The main purpose of the Clocking FMC is to test/prototype the clocking circuit proposed in the [WRS-4 main board (Hardware_Architecture)](/project/wr-switch-hw-v4/wikis/uploads/c4fa8bc97eeeb551c736146eae7b8e25/WRS-4_main_board_Hardware_Architecture_-v1.7-2020-06-09.pdf) document, section 3.4 (page 25-28). Additionally, the FMC has an SFP cage and it can be used to enable WR on a host board, such as e.g. AFCZ, or ZCU102/ZCU106 eval board.
## Reviews
Figure 5 shows a detailed block diagram of the proposed solution. As can be seen in
| | Date | Design files | Comments | Status |
| ------ | ---- | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| 1 |2020-07 | [pdf](uploads/bafa3fcbd86ebd5de2fa91d144da2822/BRD-FCWR-01_V1_0.pdf) [rar](uploads/90c900bc35779996b8cac789f44ef3c0/BRD-FCWR-01.rar) | | Completed |
| 2 |2020-09 | | | Ongoing |
The figure shows a detailed block diagram of the proposed solution. As can be seen in
this figure, the main PLL is the HMC7044 that has the following features of interest for the
new WRS-4:
- Possibility to have a mixed scenario (part of the design working with 62.5 MHz
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