Commit c892aaf6 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

VLAN config

- New script to generate the VLAN kconfig
- Allows raw configuration for vlan ports
- New key for PTP VID
parent fd042d17
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# Jean-Claude BAU @CERN
# script to generate Kconfig timing port configuration.
# Parameters:
# -o file Overwrite the default output file name
#decode script parameters
while getopts o: option
case "${option}" in
function is_profile_enabled() {
for profile in $profileList; do
if [ $profile == "$1" ]; then return 1 ; fi
return 0;
function print_header() {
echo -e "\nmenu \"VLANs\""
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_ENABLE"
echo -e "\tbool \"Enable VLANs\""
echo -e "\tdefault n"
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Enable VLAN configuration via dot-config"
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_RAW_PORT_CONFIG"
echo -e "\tdepends on VLANS_ENABLE"
echo -e "\tbool \"Enable raw configuration for VLANS\""
echo -e "\tdefault n"
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Enable raw configuration for VLANS\n"
function print_footer() {
echo -e "\nendmenu # Menu VLANS"
function print_ports_header() {
echo -e "\nmenu \"Ports configuration\""
echo -e "\tdepends on VLANS_ENABLE"
function print_ports_footer() {
echo -e "\nendmenu # Menu Ports configuration"
function print_port_header() {
local portIdx=$1
echo -e "\ncomment \"========= P O R T ${portIdx} ============\""
function print_port_footer() {
local portIdx=$1
function print_port_config() {
local portIdx=$1
local portStr=`printf "%02d" $portIdx`
echo -e "\nchoice VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE\n"
echo -e "\tprompt \"VLAN mode\""
echo -e "\tdefault VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE_UNQUALIFIED"
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE_ACCESS"
echo -e "\tbool \"Access mode\""
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Please check the help of VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE"
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE_TRUNK"
echo -e "\tbool \"Trunk mode\""
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Please check the help of VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE"
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE_DISABLED"
echo -e "\tbool \"VLAN-disabled mode\""
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Please check the help of VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE"
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE_UNQUALIFIED"
echo -e "\tbool \"Unqualified mode\""
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Please check the help of VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE"
echo -e "endchoice # choice VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE"
echo -e "\nchoice VLANS_PORT${portStr}_UNTAG"
echo -e "\tprompt \"Untag frames\""
echo -e "\tdefault VLANS_PORT${portStr}_UNTAG_ALL"
echo -e "\tdepends on VLANS_PORT${portStr}_MODE_ACCESS || VLANS_RAW_PORT_CONFIG"
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Decide whether VLAN-tags should be removed"
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_UNTAG_ALL"
echo -e "\tbool \"untag all\""
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Untag all tagged frames."
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_UNTAG_NONE"
echo -e "\tbool \"untag none\""
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Keep VLAN tags for all tagged frames."
echo -e "endchoice #choice VLANS_PORT${portStr}_UNTAG"
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_PRIO"
echo -e "\tint \"Priority\""
echo -e "\tdefault -1"
echo -e "\trange -1 7"
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Priority value used when tagging frames or to override priority passed"
echo -e "\t to RTU."
echo -e "\t -1 disables the priority overwrite. Valid values are from -1 to 7."
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_VID"
echo -e "\tstring \"VID\""
echo -e "\tdefault \"\""
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_PORT${portStr}_PTP_VID"
echo -e "\tstring \"PTP VID\""
echo -e "\tdepends on VLANS_RAW_PORT_CONFIG"
echo -e "\tdefault VLANS_PORT${portStr}_VID"
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t VID used for the PTP messages"
function help_vlan_port_mode() {
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t In terms of VLAN-tag, there are four types of VLAN-tags that can"
echo -e "\t extend the Ethernet Frame header:"
echo -e "\t * none - tag is not included in the Ethernet Frame"
echo -e "\t * priority - tag that has VID=0x0"
echo -e "\t * VLAN - tag that has VID in the range 0x001 to 0xFFE"
echo -e "\t * null - tag that has VID=0xFFF"
echo -e "\n\t The behaviour of each PMODE that can be set per-port depends on the"
echo -e "\t type of VLAN-tag in the received frame."
echo -e "\n\t - PMODE=access (0x0), frames with:"
echo -e "\t * no VLAN-tag : are admitted, tagged with the values of VID and"
echo -e "\t priority that are configured in PORT_VID and"
echo -e "\t PRIO_VAL respectively"
echo -e "\t * priority tag : are admitted, their tag is unchanged, the value of"
echo -e "\t VID provided to the RTU is overridden with the"
echo -e "\t configured in PORT_VID. If PRIO_VAL is not -1,"
echo -e "\t the value of priority provided to RTU is"
echo -e "\t overridden with the configured PRIO_VAL"
echo -e "\t * VLAN tag : are discarded"
echo -e "\t * null tag : are discarded"
echo -e "\n\t - PMODE=trunk (0x1), frames with:"
echo -e "\t * no VLAN-tag : are discarded"
echo -e "\t * priority tag : are discarded"
echo -e "\t * VLAN tag : are admitted; if PRIO_VAL is not -1, the value of"
echo -e "\t priority provided to RTU is overridden with"
echo -e "\t the configured PRIO_VAL"
echo -e "\t * null tag : are discarded"
echo -e "\n\t - PMODE=disabled (0x2), frames with:"
echo -e "\t * no VLAN-tag : are admitted. No other configuration is used even"
echo -e "\t if set."
echo -e "\t * priority tag : are admitted; if PRIO_VAL is not -1, the value of"
echo -e "\t priority provided to RTU is overridden with"
echo -e "\t the configured PRIO_VAL"
echo -e "\t * VLAN tag : are admitted; if PRIO_VAL is not -1, the value of"
echo -e "\t priority provided to RTU is overridden with"
echo -e "\t the configured PRIO_VAL"
echo -e "\t * null tag : are admitted; if PRIO_VAL is not -1, the value of"
echo -e "\t priority provided to RTU is overridden with"
echo -e "\t the configured PRIO_VAL"
echo -e "\n\t - PMODE=unqualified (0x3), frames with:"
echo -e "\t * no VLAN-tag : are admitted. No other configuration is used even"
echo -e "\t if set."
echo -e "\t * priority tag : are admitted. Their tag is unchanged, the value of"
echo -e "\t VID provided to the RTU is overridden with the"
echo -e "\t configured in PORT_VID. If PRIO_VAL is not -1,"
echo -e "\t the value of priority provided to RTU is"
echo -e "\t overridden with the configured PRIO_VAL"
echo -e "\t NOTE: providing a VID for this mode is not"
echo -e "\t supported in the dot-config"
echo -e "\t * VLAN tag : are admitted; if PRIO_VAL is not -1, the value of"
echo -e "\t priority provided to RTU is overridden with"
echo -e "\t the configured PRIO_VAL"
echo -e "\t * null tag : discarded."
function help_vlan_port_vid() {
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t This value based on the port's mode is used as:"
echo -e "\t --MODE_ACCESS - (mandatory) use as VID for tagging incoming frames and notify"
echo -e "\t the PPSI which VLAN shall it use for synchronization; only one VLAN"
echo -e "\t number shall be used in this mode"
echo -e "\t --MODE_TRUNK - (optional) notify the PPSI which VLAN shall it use for"
echo -e "\t synchronization; semicolon separated list is allowed"
echo -e "\t --MODE_DISABLED - (optional) notify the PPSI which VLANs shall it use for"
echo -e "\t synchronization; semicolon separated list is allowed"
echo -e "\t --MODE_UNQUALIFIED - (optional) notify the PPSI which VLANs shall it use for"
echo -e "\t synchronization; semicolon separated list is allowed;"
echo -e "\t The range of a valid VID is 0 to 4094"
function print_vlans_header () {
echo -e "\nmenu \"VLANs configuration\""
echo -e "\t depends on VLANS_ENABLE"
function print_vlans_footer () {
echo -e "\nendmenu"
function print_vlan_set_header() {
local vset=$1
local idx1=$2
local idx2=$3
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_ENABLE_SET$vset"
echo -e "\tbool \"Enable configuration for VLANs $idx1-$idx2\""
echo -e "\tdefault n"
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\nmenu \"Configuration for VLANs $idx1-$idx2\""
echo -e "\tdepends on VLANS_ENABLE_SET$vset"
function print_vlan_set_footer() {
local vset=$1
local idx1=$2
local idx2=$3
echo -e "endmenu #nmenu \"Configuration for VLANs $idx1-$idx2\""
function print_vlan_set_config() {
local vset=$1
local idx1=$2
local idx2=$3
local idx=$4
local vlanStr=`printf "%04d" $idx`
echo -e "\nconfig VLANS_VLAN${vlanStr}"
echo -e "\tstring \"VLAN${idx} configuration\""
echo -e "\tdefault \"\""
echo -e "\thelp"
echo -e "\t Provide the configuration for VLAN${idx}"
echo -e "\t Example:"
echo -e "\t fid=0,prio=4,drop=no,ports=1;2;3-5;7"
echo -e "\t Where:"
echo -e "\t --\"fid\" is a associated Filtering ID (FID) number. One FID can be"
echo -e "\t associated with many VIDs. RTU learning is performed per-FID."
echo -e "\t Associating many VIDs with a single FID allowed shared-VLANs"
echo -e "\t learning."
echo -e "\t --\"prio\" is a priority of a VLAN; can take values between -1 and 7"
echo -e "\t -1 disables priority override, any other valid value takes"
echo -e "\t precedence over port priority"
echo -e "\t --If \"drop\" is set to y, yes or 1 all frames belonging to this VID are"
echo -e "\t dropped (note that frame can belong to a VID as a consequence of"
echo -e "\t per-port Endpoint configuration); can take values y, yes, 1, n, no, 0"
echo -e "\t --\"ports\" is a list of ports separated with a semicolon sign (\";\");"
echo -e "\t ports ranges are supported (with a minus sign)"
function generate_configuration () {
for p in `seq 1 $portCount`; do
print_port_header ${p}
print_port_config ${p}
print_port_footer ${p}
for s in "${vlan_sets[@]}" ; do
idx1=`echo "$s" | grep -o -e "^[0-9]*" `
idx2=`echo "$s" | grep -o -e "[0-9]*$" `
print_vlan_set_header $vlanSet $idx1 $idx2
for idx in `seq $idx1 $idx2`; do
print_vlan_set_config $vlanSet $idx1 $idx2 $idx
print_vlan_set_footer $vlanSet $idx1 $idx2
# Generation parameters
vlan_sets=("0:23" "23:100" "101:4094")
......@@ -542,11 +542,12 @@ for i_port in {01..18}; do # scan all the physical ports
# add vlans
if [ "$CONFIG_VLANS_ENABLE" = "y" ]; then
unset ppsi_vlans;
unset port_vid;
unset port_mode_access;
unset port_mode_trunk;
unset port_mode_unqualified;
unset port_mode_disabled;
unset port_ptp_vid
# check port mode
port_mode_access=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_MODE_ACCESS")
......@@ -554,16 +555,22 @@ for i_port in {01..18}; do # scan all the physical ports
port_mode_unqualified=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_MODE_UNQUALIFIED")
port_mode_disabled=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_MODE_DISABLED")
port_vid=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_VID")
port_ptp_vid=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_PTP_VID")
if [ -z "$port_ptp_vid" ] ; then
# check port mode
if [ "$port_mode_access" = "y" ]; then
ppsi_vlans=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_VID")
# use "&> /dev/null" to avoid error when $ppsi_vlans
# is not a number
if [ "$ppsi_vlans" -ge 0 ] &> /dev/null \
&& [ "$ppsi_vlans" -le 4094 ] &> /dev/null; then
v="$inst_vn[vlan]"; eval ${v}="$ppsi_vlans"
if [ "$port_ptp_vid" -ge 0 ] &> /dev/null \
&& [ "$port_ptp_vid" -le 4094 ] &> /dev/null; then
v="$inst_vn[vlan]"; eval ${v}="$port_ptp_vid"
echo "$script_name: Wrong value \"$ppsi_vlans\" in CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_VID" | tee $log_output
echo "$script_name: Wrong value \"$port_ptp_vid\" in CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_VID" | tee $log_output
......@@ -571,9 +578,8 @@ for i_port in {01..18}; do # scan all the physical ports
if [ "$port_mode_trunk" = "y" ] \
|| [ "$port_mode_disabled" = "y" ] \
|| [ "$port_mode_unqualified" = "y" ]; then
ppsi_vlans=$(eval "echo \$CONFIG_VLANS_PORT"$i_port"_VID")
if [ -n "$ppsi_vlans" ]; then
if [ -n "$port_ptp_vid" ]; then
v="$inst_vn[vlan]"; eval ${v}="$mod_vlans"
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