8a352bca authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

vtuCore: add comments, simplify the HDL.

parent 31b66a77
......@@ -528,11 +528,17 @@ entity vtuDataShifter is
-- Avoid pulses between two words
port (CoarseZero : out std_logic;
DataOut : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 );
-- Data output, provided 1 clock cycle after DataIn.
-- The first bit to generate is the MSB.
DataOut : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
OutputEnabled : out std_logic;
Clk : in std_logic;
Delay : in std_logic_vector(N - 1 downto 0 );
DataIn : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 );
-- Input data. The first bit is the MSB.
DataIn : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Enabled : in std_logic;
SyncPulse : out std_logic);
end vtuDataShifter;
......@@ -554,7 +560,6 @@ architecture vtuDataShifter of vtuDataShifter is
signal Sync_i : std_logic;
signal OutGood : std_logic;
signal Disabled : std_logic;
signal DataRaw : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0 );
signal CoarseZero_i : std_logic;
signal UseNextValue : std_logic;
signal FineDly : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0 );
......@@ -647,14 +652,12 @@ begin
OutputEnabled_i <= OutMuxSel and (not Disabled);
OutputEnabled <= OutputEnabled_i;
DataRaw(15 downto 8) <= DataClean;
DataRaw(7 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
-- Prepare next data output.
ShiftReg_proc: process (DataRaw, FineDly)
-- Prepare next data output: delay by FineDly.
ShiftReg_proc: process (DataClean, FineDly)
variable DataOut_aux : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DataOut_aux := std_logic_vector(shift_right(unsigned(DataRaw), to_integer(unsigned(FineDly))));
-- Delay by FineDly. Because the first bit is the MSB, do a right shift.
DataOut_aux := std_logic_vector(shift_right(unsigned(DataClean & x"00"), to_integer(unsigned(FineDly))));
if DataOut_aux(7 downto 0) = (7 downto 0 => '0') then
DataOut_i <= DataOut_aux(15 downto 8);
-- Need to wait one cycle.
......@@ -948,57 +951,29 @@ architecture ModeSelDecoder of ModeSelDecoder is
process (Mode)
if (Mode = C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_singlePulse) then
SinglePulseMode <= '1';
SinglePulseMode <= '0';
InfiniteWindowMode <= '0';
WindowedOperationMode <= '0';
SyncLessOperationMode <= '0';
LowFreqGenerationMode <= '0';
PlayMemoryMode <= '0';
elsif (Mode = C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_infiniteWindow) then
SinglePulseMode <= '0';
case Mode is
when C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_singlePulse =>
SinglePulseMode <= '1';
when C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_infiniteWindow =>
InfiniteWindowMode <= '1';
WindowedOperationMode <= '0';
SyncLessOperationMode <= '0';
LowFreqGenerationMode <= '0';
PlayMemoryMode <= '0';
elsif (Mode = C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_windowedOperation) then
SinglePulseMode <= '0';
InfiniteWindowMode <= '0';
when C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_windowedOperation =>
WindowedOperationMode <= '1';
SyncLessOperationMode <= '0';
LowFreqGenerationMode <= '0';
PlayMemoryMode <= '0';
elsif (Mode = C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_syncLessOperation) then
SinglePulseMode <= '0';
InfiniteWindowMode <= '0';
WindowedOperationMode <= '0';
when C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_syncLessOperation =>
SyncLessOperationMode <= '1';
LowFreqGenerationMode <= '0';
PlayMemoryMode <= '0';
elsif (Mode = C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_lowFreqGeneration) then
SinglePulseMode <= '0';
InfiniteWindowMode <= '0';
WindowedOperationMode <= '0';
SyncLessOperationMode <= '0';
when C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_lowFreqGeneration =>
LowFreqGenerationMode <= '1';
PlayMemoryMode <= '0';
elsif (Mode = C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_playMemory) then
SinglePulseMode <= '0';
InfiniteWindowMode <= '0';
WindowedOperationMode <= '0';
SyncLessOperationMode <= '0';
LowFreqGenerationMode <= '0';
when C_Code_ctuAsVtu_control2_mode_playMemory =>
PlayMemoryMode <= '1';
SinglePulseMode <= '0';
InfiniteWindowMode <= '0';
WindowedOperationMode <= '0';
SyncLessOperationMode <= '0';
LowFreqGenerationMode <= '0';
PlayMemoryMode <= '0';
end if ;
when others =>
end case;
end process;
end ModeSelDecoder;
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