Commit b0d1772f authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: update flashing chapter

Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 488cfe86
......@@ -535,19 +535,55 @@ we inherited from Atmel. The @file{flash-wrs} script is what
you'll use to run the loader with appropriate parameters.
The script can be invoked in the following way to flash a
@i{package} into the switch. To the package is the @code{.tar.gz}
@i{package} into the switch. The package is the @code{.tar.gz}
file created by ``@code{wrs_build-all --pack}'' (see @ref{Release Package}).
The command to flash is this:
/path/to/wr-switch-sw/build/flash-wrs --silent -e wrs-firmware-<revision>.tar.gz
/path/to/wr-switch-sw/build/flash-wrs -e wrs-firmware-<revision>.tar.gz
@end example
You can also flash the image you have build using @ref{Building} by
adding the tag @code{-b|--build}. To use this option you must define the
WRS_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable.
/path/to/wr-switch-sw/build/flash-wrs -e -b
@end example
Please note that the ``@code{-e}'', which requires erasing the
whole flash, is mandatory because otherwise bits of your previous filesystem
may leak into the newly-programmed one. Only on factory-new devices you
can avoid this ``@code{-e}'' argument.
whole data flash, is mandatory because otherwise bits of your previous
installation may leak into the newly-programmed one. Only on factory-new
devices you can avoid this ``@code{-e}'' argument. When you program
the NAND memory the script applies automatically @code{-e} option.
It is recomended to configure the MAC addresses during the flashing
procedure. With the option @code{-m1|--mac1} you can select the MAC address
to assign to the Ethernet port on board. With the option @code{-m2|--mac2}
you can select the base MAC address; the @code{wr_nic} driver will use this
MAC address to sequentially assign a MAC address for every switch ports.
/path/to/wr-switch-sw/build/flash-wrs -e -b -m1 02:34:56:77:65:43
-m2 02:34:34:34:34:00
@end example
If you don't configure a MAC address, a big warning will be displayed and
you have 3 seconds to abort the procedure. If you don't abort the flashing
procedure, the script will use default MAC addresses. Default MAC addresses
are: 02:34:56:78:9A:BC for MAC1, 02:34:56:78:9A:00 for MAC2.
/path/to/wr-switch-sw/build/flash-wrs -e -b
Starting flashing procedure in 3 seconds ...
@end example
The process calls the flasher program twice (so you'll see the
initialization strings two times) an takes around 3 minutes.
......@@ -555,20 +591,50 @@ This is the a summary of the output you are expected to see,
trimmed to save pages:
Initializing SAM-BA: CPU ID: 0x819b05a2
Initializing DDR...
loading applet isp-extram-at91sam9g45 at 0x00300000
Programming DataFlash...
@ 0x70000000 : /tmp/at91bootstrap.bin ; size 0xf7c (3Kb)
DataFlash: Writing 197452 bytes at offset 0x8400 buffer 70000000....
Programming DataFlash Done!!!
Programming NandFlash...
@ 0x70100000 : /tmp/zImage ; size 0x1666c4 (1433Kb)
Programming NandFlash Done!!!
Initializing SAM-BA: CPU ID: 0x819b05a2
Initializing DDR...
loading applet isp-extram-at91sam9g45 at 0x00300000
Initializing DDR > Done
Initializing DataFlash...
loading applet isp-dataflash-at91sam9g45 at 0x00300000
Initializing DataFlash > Done!
Erasing DataFlash > DONE
Programming DataFlash...
@ 0x70000000 : at91bootstrap.bin ; size 0xf7c (3Kb)
DataFlash: Writing 3964 bytes at offset 0x0 buffer 70000000....ABCDEF OK
@ 0x70008400 : barebox.Fb09jx ; size 0x2f1bc (188Kb)
DataFlash: Writing 192956 bytes at offset 0x8400 buffer 70000000....ABCDEF OK
Programming DataFlash Done!!!
Initializing NandFlash...
loading applet isp-nandflash-at91sam9g45 at 0x00300000
Initializing NandFlash > Done!
Erasing NandFlash > DONE
Initializing DDR...
loading applet isp-extram-at91sam9g45 at 0x00300000
Initializing DDR > Done
Erasing DDR > DONE
Loading DDR...
@ 0x70000000 : /tmp/barebox.Fb09jx ; size 0x2f1bc (188Kb)
@ 0x71000000 : /data/morgana/build-v3-fede/images/zImage ; size 0x16886c (1442Kb)
@ 0x71fffff8 : /tmp/wrsflash-cpio.jrPKMY.cpio.gz ; size 0x128c722 (18993Kb)
DDR: Writing 21119306 bytes at offset 0x0 buffer 70000000....ABCDEF
@end smallexample
If you look at the serial port, during programming, you will see
......@@ -580,6 +646,31 @@ messages like these:
-I- -- AT91SAM9G45-EK
-I- End of applet (command : 2 --- status : 0)
barebox 2012.05.0 (Oct 26 2012 - 20:51:43)
Board: CERN White Rabbit Switch V3
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
FLASHING: flashing kernel to /dev/mtd0 ...
Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000
FLASHING: flashing kernel to /dev/mtd0 ...
Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000
@end smallexample
......@@ -596,18 +687,19 @@ You might also want to check its embedded documentations using:
$ ./build/flash-wrs --help
Usage: ./build/flash-wrs [options] MAC [<firmware>.tar.gz] [DEV]
Usage: ./build/flash-wrs [options] [<firmware>.tar.gz] [DEV]
MAC: MAC address in hexadecimal seperated by ':' (i.e, 00:01:02:03:04:05)
MAC: MAC address in hexadecimal seperated by ':' (i.e, AB:CD:EF:01:23:45)
<firmware>.tar.gz: Use the file in the firmware to flash the device
DEV: The usb device (by default it is /dev/ttyACM0)
-h|--help Show this help message
-m|--mode can be: default, df (dataflash), nf (nandflash), test.
-m|--mode can be: default (df and nf), df (dataflash),
nf (nandflash), ddr (ddr memories).
-e Completely erase the memory (Can erase your configuration)
-b|--build Use file that you have build in the WRS_OUTPUT_DIR
--test Use file for testing the switch (not available)
--silent Don't ask MAC or S/N and use default 02:0B:AD:C0:FF:EE
-m1|--mac1 Default MAC address for the ethernet port on board
-m2|--mac2 Default base MAC address for the switch ports
@end smallexample
The @i{DEV} is optional and the default is @code{/dev/ttyACM0}.
......@@ -615,15 +707,6 @@ If your system maps the Atmel ROM to a different device name, please
pass the name on the command line. The script wants a full pathname
starting with @code{/}.
If the @code{--silent} flag is used the MAC will be by default
02:0B:AD:C0:FF:EE; otherwise MAC is mandatory. If MAC is not specified
the script exit. In this version, the MAC address is unused but this field is
mandatory for the script; so, we suggest to use the @code{--silent} option.
Future version of the switch will use the MAC address configuration.
You can also flash the image you have build using @ref{Building} by
adding the tag @code{-b|--build}.
If you want to flash your own @i{at91boot.bin}, @i{barebox.bin}, @i{kernel}
or @i{file-system} you can just place them in the @file{$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images}
directory and call the script with @code{-b|--build} option.
......@@ -638,10 +721,11 @@ install different binaries on these memories:
@item nandflash: @emph{kernel} zImage and the @emph{file-system}
@end itemize
You can also erase the selected memory before write your binaries; to do this
add the option @code{-e}. Note that if you use this option with the default
memory mode you will erase both the nandflash and dataflash. If you want to
erase only one memory please select it with @code{-m|--mode} option.
You can also erase the dataflash memory before write your binaries; to do this
add the option @code{-e}. Note that the script always erase nandflash before
write on it.
The script performs the following steps:
......@@ -649,11 +733,11 @@ The script performs the following steps:
@item It compiles the loader (@i{usb-loader/} subdir).
@item Check if SAMBA bootloader is present.
@item It picks the correct binaries according to the options.
@item Optionally, it changes the default MAC address in @i{barebox}
@item Optionally, it changes the default MAC addresses in @i{barebox}
default environment, so you can make all switches different.
@item It erases the memory selected by mode.
@item Optionally, it erases the dataflash memory.
@item And finally, it writes the corresponding binaries to @i{dataflash},
@i{nandflash} or @i{ddr}.
or @i{ddr}.
@end itemize
@c ############################################################################
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