Commit 30960555 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

[BUG: #213] ppsi: call /etc/init.d/wr_date instead /wr/bin/wr_date in GM mode

/etc/init.d/wr_date gets parameter "ppsi" to avoid redirect of the
output and setting the date from /update/saved_date if unable to get
the data via ntp.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 37bb23a4
Subproject commit a72498ca746f82bd3ec15d96b47cdd9b7347a972
Subproject commit dc14c5b53f5b21ffb23e0487a7e093c173a9181d
......@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
# Configure time at WRS startup
# If called with a parameter "ppsi" and unable to get time from ntp,
# then the time is not set to the value stored at the last restart in
# /update/saved_date
# The set of time from the /update/saved_date file can happen only at the call
# of this script from rcS during the bootup.
if [ -f $dotConfig ]; then
......@@ -18,8 +23,12 @@ if [ -z $WRS_LOG ]; then
# If a pathname, use it
if echo "$WRS_LOG" | grep / > /dev/null; then
if [ "$1" = "ppsi" ]; then
# This script is called from the ppsi, all messagess will be passed to
# the log output via PPSi.
elif echo "$WRS_LOG" | grep / > /dev/null; then
# If a pathname, use it
eval LOGPIPE=\" \> $WRS_LOG 2\>\&1 \";
elif [ "$WRS_LOG" == "default_syslog" ]; then
# Not a pathname: use verbatim
......@@ -75,7 +84,7 @@ ntp_to_hwclk()
# check whether there is config file
# Check whether there is the config file
if [ -f $F ]; then
# pick the first server, if any
S=$(grep 'ntpserver' $F | sed 's/ntpserver//' | head -n 1)
......@@ -84,8 +93,10 @@ if [ -f $F ]; then
ntp_to_hwclk "$S"
# if ntp failed, try to restore date saved before last reboot
if [ $date_set = 0 ] && [ -f /update/saved_date ]; then
# If ntp failed and not called from PPSi try to restore the date information
# saved before the last reboot
if [ "$1" != "ppsi" ] && [ $date_set = 0 ] && [ -f /update/saved_date ]; then
#date is not accurate but no better idea.
eval echo "Restore saved time" $LOGPIPE
date -s `cat /update/saved_date`
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