Commit a5662bd9 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

documents: ISPCS2012 special session

parent 18666653
all : wrspec.pdf
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% fig2dev (version 3.2.5a) -L (m)mp version 0.05 --- Preamble
% mp output driver options:
% -L mp
%SetFigFont macros for latex
% Now draw the figure
% Some reasonable defaults
% Begin ellipse object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path c;
c = fullcircle scaled 8.06 yscaled 1.00
rotated 0.00 shifted (640.63,619.09);
draw c withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End ellipse object
% Begin ellipse object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path c;
c = fullcircle scaled 8.06 yscaled 1.00
rotated 0.00 shifted (640.63,556.72);
draw c withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End ellipse object
% Begin ellipse object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path c;
c = fullcircle scaled 8.06 yscaled 1.00
rotated 0.00 shifted (200.31,556.72);
draw c withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End ellipse object
% Begin ellipse object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path c;
c = fullcircle scaled 8.06 yscaled 1.00
rotated 0.00 shifted (200.31,619.09);
draw c withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End ellipse object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (306.14, 619.09)
--(365.67, 619.09);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (473.39, 619.09)
--(535.75, 619.09);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (306.14, 556.72)
--(365.67, 556.72);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (473.39, 556.72)
--(535.75, 556.72);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (204.09, 619.09)
--(249.45, 619.09);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (204.09, 556.72)
--(249.45, 556.72);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (592.44, 619.09)
--(637.80, 619.09);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (592.44, 556.72)
--(637.80, 556.72);
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
path p;
p = (354.33, 650.27)
--(484.72, 650.27)
--(484.72, 522.71)
--(354.33, 522.71)
--(354.33, 650.27)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.69,0.69) dashed evenly scaled 1.21;
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
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p = (238.11, 650.27)
--(320.31, 650.27)
--(320.31, 522.71)
--(238.11, 522.71)
--(238.11, 650.27)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.69,0.69) dashed evenly scaled 1.21;
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 0.94;
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p = (521.57, 650.27)
--(603.78, 650.27)
--(603.78, 522.71)
--(521.57, 522.71)
--(521.57, 650.27)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.69,0.69) dashed evenly scaled 1.21;
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 1.89;
path p;
p = (96.38, 667.28)
--(212.60, 667.28)
--(212.60, 505.70)
--(96.38, 505.70)
--(96.38, 667.28)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 1.89;
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p = (249.45, 633.26)
--(306.14, 633.26)
--(306.14, 604.91)
--(249.45, 604.91)
--(249.45, 633.26)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 1.89;
path p;
p = (249.45, 570.90)
--(306.14, 570.90)
--(306.14, 542.55)
--(249.45, 542.55)
--(249.45, 570.90)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 1.89;
path p;
p = (365.67, 633.26)
--(473.39, 633.26)
--(473.39, 604.91)
--(365.67, 604.91)
--(365.67, 633.26)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00) dashed evenly scaled 1.21;
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 1.89;
path p;
p = (365.67, 570.90)
--(473.39, 570.90)
--(473.39, 542.55)
--(365.67, 542.55)
--(365.67, 570.90)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00) dashed evenly scaled 1.21;
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
pickup pencircle scaled 1.89;
path p;
p = (535.75, 570.90)
--(592.44, 570.90)
--(592.44, 542.55)
--(535.75, 542.55)
--(535.75, 570.90)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
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p = (629.29, 667.28)
--(745.51, 667.28)
--(745.51, 505.70)
--(629.29, 505.70)
--(629.29, 667.28)--cycle;
draw p withcolor (0.00,0.00,0.00);
% End polyline object
% Begin polyline object
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p = (535.75, 633.26)
--(592.44, 633.26)
--(592.44, 604.91)
--(535.75, 604.91)
--(535.75, 633.26)--cycle;
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% End polyline object
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% End text object
% Begin text object
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q = btex \mpsetfnt $\Delta_{{rx}_s}$ etex;
picture p;
p = q rotated 0.00;
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q = btex \mpsetfnt $\Delta_{{tx}_s}$ etex;
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p = q rotated 0.00;
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% End text object
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% End text object
% Begin text object
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q = btex \mpsetfnt $t_1$ etex;
picture p;
p = q rotated 0.00;
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% End text object
% Begin text object
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q = btex \mpsetfnt $t_4$ etex;
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p = q rotated 0.00;
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% End text object
% Begin text object
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q = btex \mpsetfnt $t_3$ etex;
picture p;
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% End text object
% Begin text object
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q = btex \mpsetfnt $t_2$ etex;
picture p;
p = q rotated 0.00;
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0.239997 i
2802.48 1588 -45.6 171.84 23.28 0 26.16 -112.56 P
2.88 -11.76 5.28 -23.52 7.44 -35.28 c
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32.64 115.92 27.36 0 24.72 -86.88 p
6.24 -21.6 10.56 -42 13.44 -60.96 c
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26.88 110.4 23.04 0 -47.28 -171.84 -21.84 0 -36.24 130.8 p
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2995.96 1588 0 171.84 76.08 0 P
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6 -2.88 10.56 -5.76 13.68 -8.64 c
6.72 -6 12.96 -13.68 18.96 -22.8 c
30 -46.8 -28.8 0 -22.56 35.76 p
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3018.52 1684 48.96 0 P
10.32 0 18.48 0.96 24.48 3.12 c
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0 7.92 -2.88 14.64 -8.88 19.92 c
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11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
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3369.76 1650.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
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3567.44 1588 0 18.24 P
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0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
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0 -67.92 h
3827.48 1588 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
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0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
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5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
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3761 1650.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
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9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
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-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
3956.28 1650.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
4006.6 1588 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
4082.88 1540 -2.4 19.92 P
4.8 -1.2 8.64 -1.92 12.24 -1.92 c
4.56 0 8.4 0.72 11.04 2.4 c
2.88 1.44 5.28 3.6 6.96 6.48 c
1.44 2.16 3.6 7.44 6.48 15.6 c
0.48 1.2 0.96 2.88 1.92 5.28 c
-47.28 124.8 22.8 0 25.92 -72.24 p
3.36 -9.12 6.24 -18.72 8.88 -28.8 c
2.64 9.84 5.52 19.2 8.88 28.32 c
26.4 72.72 21.12 0 -47.28 -126.72 p
-5.04 -13.68 -9.12 -23.04 -11.76 -28.32 c
-3.84 -6.96 -8.16 -12 -12.96 -15.12 c
-4.8 -3.36 -10.56 -5.04 -17.28 -5.04 c
-4.08 0 -8.64 0.96 -13.68 2.64 c
4344.96 1633.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
4379.36 1588 21.1211 171.836 re
4421.92 1650.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
4443.76 1650.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
4640.96 1633.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
4676.84 1588 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
5086.85 861.062 2298.97 298.863 re
0.239997 i
5271.48 934 -45.6 171.84 23.28 0 26.16 -112.56 P
2.88 -11.76 5.28 -23.52 7.44 -35.28 c
4.32 18.48 6.96 29.04 7.68 31.92 c
32.64 115.92 27.36 0 24.72 -86.88 p
6.24 -21.6 10.56 -42 13.44 -60.96 c
2.16 10.8 5.04 23.28 8.4 37.44 c
26.88 110.4 23.04 0 -47.28 -171.84 -21.84 0 -36.24 130.8 p
-2.88 11.04 -4.8 17.76 -5.28 20.16 c
-1.92 -7.68 -3.6 -14.4 -5.04 -20.16 c
-36.48 -130.8 h
5464.96 934 0 171.84 76.08 0 P
15.36 0 26.88 -1.68 35.04 -4.56 c
7.92 -3.12 14.16 -8.64 18.96 -16.32 c
4.8 -7.92 7.2 -16.56 7.2 -25.92 c
0 -12.24 -3.84 -22.56 -11.76 -30.96 c
-7.92 -8.4 -20.16 -13.68 -36.72 -15.84 c
6 -2.88 10.56 -5.76 13.68 -8.64 c
6.72 -6 12.96 -13.68 18.96 -22.8 c
30 -46.8 -28.8 0 -22.56 35.76 p
-6.72 10.32 -12.24 18.24 -16.56 23.76 c
-4.32 5.28 -8.16 9.12 -11.52 11.28 c
-3.36 2.4 -6.72 3.84 -10.32 4.8 c
-2.64 0.48 -6.72 0.72 -12.72 0.72 c
-26.4 0 0 -76.32 h
5487.52 1030 48.96 0 P
10.32 0 18.48 0.96 24.48 3.12 c
5.76 2.16 10.32 5.76 13.2 10.32 c
3.12 4.8 4.56 9.84 4.56 15.6 c
0 7.92 -2.88 14.64 -8.88 19.92 c
-5.76 5.28 -15.12 7.92 -27.84 7.92 c
-54.48 0 h
5714.28 934 -19.44 0 0 171.84 20.88 0 0 -61.2 P
9.12 11.04 20.4 16.56 34.08 16.56 c
7.68 0 15.12 -1.44 21.84 -4.56 c
6.96 -3.12 12.48 -7.44 16.8 -12.96 c
4.56 -5.52 7.92 -12.24 10.56 -20.16 c
2.4 -7.92 3.6 -16.32 3.6 -25.44 c
0 -21.36 -5.28 -37.68 -15.84 -49.44 c
-10.56 -11.52 -23.04 -17.52 -37.92 -17.52 c
-14.64 0 -26.16 6.24 -34.56 18.48 c
5714.04 997.12 m
0 -14.88 2.16 -25.68 6 -32.16 c
6.72 -11.04 15.84 -16.32 27.12 -16.32 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.84 23.76 12 c
6.72 7.92 10.08 19.92 10.08 35.76 c
0 16.32 -3.12 28.32 -9.6 36 c
-6.48 7.68 -14.16 11.52 -23.28 11.52 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -4.08 -24 -12 c
-6.72 -7.92 -10.08 -19.68 -10.08 -34.8 c
5816.92 996.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
5838.76 996.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
6036.44 934 0 18.24 P
-9.84 -13.92 -22.8 -21.12 -39.6 -21.12 c
-7.2 0 -14.16 1.44 -20.4 4.32 c
-6.48 2.88 -11.28 6.24 -14.16 10.56 c
-3.12 4.32 -5.28 9.6 -6.72 15.6 c
-0.72 4.32 -1.2 10.8 -1.2 19.68 c
0 77.28 21.12 0 0 -69.12 p
0 -11.04 0.48 -18.48 1.2 -22.32 c
1.44 -5.52 4.32 -9.84 8.4 -12.96 c
4.32 -3.12 9.84 -4.8 16.08 -4.8 c
6.24 0 12.24 1.68 17.76 4.8 c
5.52 3.36 9.6 7.68 11.76 13.2 c
2.4 5.76 3.6 13.92 3.6 24.48 c
0 66.72 20.88 0 0 -124.56 h
6085.84 934 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.76 P
9.12 13.68 22.32 20.4 39.6 20.4 c
7.44 0 14.4 -1.2 20.64 -3.84 c
6.48 -2.88 11.04 -6.24 14.16 -10.8 c
3.12 -4.32 5.28 -9.6 6.72 -15.6 c
0.72 -3.84 0.96 -10.56 0.96 -20.4 c
0 -76.56 -21.12 0 0 75.84 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
-1.68 4.32 -4.56 7.68 -8.64 10.08 c
-4.32 2.64 -9.12 3.84 -14.64 3.84 c
-9.12 0 -16.8 -2.88 -23.28 -8.4 c
-6.72 -5.76 -9.84 -16.56 -9.84 -32.64 c
0 -67.92 h
6296.48 934 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
-9.84 0 -18.96 2.88 -27.36 8.4 c
-8.16 5.28 -14.64 12.96 -19.2 22.8 c
-4.56 9.84 -6.96 21.12 -6.96 33.84 c
0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
7.44 0 14.16 -1.44 19.92 -4.56 c
5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
0 61.68 20.88 0 0 -171.84 h
6230 996.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
6.72 -7.92 14.64 -11.76 23.76 -11.76 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
-6.48 7.92 -14.64 12 -24.24 12 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.52 -11.52 c
-6.24 -7.68 -9.36 -19.68 -9.36 -36.24 c
6426.96 949.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
6425.28 996.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
6475.6 934 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
6551.88 886 -2.4 19.92 P
4.8 -1.2 8.64 -1.92 12.24 -1.92 c
4.56 0 8.4 0.72 11.04 2.4 c
2.88 1.44 5.28 3.6 6.96 6.48 c
1.44 2.16 3.6 7.44 6.48 15.6 c
0.48 1.2 0.96 2.88 1.92 5.28 c
-47.28 124.8 22.8 0 25.92 -72.24 p
3.36 -9.12 6.24 -18.72 8.88 -28.8 c
2.64 9.84 5.52 19.2 8.88 28.32 c
26.4 72.72 21.12 0 -47.28 -126.72 p
-5.04 -13.68 -9.12 -23.04 -11.76 -28.32 c
-3.84 -6.96 -8.16 -12 -12.96 -15.12 c
-4.8 -3.36 -10.56 -5.04 -17.28 -5.04 c
-4.08 0 -8.64 0.96 -13.68 2.64 c
6813.96 979.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
6848.36 934 21.1211 171.836 re
6890.92 996.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
6912.76 996.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
7109.96 979.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
7145.84 934 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
2617.79 861.062 2298.97 298.863 re
0.239997 i
2770.48 934 0 171.84 64.8 0 P
11.52 0 20.16 -0.48 26.16 -1.68 c
8.4 -1.44 15.6 -4.08 21.36 -7.92 c
5.52 -4.08 10.08 -9.6 13.68 -16.56 c
3.36 -7.2 5.28 -15.12 5.28 -23.52 c
0 -14.64 -4.8 -27.12 -13.92 -37.2 c
-9.36 -10.08 -26.16 -15.12 -50.4 -15.12 c
-44.16 0 0 -69.84 h
2793.28 1024.24 44.4 0 P
14.64 0 25.2 2.64 31.2 8.16 c
6.24 5.52 9.36 13.2 9.36 23.04 c
0 7.2 -1.92 13.44 -5.52 18.48 c
-3.6 5.04 -8.4 8.4 -14.4 10.08 c
-3.84 0.96 -10.8 1.44 -21.12 1.44 c
-43.92 0 h
2968.16 934 0 151.44 -56.4 0 0 20.4 136.08 0 ^ -56.88 0 0 -151.44 H
3064.48 934 0 171.84 64.8 0 P
11.52 0 20.16 -0.48 26.16 -1.68 c
8.4 -1.44 15.6 -4.08 21.36 -7.92 c
5.52 -4.08 10.08 -9.6 13.68 -16.56 c
3.36 -7.2 5.28 -15.12 5.28 -23.52 c
0 -14.64 -4.8 -27.12 -13.92 -37.2 c
-9.36 -10.08 -26.16 -15.12 -50.4 -15.12 c
-44.16 0 0 -69.84 h
3087.28 1024.24 44.4 0 P
14.64 0 25.2 2.64 31.2 8.16 c
6.24 5.52 9.36 13.2 9.36 23.04 c
0 7.2 -1.92 13.44 -5.52 18.48 c
-3.6 5.04 -8.4 8.4 -14.4 10.08 c
-3.84 0.96 -10.8 1.44 -21.12 1.44 c
-43.92 0 h
3290.28 934 -19.44 0 0 171.84 20.88 0 0 -61.2 P
9.12 11.04 20.4 16.56 34.08 16.56 c
7.68 0 15.12 -1.44 21.84 -4.56 c
6.96 -3.12 12.48 -7.44 16.8 -12.96 c
4.56 -5.52 7.92 -12.24 10.56 -20.16 c
2.4 -7.92 3.6 -16.32 3.6 -25.44 c
0 -21.36 -5.28 -37.68 -15.84 -49.44 c
-10.56 -11.52 -23.04 -17.52 -37.92 -17.52 c
-14.64 0 -26.16 6.24 -34.56 18.48 c
3290.04 997.12 m
0 -14.88 2.16 -25.68 6 -32.16 c
6.72 -11.04 15.84 -16.32 27.12 -16.32 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.84 23.76 12 c
6.72 7.92 10.08 19.92 10.08 35.76 c
0 16.32 -3.12 28.32 -9.6 36 c
-6.48 7.68 -14.16 11.52 -23.28 11.52 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -4.08 -24 -12 c
-6.72 -7.92 -10.08 -19.68 -10.08 -34.8 c
3388.92 996.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
3410.76 996.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
3605.44 934 0 18.24 P
-9.84 -13.92 -22.8 -21.12 -39.6 -21.12 c
-7.2 0 -14.16 1.44 -20.4 4.32 c
-6.48 2.88 -11.28 6.24 -14.16 10.56 c
-3.12 4.32 -5.28 9.6 -6.72 15.6 c
-0.72 4.32 -1.2 10.8 -1.2 19.68 c
0 77.28 21.12 0 0 -69.12 p
0 -11.04 0.48 -18.48 1.2 -22.32 c
1.44 -5.52 4.32 -9.84 8.4 -12.96 c
4.32 -3.12 9.84 -4.8 16.08 -4.8 c
6.24 0 12.24 1.68 17.76 4.8 c
5.52 3.36 9.6 7.68 11.76 13.2 c
2.4 5.76 3.6 13.92 3.6 24.48 c
0 66.72 20.88 0 0 -124.56 h
3650.84 934 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.76 P
9.12 13.68 22.32 20.4 39.6 20.4 c
7.44 0 14.4 -1.2 20.64 -3.84 c
6.48 -2.88 11.04 -6.24 14.16 -10.8 c
3.12 -4.32 5.28 -9.6 6.72 -15.6 c
0.72 -3.84 0.96 -10.56 0.96 -20.4 c
0 -76.56 -21.12 0 0 75.84 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
-1.68 4.32 -4.56 7.68 -8.64 10.08 c
-4.32 2.64 -9.12 3.84 -14.64 3.84 c
-9.12 0 -16.8 -2.88 -23.28 -8.4 c
-6.72 -5.76 -9.84 -16.56 -9.84 -32.64 c
0 -67.92 h
3858.48 934 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
-9.84 0 -18.96 2.88 -27.36 8.4 c
-8.16 5.28 -14.64 12.96 -19.2 22.8 c
-4.56 9.84 -6.96 21.12 -6.96 33.84 c
0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
7.44 0 14.16 -1.44 19.92 -4.56 c
5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
0 61.68 20.88 0 0 -171.84 h
3792 996.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
6.72 -7.92 14.64 -11.76 23.76 -11.76 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
-6.48 7.92 -14.64 12 -24.24 12 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.52 -11.52 c
-6.24 -7.68 -9.36 -19.68 -9.36 -36.24 c
3985.96 949.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
3984.28 996.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
4031.6 934 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
4103.88 886 -2.4 19.92 P
4.8 -1.2 8.64 -1.92 12.24 -1.92 c
4.56 0 8.4 0.72 11.04 2.4 c
2.88 1.44 5.28 3.6 6.96 6.48 c
1.44 2.16 3.6 7.44 6.48 15.6 c
0.48 1.2 0.96 2.88 1.92 5.28 c
-47.28 124.8 22.8 0 25.92 -72.24 p
3.36 -9.12 6.24 -18.72 8.88 -28.8 c
2.64 9.84 5.52 19.2 8.88 28.32 c
26.4 72.72 21.12 0 -47.28 -126.72 p
-5.04 -13.68 -9.12 -23.04 -11.76 -28.32 c
-3.84 -6.96 -8.16 -12 -12.96 -15.12 c
-4.8 -3.36 -10.56 -5.04 -17.28 -5.04 c
-4.08 0 -8.64 0.96 -13.68 2.64 c
4358.96 979.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
4390.36 934 21.1211 171.836 re
4429.92 996.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
4451.76 996.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
4645.96 979.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
4677.84 934 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
1342.2 206.824 2298.97 298.863 re
0.239997 i
1505.48 279 0 171.84 64.8 0 P
11.52 0 20.16 -0.48 26.16 -1.68 c
8.4 -1.44 15.6 -4.08 21.36 -7.92 c
5.52 -4.08 10.08 -9.6 13.68 -16.56 c
3.36 -7.2 5.28 -15.12 5.28 -23.52 c
0 -14.64 -4.8 -27.12 -13.92 -37.2 c
-9.36 -10.08 -26.16 -15.12 -50.4 -15.12 c
-44.16 0 0 -69.84 h
1528.28 369.24 44.4 0 P
14.64 0 25.2 2.64 31.2 8.16 c
6.24 5.52 9.36 13.2 9.36 23.04 c
0 7.2 -1.92 13.44 -5.52 18.48 c
-3.6 5.04 -8.4 8.4 -14.4 10.08 c
-3.84 0.96 -10.8 1.44 -21.12 1.44 c
-43.92 0 h
1709.16 279 0 151.44 -56.4 0 0 20.4 136.08 0 ^ -56.88 0 0 -151.44 H
1812.48 279 0 171.84 64.8 0 P
11.52 0 20.16 -0.48 26.16 -1.68 c
8.4 -1.44 15.6 -4.08 21.36 -7.92 c
5.52 -4.08 10.08 -9.6 13.68 -16.56 c
3.36 -7.2 5.28 -15.12 5.28 -23.52 c
0 -14.64 -4.8 -27.12 -13.92 -37.2 c
-9.36 -10.08 -26.16 -15.12 -50.4 -15.12 c
-44.16 0 0 -69.84 h
1835.28 369.24 44.4 0 P
14.64 0 25.2 2.64 31.2 8.16 c
6.24 5.52 9.36 13.2 9.36 23.04 c
0 7.2 -1.92 13.44 -5.52 18.48 c
-3.6 5.04 -8.4 8.4 -14.4 10.08 c
-3.84 0.96 -10.8 1.44 -21.12 1.44 c
-43.92 0 h
2023.92 341.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
2045.76 341.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
2164.6 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
2325.48 279 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
-9.84 0 -18.96 2.88 -27.36 8.4 c
-8.16 5.28 -14.64 12.96 -19.2 22.8 c
-4.56 9.84 -6.96 21.12 -6.96 33.84 c
0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
7.44 0 14.16 -1.44 19.92 -4.56 c
5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
0 61.68 20.88 0 0 -171.84 h
2259 341.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
6.72 -7.92 14.64 -11.76 23.76 -11.76 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
-6.48 7.92 -14.64 12 -24.24 12 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.52 -11.52 c
-6.24 -7.68 -9.36 -19.68 -9.36 -36.24 c
2378.84 426.6 0 24.24 21.12 0 ^ H
2378.84 279 0 124.56 21.12 0 ^ H
2431.84 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.76 P
9.12 13.68 22.32 20.4 39.6 20.4 c
7.44 0 14.4 -1.2 20.64 -3.84 c
6.48 -2.88 11.04 -6.24 14.16 -10.8 c
3.12 -4.32 5.28 -9.6 6.72 -15.6 c
0.72 -3.84 0.96 -10.56 0.96 -20.4 c
0 -76.56 -21.12 0 0 75.84 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
-1.68 4.32 -4.56 7.68 -8.64 10.08 c
-4.32 2.64 -9.12 3.84 -14.64 3.84 c
-9.12 0 -16.8 -2.88 -23.28 -8.4 c
-6.72 -5.76 -9.84 -16.56 -9.84 -32.64 c
0 -67.92 h
2645.96 294.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
2644.28 341.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
2698.6 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
2777.88 231 -2.4 19.92 P
4.8 -1.2 8.64 -1.92 12.24 -1.92 c
4.56 0 8.4 0.72 11.04 2.4 c
2.88 1.44 5.28 3.6 6.96 6.48 c
1.44 2.16 3.6 7.44 6.48 15.6 c
0.48 1.2 0.96 2.88 1.92 5.28 c
-47.28 124.8 22.8 0 25.92 -72.24 p
3.36 -9.12 6.24 -18.72 8.88 -28.8 c
2.64 9.84 5.52 19.2 8.88 28.32 c
26.4 72.72 21.12 0 -47.28 -126.72 p
-5.04 -13.68 -9.12 -23.04 -11.76 -28.32 c
-3.84 -6.96 -8.16 -12 -12.96 -15.12 c
-4.8 -3.36 -10.56 -5.04 -17.28 -5.04 c
-4.08 0 -8.64 0.96 -13.68 2.64 c
3046.96 324.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
3085.36 279 21.1211 171.836 re
3130.92 341.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
3152.76 341.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
3352.96 324.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
3391.84 279 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
3808.34 206.824 2298.97 298.863 re
0.239997 i
4006.48 279 -45.6 171.84 23.28 0 26.16 -112.56 P
2.88 -11.76 5.28 -23.52 7.44 -35.28 c
4.32 18.48 6.96 29.04 7.68 31.92 c
32.64 115.92 27.36 0 24.72 -86.88 p
6.24 -21.6 10.56 -42 13.44 -60.96 c
2.16 10.8 5.04 23.28 8.4 37.44 c
26.88 110.4 23.04 0 -47.28 -171.84 -21.84 0 -36.24 130.8 p
-2.88 11.04 -4.8 17.76 -5.28 20.16 c
-1.92 -7.68 -3.6 -14.4 -5.04 -20.16 c
-36.48 -130.8 h
4205.96 279 0 171.84 76.08 0 P
15.36 0 26.88 -1.68 35.04 -4.56 c
7.92 -3.12 14.16 -8.64 18.96 -16.32 c
4.8 -7.92 7.2 -16.56 7.2 -25.92 c
0 -12.24 -3.84 -22.56 -11.76 -30.96 c
-7.92 -8.4 -20.16 -13.68 -36.72 -15.84 c
6 -2.88 10.56 -5.76 13.68 -8.64 c
6.72 -6 12.96 -13.68 18.96 -22.8 c
30 -46.8 -28.8 0 -22.56 35.76 p
-6.72 10.32 -12.24 18.24 -16.56 23.76 c
-4.32 5.28 -8.16 9.12 -11.52 11.28 c
-3.36 2.4 -6.72 3.84 -10.32 4.8 c
-2.64 0.48 -6.72 0.72 -12.72 0.72 c
-26.4 0 0 -76.32 h
4228.52 375 48.96 0 P
10.32 0 18.48 0.96 24.48 3.12 c
5.76 2.16 10.32 5.76 13.2 10.32 c
3.12 4.8 4.56 9.84 4.56 15.6 c
0 7.92 -2.88 14.64 -8.88 19.92 c
-5.76 5.28 -15.12 7.92 -27.84 7.92 c
-54.48 0 h
4441.92 341.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
4463.76 341.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
4586.6 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
4750.48 279 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
-9.84 0 -18.96 2.88 -27.36 8.4 c
-8.16 5.28 -14.64 12.96 -19.2 22.8 c
-4.56 9.84 -6.96 21.12 -6.96 33.84 c
0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
7.44 0 14.16 -1.44 19.92 -4.56 c
5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
0 61.68 20.88 0 0 -171.84 h
4684 341.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
6.72 -7.92 14.64 -11.76 23.76 -11.76 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
-6.48 7.92 -14.64 12 -24.24 12 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.52 -11.52 c
-6.24 -7.68 -9.36 -19.68 -9.36 -36.24 c
4806.84 426.6 0 24.24 21.12 0 ^ H
4806.84 279 0 124.56 21.12 0 ^ H
4863.84 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.76 P
9.12 13.68 22.32 20.4 39.6 20.4 c
7.44 0 14.4 -1.2 20.64 -3.84 c
6.48 -2.88 11.04 -6.24 14.16 -10.8 c
3.12 -4.32 5.28 -9.6 6.72 -15.6 c
0.72 -3.84 0.96 -10.56 0.96 -20.4 c
0 -76.56 -21.12 0 0 75.84 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
-1.68 4.32 -4.56 7.68 -8.64 10.08 c
-4.32 2.64 -9.12 3.84 -14.64 3.84 c
-9.12 0 -16.8 -2.88 -23.28 -8.4 c
-6.72 -5.76 -9.84 -16.56 -9.84 -32.64 c
0 -67.92 h
5080.96 294.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
5079.28 341.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
5136.6 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
5219.88 231 -2.4 19.92 P
4.8 -1.2 8.64 -1.92 12.24 -1.92 c
4.56 0 8.4 0.72 11.04 2.4 c
2.88 1.44 5.28 3.6 6.96 6.48 c
1.44 2.16 3.6 7.44 6.48 15.6 c
0.48 1.2 0.96 2.88 1.92 5.28 c
-47.28 124.8 22.8 0 25.92 -72.24 p
3.36 -9.12 6.24 -18.72 8.88 -28.8 c
2.64 9.84 5.52 19.2 8.88 28.32 c
26.4 72.72 21.12 0 -47.28 -126.72 p
-5.04 -13.68 -9.12 -23.04 -11.76 -28.32 c
-3.84 -6.96 -8.16 -12 -12.96 -15.12 c
-4.8 -3.36 -10.56 -5.04 -17.28 -5.04 c
-4.08 0 -8.64 0.96 -13.68 2.64 c
5494.96 324.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
5536.36 279 21.1211 171.836 re
5585.92 341.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
5607.76 341.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
5811.96 324.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
5853.84 279 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
6274.48 206.824 2298.98 298.863 re
0.239997 i
6472.48 279 -45.6 171.84 23.28 0 26.16 -112.56 P
2.88 -11.76 5.28 -23.52 7.44 -35.28 c
4.32 18.48 6.96 29.04 7.68 31.92 c
32.64 115.92 27.36 0 24.72 -86.88 p
6.24 -21.6 10.56 -42 13.44 -60.96 c
2.16 10.8 5.04 23.28 8.4 37.44 c
26.88 110.4 23.04 0 -47.28 -171.84 -21.84 0 -36.24 130.8 p
-2.88 11.04 -4.8 17.76 -5.28 20.16 c
-1.92 -7.68 -3.6 -14.4 -5.04 -20.16 c
-36.48 -130.8 h
6672.96 279 0 171.84 76.08 0 P
15.36 0 26.88 -1.68 35.04 -4.56 c
7.92 -3.12 14.16 -8.64 18.96 -16.32 c
4.8 -7.92 7.2 -16.56 7.2 -25.92 c
0 -12.24 -3.84 -22.56 -11.76 -30.96 c
-7.92 -8.4 -20.16 -13.68 -36.72 -15.84 c
6 -2.88 10.56 -5.76 13.68 -8.64 c
6.72 -6 12.96 -13.68 18.96 -22.8 c
30 -46.8 -28.8 0 -22.56 35.76 p
-6.72 10.32 -12.24 18.24 -16.56 23.76 c
-4.32 5.28 -8.16 9.12 -11.52 11.28 c
-3.36 2.4 -6.72 3.84 -10.32 4.8 c
-2.64 0.48 -6.72 0.72 -12.72 0.72 c
-26.4 0 0 -76.32 h
6695.52 375 48.96 0 P
10.32 0 18.48 0.96 24.48 3.12 c
5.76 2.16 10.32 5.76 13.2 10.32 c
3.12 4.8 4.56 9.84 4.56 15.6 c
0 7.92 -2.88 14.64 -8.88 19.92 c
-5.76 5.28 -15.12 7.92 -27.84 7.92 c
-54.48 0 h
6907.92 341.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
6929.76 341.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
7052.6 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
7216.48 279 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
-9.84 0 -18.96 2.88 -27.36 8.4 c
-8.16 5.28 -14.64 12.96 -19.2 22.8 c
-4.56 9.84 -6.96 21.12 -6.96 33.84 c
0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
7.44 0 14.16 -1.44 19.92 -4.56 c
5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
0 61.68 20.88 0 0 -171.84 h
7150 341.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
6.72 -7.92 14.64 -11.76 23.76 -11.76 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
-6.48 7.92 -14.64 12 -24.24 12 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.52 -11.52 c
-6.24 -7.68 -9.36 -19.68 -9.36 -36.24 c
7272.84 426.6 0 24.24 21.12 0 ^ H
7272.84 279 0 124.56 21.12 0 ^ H
7329.84 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.76 P
9.12 13.68 22.32 20.4 39.6 20.4 c
7.44 0 14.4 -1.2 20.64 -3.84 c
6.48 -2.88 11.04 -6.24 14.16 -10.8 c
3.12 -4.32 5.28 -9.6 6.72 -15.6 c
0.72 -3.84 0.96 -10.56 0.96 -20.4 c
0 -76.56 -21.12 0 0 75.84 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
-1.68 4.32 -4.56 7.68 -8.64 10.08 c
-4.32 2.64 -9.12 3.84 -14.64 3.84 c
-9.12 0 -16.8 -2.88 -23.28 -8.4 c
-6.72 -5.76 -9.84 -16.56 -9.84 -32.64 c
0 -67.92 h
7547.96 294.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
7546.28 341.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
7602.6 279 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
7685.88 231 -2.4 19.92 P
4.8 -1.2 8.64 -1.92 12.24 -1.92 c
4.56 0 8.4 0.72 11.04 2.4 c
2.88 1.44 5.28 3.6 6.96 6.48 c
1.44 2.16 3.6 7.44 6.48 15.6 c
0.48 1.2 0.96 2.88 1.92 5.28 c
-47.28 124.8 22.8 0 25.92 -72.24 p
3.36 -9.12 6.24 -18.72 8.88 -28.8 c
2.64 9.84 5.52 19.2 8.88 28.32 c
26.4 72.72 21.12 0 -47.28 -126.72 p
-5.04 -13.68 -9.12 -23.04 -11.76 -28.32 c
-3.84 -6.96 -8.16 -12 -12.96 -15.12 c
-4.8 -3.36 -10.56 -5.04 -17.28 -5.04 c
-4.08 0 -8.64 0.96 -13.68 2.64 c
7960.96 324.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
8002.36 279 21.1211 171.836 re
8051.92 341.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
8073.76 341.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
8277.96 324.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
8319.84 279 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
151.648 861.062 2298.97 298.863 re
0.239997 i
349.48 934 -45.6 171.84 23.28 0 26.16 -112.56 P
2.88 -11.76 5.28 -23.52 7.44 -35.28 c
4.32 18.48 6.96 29.04 7.68 31.92 c
32.64 115.92 27.36 0 24.72 -86.88 p
6.24 -21.6 10.56 -42 13.44 -60.96 c
2.16 10.8 5.04 23.28 8.4 37.44 c
26.88 110.4 23.04 0 -47.28 -171.84 -21.84 0 -36.24 130.8 p
-2.88 11.04 -4.8 17.76 -5.28 20.16 c
-1.92 -7.68 -3.6 -14.4 -5.04 -20.16 c
-36.48 -130.8 h
549.96 934 0 171.84 76.08 0 P
15.36 0 26.88 -1.68 35.04 -4.56 c
7.92 -3.12 14.16 -8.64 18.96 -16.32 c
4.8 -7.92 7.2 -16.56 7.2 -25.92 c
0 -12.24 -3.84 -22.56 -11.76 -30.96 c
-7.92 -8.4 -20.16 -13.68 -36.72 -15.84 c
6 -2.88 10.56 -5.76 13.68 -8.64 c
6.72 -6 12.96 -13.68 18.96 -22.8 c
30 -46.8 -28.8 0 -22.56 35.76 p
-6.72 10.32 -12.24 18.24 -16.56 23.76 c
-4.32 5.28 -8.16 9.12 -11.52 11.28 c
-3.36 2.4 -6.72 3.84 -10.32 4.8 c
-2.64 0.48 -6.72 0.72 -12.72 0.72 c
-26.4 0 0 -76.32 h
572.52 1030 48.96 0 P
10.32 0 18.48 0.96 24.48 3.12 c
5.76 2.16 10.32 5.76 13.2 10.32 c
3.12 4.8 4.56 9.84 4.56 15.6 c
0 7.92 -2.88 14.64 -8.88 19.92 c
-5.76 5.28 -15.12 7.92 -27.84 7.92 c
-54.48 0 h
784.92 996.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
806.76 996.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
929.6 934 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
1093.48 934 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
-9.84 0 -18.96 2.88 -27.36 8.4 c
-8.16 5.28 -14.64 12.96 -19.2 22.8 c
-4.56 9.84 -6.96 21.12 -6.96 33.84 c
0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
7.44 0 14.16 -1.44 19.92 -4.56 c
5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
0 61.68 20.88 0 0 -171.84 h
1027 996.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
6.72 -7.92 14.64 -11.76 23.76 -11.76 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
-6.48 7.92 -14.64 12 -24.24 12 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.52 -11.52 c
-6.24 -7.68 -9.36 -19.68 -9.36 -36.24 c
1149.84 1081.6 0 24.24 21.12 0 ^ H
1149.84 934 0 124.56 21.12 0 ^ H
1206.84 934 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.76 P
9.12 13.68 22.32 20.4 39.6 20.4 c
7.44 0 14.4 -1.2 20.64 -3.84 c
6.48 -2.88 11.04 -6.24 14.16 -10.8 c
3.12 -4.32 5.28 -9.6 6.72 -15.6 c
0.72 -3.84 0.96 -10.56 0.96 -20.4 c
0 -76.56 -21.12 0 0 75.84 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
-1.68 4.32 -4.56 7.68 -8.64 10.08 c
-4.32 2.64 -9.12 3.84 -14.64 3.84 c
-9.12 0 -16.8 -2.88 -23.28 -8.4 c
-6.72 -5.76 -9.84 -16.56 -9.84 -32.64 c
0 -67.92 h
1424.96 949.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
1423.28 996.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
1480.6 934 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
1562.88 886 -2.4 19.92 P
4.8 -1.2 8.64 -1.92 12.24 -1.92 c
4.56 0 8.4 0.72 11.04 2.4 c
2.88 1.44 5.28 3.6 6.96 6.48 c
1.44 2.16 3.6 7.44 6.48 15.6 c
0.48 1.2 0.96 2.88 1.92 5.28 c
-47.28 124.8 22.8 0 25.92 -72.24 p
3.36 -9.12 6.24 -18.72 8.88 -28.8 c
2.64 9.84 5.52 19.2 8.88 28.32 c
26.4 72.72 21.12 0 -47.28 -126.72 p
-5.04 -13.68 -9.12 -23.04 -11.76 -28.32 c
-3.84 -6.96 -8.16 -12 -12.96 -15.12 c
-4.8 -3.36 -10.56 -5.04 -17.28 -5.04 c
-4.08 0 -8.64 0.96 -13.68 2.64 c
1837.96 979.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
1880.36 934 21.1211 171.836 re
1928.92 996.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
1950.76 996.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
2154.96 979.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
2196.84 934 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
4803.38 1672.43 113.387 141.73 re
4834 1702 40 86 /1H
7269.52 1018.2 113.387 141.73 re
7292 1048 62 86 /4H
4803.38 1018.2 113.387 141.73 re
4834 1048 1H ,
3527.79 363.957 113.383 141.73 re
3558 394 1H ,
5993.93 363.957 113.383 141.73 re
6016 394 4H ,
8460.07 363.957 113.387 141.73 re
8482 393 63 87 /1M
2337.24 1018.2 113.387 141.73 re
2368 1048 1H ,
3726.21 2097.63 0 -283.46 S
3726.21 1511.55 0 -349.36 S
6135.66 1162.2 0 196.68 -1899.2 0 0 155.08 S
6135.66 848.11 0 -144.81 1388.99 0 0 -193.08 S
4236.46 859.2 0 -160.11 822.04 0 0 -188.86 S
3244.33 856.43 0 -156.32 -765.36 0 0 -189.87 S
1373.46 1162.2 0 190.5 1870.87 0 0 159.6 S
0.239997 i
4142 2455.68 20.4 -3.12 P
0.96 -6.24 3.36 -10.8 7.2 -13.68 c
5.28 -4.08 12.48 -6 21.36 -6 c
9.84 0 17.52 1.92 22.8 6 c
5.28 3.84 8.88 9.36 10.8 16.32 c
0.96 4.32 1.44 13.44 1.44 27.12 c
-9.12 -10.8 -20.64 -16.32 -34.56 -16.32 c
-17.04 0 -30.24 6.24 -39.6 18.48 c
-9.36 12.48 -14.16 27.12 -14.16 44.4 c
0 12 2.16 22.8 6.48 32.88 c
4.32 10.08 10.56 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.52 17.76 8.16 28.8 8.16 c
14.64 0 26.88 -5.76 36.24 -17.76 c
0 15.12 19.44 0 0 -107.76 p
0 -19.2 -1.92 -33.12 -5.76 -41.04 c
-4.08 -8.16 -10.32 -14.64 -18.72 -19.2 c
-8.64 -4.8 -19.2 -7.2 -31.68 -7.2 c
-14.88 0 -26.88 3.36 -36 10.08 c
-9.12 6.72 -13.44 16.8 -13.2 30.24 c
4159.52 2530.56 m
0 -16.32 3.12 -28.32 9.6 -35.76 c
6.48 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.48 -11.28 c
9.6 0 17.76 3.6 24.24 11.04 c
6.72 7.68 9.84 19.2 9.84 35.28 c
0 15.12 -3.36 26.64 -10.08 34.32 c
-6.72 7.68 -14.88 11.76 -24.48 11.76 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.76 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.68 -9.84 -18.96 -9.84 -33.84 c
4278.6 2466 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
4439.96 2481.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
4438.28 2528.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
4492.84 2466 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.76 P
9.12 13.68 22.32 20.4 39.6 20.4 c
7.44 0 14.4 -1.2 20.64 -3.84 c
6.48 -2.88 11.04 -6.24 14.16 -10.8 c
3.12 -4.32 5.28 -9.6 6.72 -15.6 c
0.72 -3.84 0.96 -10.56 0.96 -20.4 c
0 -76.56 -21.12 0 0 75.84 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.88 -2.4 19.2 c
-1.68 4.32 -4.56 7.68 -8.64 10.08 c
-4.32 2.64 -9.12 3.84 -14.64 3.84 c
-9.12 0 -16.8 -2.88 -23.28 -8.4 c
-6.72 -5.76 -9.84 -16.56 -9.84 -32.64 c
0 -67.92 h
4706.48 2466 0 15.84 P
-7.68 -12.48 -19.44 -18.72 -34.8 -18.72 c
-9.84 0 -18.96 2.88 -27.36 8.4 c
-8.16 5.28 -14.64 12.96 -19.2 22.8 c
-4.56 9.84 -6.96 21.12 -6.96 33.84 c
0 12.48 2.16 23.76 6.24 33.84 c
4.08 10.08 10.32 17.76 18.72 23.28 c
8.16 5.28 17.52 7.92 27.84 7.92 c
7.44 0 14.16 -1.44 19.92 -4.56 c
5.76 -3.36 10.56 -7.44 14.4 -12.48 c
0 61.68 20.88 0 0 -171.84 h
4640 2528.16 m
0 -16.08 3.36 -27.84 10.08 -35.76 c
6.72 -7.92 14.64 -11.76 23.76 -11.76 c
9.12 0 17.04 3.6 23.52 11.28 c
6.24 7.44 9.6 18.96 9.6 34.56 c
0 17.04 -3.36 29.52 -9.84 37.44 c
-6.48 7.92 -14.64 12 -24.24 12 c
-9.36 0 -17.28 -3.84 -23.52 -11.52 c
-6.24 -7.68 -9.36 -19.68 -9.36 -36.24 c
4758.84 2466 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -17.52 P
3.84 6 9.12 11.04 15.6 14.64 c
6.48 3.84 13.68 5.52 22.08 5.52 c
9.12 0 16.8 -1.92 22.56 -5.76 c
6 -3.84 10.08 -9.12 12.48 -15.84 c
9.84 14.4 22.8 21.6 38.4 21.6 c
12.48 0 21.84 -3.36 28.56 -10.08 c
6.72 -6.96 10.08 -17.52 10.08 -31.68 c
0 -85.44 -21.12 0 0 78.48 p
0 8.4 -0.72 14.4 -1.92 18.24 c
-1.44 3.6 -3.84 6.72 -7.44 8.88 c
-3.6 2.16 -7.92 3.36 -12.72 3.36 c
-8.88 0 -16.08 -2.88 -21.84 -8.64 c
-5.76 -5.76 -8.64 -15.12 -8.64 -28.08 c
0 -72.24 -21.12 0 0 80.88 p
0 9.36 -1.68 16.32 -5.04 21.12 c
-3.6 4.56 -9.12 6.96 -17.04 6.96 c
-5.76 0 -11.28 -1.44 -16.32 -4.56 c
-5.04 -3.12 -8.88 -7.68 -11.04 -13.68 c
-2.16 -6.24 -3.36 -14.88 -3.36 -26.16 c
0 -64.56 h
5039.96 2481.36 m
-7.68 -6.72 -15.36 -11.28 -22.56 -14.16 c
-7.2 -2.64 -14.88 -4.08 -23.28 -4.08 c
-13.68 0 -24 3.36 -31.44 10.08 c
-7.2 6.72 -11.04 15.36 -11.04 25.68 c
0 6 1.44 11.52 4.32 16.56 c
2.64 5.04 6.24 9.12 10.8 12.24 c
4.56 3.12 9.6 5.28 15.12 6.96 c
4.08 0.96 10.32 2.16 18.72 3.12 c
17.04 1.92 29.76 4.32 37.68 7.2 c
0 2.88 0.24 4.8 0.24 5.52 c
0 8.64 -2.16 14.64 -6 18.24 c
-5.52 4.8 -13.44 7.2 -24 7.2 c
-10.08 0 -17.28 -1.92 -22.08 -5.28 c
-4.8 -3.6 -8.16 -9.6 -10.56 -18.48 c
-20.64 2.88 p
1.92 8.64 5.04 15.84 9.36 21.36 c
4.32 5.28 10.56 9.6 18.72 12.48 c
7.92 2.88 17.52 4.32 28.08 4.32 c
10.8 0 19.2 -1.2 25.92 -3.6 c
6.72 -2.64 11.52 -5.76 14.64 -9.6 c
3.12 -3.6 5.28 -8.4 6.72 -14.16 c
0.48 -3.6 0.96 -10.08 0.96 -19.44 c
0 -28.32 p
0 -19.44 0.48 -31.92 1.44 -37.2 c
0.72 -5.04 2.64 -10.08 5.28 -14.88 c
-22.08 0 p
-2.16 4.32 -3.6 9.6 -4.32 15.36 c
5038.28 2528.4 m
-7.68 -3.12 -19.2 -5.76 -34.32 -7.92 c
-8.88 -1.2 -14.88 -2.64 -18.48 -4.08 c
-3.6 -1.68 -6.48 -3.84 -8.4 -6.96 c
-1.92 -3.12 -2.88 -6.24 -2.88 -10.08 c
0 -5.52 2.16 -10.32 6.48 -13.92 c
4.08 -3.84 10.32 -5.76 18.48 -5.76 c
8.16 0 15.36 1.92 21.84 5.28 c
6.24 3.6 11.04 8.64 13.92 14.64 c
2.16 4.8 3.36 11.76 3.36 21.12 c
5084.44 2503.2 20.88 3.36 P
1.2 -8.4 4.32 -14.88 9.84 -19.44 c
5.28 -4.32 12.72 -6.48 22.32 -6.48 c
9.6 0 16.8 1.92 21.6 5.76 c
4.56 4.08 6.96 8.64 6.96 13.92 c
0 4.8 -1.92 8.64 -6.24 11.28 c
-2.88 1.92 -10.08 4.32 -21.6 7.2 c
-15.36 3.84 -26.16 7.2 -32.16 10.08 c
-5.76 2.88 -10.32 6.72 -13.44 11.76 c
-3.12 5.04 -4.8 10.8 -4.8 16.8 c
0 5.52 1.44 10.56 3.84 15.36 c
2.64 4.8 6 8.64 10.56 11.76 c
3.12 2.4 7.68 4.56 13.2 6.24 c
5.76 1.68 11.76 2.4 18.24 2.4 c
9.84 0 18.48 -1.44 25.92 -4.08 c
7.2 -2.88 12.72 -6.72 16.32 -11.52 c
3.36 -4.8 5.76 -11.28 7.2 -19.2 c
-20.64 -2.88 p
-0.96 6.48 -3.6 11.52 -8.16 15.12 c
-4.56 3.6 -10.8 5.28 -18.96 5.28 c
-9.84 0 -16.56 -1.68 -20.88 -4.8 c
-4.08 -3.12 -6.24 -6.96 -6.24 -11.28 c
0 -2.64 0.96 -5.04 2.64 -7.44 c
1.68 -2.16 4.56 -4.08 8.16 -5.52 c
2.16 -0.72 8.4 -2.64 18.72 -5.28 c
14.88 -4.08 25.2 -7.44 31.2 -9.84 c
5.76 -2.64 10.56 -6.24 13.92 -11.04 c
3.36 -5.04 5.04 -11.04 5.04 -18.24 c
0 -6.96 -2.16 -13.44 -6.24 -19.68 c
-4.08 -6.24 -10.08 -11.04 -17.76 -14.4 c
-7.68 -3.6 -16.56 -5.28 -26.16 -5.28 c
-16.32 0 -28.56 3.36 -37.2 10.08 c
-8.4 6.72 -13.68 16.8 -16.08 30 c
5258.92 2484.96 3.12 -18.72 P
-6 -1.2 -11.28 -1.92 -16.08 -1.92 c
-7.68 0 -13.44 1.2 -17.76 3.6 c
-4.32 2.4 -7.2 5.76 -8.88 9.6 c
-1.68 4.08 -2.64 12.24 -2.64 24.96 c
0 71.52 -15.36 0 0 16.56 ^ 0 30.72 21.12 12.72 0 -43.44 21.12 0
0 -16.56 ^ 0 -72.72 p
0 -6 0.24 -9.84 0.96 -11.52 c
0.72 -1.68 1.92 -3.12 3.6 -4.08 c
1.68 -1.2 4.08 -1.68 7.2 -1.68 c
2.4 0 5.52 0.24 9.36 0.96 c
5364.04 2506.08 21.84 -2.64 P
-3.6 -12.72 -9.84 -22.56 -19.2 -29.76 c
-9.36 -6.96 -21.12 -10.56 -35.52 -10.56 c
-18.24 0 -32.64 5.76 -43.44 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -15.84 27.12 -15.84 47.28 c
0 20.88 5.28 37.2 16.08 48.72 c
10.8 11.52 24.72 17.28 42 17.28 c
16.56 0 30.24 -5.52 40.8 -16.8 c
10.56 -11.52 15.84 -27.36 15.84 -48 c
0 -1.2 0 -3.12 -0.24 -5.52 c
-92.64 0 p
0.72 -13.68 4.56 -24.24 11.52 -31.44 c
6.96 -7.2 15.6 -10.8 25.92 -10.8 c
7.68 0 14.4 1.92 19.92 6 c
5.52 4.08 9.84 10.56 12.96 19.44 c
5294.68 2540.16 69.6 0 P
-0.96 10.56 -3.6 18.48 -7.92 23.52 c
-6.72 8.16 -15.6 12.24 -26.16 12.24 c
-9.6 0 -17.76 -3.12 -24.48 -9.6 c
-6.48 -6.48 -10.32 -15.36 -11.04 -26.16 c
5412.6 2466 0 124.56 18.96 0 0 -18.96 P
4.8 8.88 9.36 14.64 13.44 17.52 c
4.08 2.64 8.64 4.08 13.44 4.08 c
7.2 0 14.4 -2.16 21.84 -6.72 c
-7.44 -19.68 p
-5.04 3.12 -10.08 4.8 -15.36 4.8 c
-4.56 0 -8.64 -1.44 -12.48 -4.32 c
-3.6 -2.64 -6.24 -6.48 -7.68 -11.52 c
-2.4 -7.44 -3.6 -15.6 -3.6 -24.48 c
0 -65.28 h
4626.96 2243.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
4665.36 2198 21.1211 171.836 re
4710.92 2260.16 m
0 23.04 6.48 40.32 19.2 51.36 c
10.8 9.12 23.76 13.68 39.12 13.68 c
17.28 0 31.2 -5.52 42 -16.8 c
11.04 -11.04 16.32 -26.64 16.32 -46.32 c
0 -16.08 -2.4 -28.8 -7.2 -37.92 c
-4.8 -9.12 -11.76 -16.32 -20.88 -21.36 c
-9.36 -5.04 -19.2 -7.68 -30.24 -7.68 c
-17.28 0 -31.44 5.76 -42.24 16.8 c
-10.56 11.28 -16.08 27.36 -16.08 48.24 c
4732.76 2260.16 m
0 -15.84 3.36 -27.84 10.32 -35.76 c
6.96 -7.92 15.84 -11.76 26.16 -11.76 c
10.56 0 19.2 3.84 26.16 11.76 c
6.96 8.16 10.56 20.16 10.56 36.48 c
0 15.36 -3.6 27.12 -10.56 35.04 c
-6.96 7.92 -15.6 12 -26.16 12 c
-10.32 0 -19.2 -4.08 -26.16 -12 c
-6.96 -7.92 -10.32 -19.68 -10.32 -35.76 c
4933.96 2243.6 20.88 -2.64 P
-2.4 -14.4 -8.16 -25.44 -17.52 -33.6 c
-9.36 -8.16 -20.64 -12.24 -34.32 -12.24 c
-17.04 0 -30.72 5.76 -41.04 16.8 c
-10.32 11.04 -15.6 27.12 -15.6 47.76 c
0 13.44 2.16 25.2 6.72 35.28 c
4.56 10.08 11.28 17.76 20.4 22.8 c
9.12 5.04 18.96 7.44 29.52 7.44 c
13.68 0 24.72 -3.36 33.36 -10.08 c
8.4 -6.96 13.92 -16.56 16.56 -29.28 c
-20.64 -3.12 p
-1.92 8.4 -5.28 14.64 -10.32 18.96 c
-5.04 4.08 -11.04 6.24 -18 6.24 c
-10.56 0 -19.2 -3.84 -25.92 -11.52 c
-6.72 -7.44 -10.08 -19.44 -10.08 -36 c
0 -16.8 3.36 -28.8 9.84 -36.48 c
6.24 -7.68 14.64 -11.28 24.96 -11.28 c
8.4 0 15.12 2.4 20.64 7.44 c
5.76 5.28 9.12 12.96 10.56 23.52 c
4972.84 2198 0 171.84 21.12 0 0 -97.92 49.92 50.64 27.36 0 -47.52 -46.32 52.32 -78.24
-25.92 0 -41.28 63.6 -14.88 -14.16 0 -49.44 H
1 i
255 G
2210.81 1474.01 m
62.45 0 113.39 -50.94 113.39 -113.39 c
0 -62.45 -50.94 -113.39 -113.39 -113.39 c
-62.45 0 -113.37 50.94 -113.37 113.39 c
0 62.45 50.93 113.39 113.38 113.39 c
2210.81 1474.01 m
62.45 0 113.39 -50.94 113.39 -113.39 c
0 -62.45 -50.94 -113.39 -113.39 -113.39 c
-62.45 0 -113.37 50.94 -113.37 113.39 c
0 62.45 50.93 113.39 113.38 113.39 c
2099.72 1383.35 54.4 -0.05 0 -78.24 P
2150.16 1303.93 71.99 0 0 79.37 68.04 0 -0.01 -83.4 0.01 4.04 P
2290.19 1303.93 18.53 -0.16 S
255 G
5300.58 1474.01 m
62.44 0 113.39 -50.94 113.39 -113.39 c
0 -62.45 -50.95 -113.39 -113.39 -113.39 c
-62.45 0 -113.39 50.94 -113.39 113.39 c
0 62.45 50.94 113.39 113.39 113.39 c
5300.58 1474.01 m
62.44 0 113.39 -50.94 113.39 -113.39 c
0 -62.45 -50.95 -113.39 -113.39 -113.39 c
-62.45 0 -113.39 50.94 -113.39 113.39 c
0 62.45 50.94 113.39 113.39 113.39 c
5189.48 1383.35 54.39 -0.05 0 -78.24 P
5239.92 1303.93 72 0 0 79.37 68.03 0 -0.01 -83.4 0.01 4.04 P
5379.95 1303.93 18.53 -0.16 S
255 G
6916.33 822.04 m
62.44 0 113.38 -50.94 113.38 -113.39 c
0 -62.45 -50.94 -113.39 -113.37 -113.39 c
-62.46 0 -113.39 50.94 -113.39 113.39 c
0 62.45 50.93 113.39 113.39 113.39 c
6916.33 822.04 m
62.44 0 113.38 -50.94 113.38 -113.39 c
0 -62.45 -50.94 -113.39 -113.37 -113.39 c
-62.46 0 -113.39 50.94 -113.39 113.39 c
0 62.45 50.93 113.39 113.39 113.39 c
6805.23 731.38 54.4 -0.05 0 -78.23 P
6855.67 651.96 71.99 0 0 79.37 68.04 0 -0.02 -83.39 0.02 4.02 P
6995.7 651.96 18.53 -0.15 S
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% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Title: High accuracy extension
% \item Author: Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski
% \item Affiliation: European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) / Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
% \item Date of submission: 14 May 2012
% \item Clauses of IEEE 1588-2008 (V2) proposed for revision:
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item
% \item
% \end{enumerate}
% \item Character of teh proposed revision
% \item Reason or rational for the proposed revision
% \item Proposed revision
% \item Benefits of teh proposed revision
% \item Backward compatibility to IEEE-1588: Complete backward compatibility
% \end{enumerate}
% \newpage
\section {Title:} High accuracy extension/option/profile
\section {Author:} Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski
\section {Affiliation:} European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)/Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
\section {Date of submission:} 14 May 2012
\section {Clauses of IEEE 1588-2008 (V2) proposed for revision:}
\item Changes required in clauses: and 14.1.1
\item Changes considered useful in clauses: 3.1, 5.3.3, 7.5.3, 9.3.1 and 9.5.10
\section {Character of the proposed revision:}
New feature. This revision proposes extending PTPv2 to enable high accuracy of synchronization -- the level
of accuracy (i.e. sub-nanosecond) beyond what is achievable by the current "standard" implementations.
\section {Reason or rational for the proposed revision}
It has been shown (see \cite{WRinGS} and \cite{WRinISPCS2011}) that PTPv2 can be implemented such that
a sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds jitter of synchronization can be achieved over a number of
boundary clocks and several kilometers of cables. Such implementation benefits from additional mechanisms
(i.e. Synchronous Ethernet \cite{SynchE}, phase detection \cite{icalepcs09}) incorporated into PTPv2 in a way that do not break interoperability
with "standard" implementations while improving greatly the performance. The mechanisms
used could be incorporated into the IEEE 1588 standard to indicate to the vendors the (optional) means to enhance
PTP's performance and to ensure interoperability of such high-accuracy implementations.
\section {Proposed revision}
%loads of text here
In this section four types of changes are proposed:
(1) addition/modification of a transport annex,
(2) addition of an optional "high accuracy" clause,
(3) addition of "Default High Accuracy" profile to Annex J, and
(4) minor changes
to the existing clauses to accommodate (1)-(3).
\subsection{Syntonization capability of IEEE 802.3/Ethernet}
It is proposed to extend Annex F (it is also possible to add a new annex) such that physical syntonization
of clocks is foreseen (i.e. by using Synchronous Ethernet). Proposed changes to Table F.2 and addition of
new Table F.3.
\caption{Table F.2 -- Ethernet transportSpecific field}
\begin{tabular}{| l | l | p{9cm} |} \hline
\textbf{Enumeration} & \textbf{Value}(hex) & \textbf{Specification} \\ \hline
DEFAULT & 0 & All PTP layer 2 Ethernet transmission not covered by another enumeration value. \\ \hline
ETHERNET\_AVB & 1 & This value is reserved for use in connection with the standard being developed by the IEEE 802.1 AVB Task Group as P802.1AS \\ \hline
ETHERNET\_SYNCE & 2-6 & Ethernet $+$ Syntonization, further specified in Table F.3 \\ \hline
Reserved & 6-F & Reserved for assignment in future version s of the standard \\ \hline
\caption{Table F.3 - Syntonization capable Ethernet transportSpecific values}
\begin{tabular}{| l | p{13cm} |} \hline
\textbf{Value}(hex) & \textbf{Specification} \\ \hline
2 or 3 & Syntonization distribution topology aligned with PTP topology (i.e SyncE without ESMC) \\ \hline
4 or 5 & Syntonization distribution topology independent from PTP topology (i.e. SyncE with ESMC) \\ \hline
2 or 4 & Frequency loopback disabled \\ \hline
3 or 5 & Frequency loopback enabled \\ \hline
When frequency loopback is enabled, a port (acting as a slave) which recovers frequency from a data stream
shall, after proper phase alignment, encode such frequency into data stream and send back to the source
(a port acting as a master).
\subsection{High Accuracy (optional) clause}
It is proposed to add optional clause which could be implemented by devices for high accuracy synchronization.
The actions which are defined in this clause take place while a PTP link is being established -- in the
UNCALIBRATED state of BMC-selected slave port and in the MASTER state of BMC-selected master port.
This clause presents the following requirements to the hardware/implementation:
\item It shall feature constant rx/tx latencies during operation and inform higher layers
about these latencies (e.g. measure using calibration pattern).
\item It shall provide timestamps with a sufficient precision (i.e. using syntonization-capable Ethernet mapping,
transportSpecific=0x3, and phase detection techniques)
\item It shall be able to generate the calibration pattern on request
(RD+K28.7 code group, Appendix 36A.2 of \cite{IEEE802.3}).
\item It shall provide estimation of asymmetry using parameters provided by this clause
(e.g. using Link Delay Model, tx/rx latencies and relative delay coefficient as explained in \cite{WRPTP})
\subsubsection{Definition of Data Set Fields}
The implementation-specific data fields are defined to store clause specific data per-port:
(1) values of hardware characteristics (e.g.: rx/tx latencies);
(2) configuration parameters (e.g.: whether calibration patter is required, calibration period/pattern);
(3) current state of the Finite State Machine (section~\ref{fsm}).
The (re-)initialization methods and values are defined.
\subsubsection{Definition TLVs}
It is proposed to define TLVs recognized by newly defined tlvType HIGH\_ACCURACY\_OPTION
(extension to clause 14.1.1) of the format defined in Table~\ref{tab:TLVformat}. The TLV's type
is recognized by messageID as defined in Table~\ref{tab:MessageId}.These TLVs are used to
exchange clause-specific data and trigger transitions in the Finite State Machine (section~\ref{fsm}).
They are carried in Signaling Messages or as suffixed to Announce message (see Table~\ref{tab:MessageId}).
\caption{HIGH\_ACCURACY\_OPTION TLV format}
\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c |}
\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{\textbf{Bits}} & \textbf{Octets} & \textbf{TLV} \\
7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 & & \textbf{Offset} \\
\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{tlvType } & 2 & 0 \\ \hline
\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{lengthField } & 2 & 2 \\ \hline
\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{messageID} & 2 & 10 \\ \hline
\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{dataField} & N & 12 \\ \hline
\caption{Message ID values/types}
\begin{tabular}{| l | p{2.5cm} | c | c |} \hline
\textbf{Message Name} & \textbf{MessageId value (hex)} & \textbf{Sent in message type} \\ \hline
SLAVE\_PRESENT & 0x1000 & Signaling \\ \hline
LOCK & 0x1001 & Signaling \\ \hline
LOCKED & 0x1002 & Signaling \\ \hline
CALIBRATE & 0x1003 & Signaling \\ \hline
CALIBRATED & 0x1004 & Signaling \\ \hline
HIGH\_ACCURACY\_ON & 0x1005 & Signaling \\ \hline
ANN\_SUFIX & 0x2000 & Announce \\ \hline
\subsubsection{Finite State Machine}
The Finite State Machine (FSM) controls the process of establishing a high accuracy
link between a Master and a Slave implementing high accuracy option. It shall be non-preemptive with regards
to the execution of the PTP State Machine. It enables syntonization over the physical layer,
optional measurement of tx/rx latencies and exchange of their values across the link. The FSM shall be
executed in the PTP UNCALIBRATED state on the port which recommended (by BMC) state is SLAVE and in
the PTP MASTER state on the port which recommended state is MASTER. The FSM is depicted in
Figure~\ref{fig:wrFSM} and described in Table~\ref{tab:wrFSMdesc}.
\caption{State definition}
\begin{tabular}{| c | p{12.2cm} |} \hline
\textbf{PTP portState} & \textbf{Description} \\
%& \\
IDLE & The FSM shall be in the IDLE state while establishing of High Accuracy link is not being performed.
\\ \hline
PRESENT & Slave-only state. Upon entering this state, the Slave sends a SLAVE\_PRESENT
message to the Master and waits for the $LOCK$ message.\\ \hline
M\_LOCK & Master-only state. Upon entering this state, the Master sends the $LOCK$
message. In this state, the Master waits for the Slave to finish
successfully the locking process (reception of the $LOCKED$ message). \\ \hline
S\_LOCK & Slave-only state. The Slave locks its clock signal to the frequency distributed
over the physical layer by the Master. \\ \hline
LOCKED & Slave-only state. Upon entering this state, the Slave sends the $LOCKED$ message
to inform that it is syntonized, and waits for the \textit{CALIBRATE} message.
\\ \hline
CALIBRATION & In this state, optional calibration of the port's reception and/or
transmission latencies can be performed.
Upon entering this state, the Port sends a \textit{CALIBRATE} message to
the other Port -- in the message the characteristics of calibration pattern
are sent. If calibration is not needed, the next state is entered, otherwise an
indication from the hardware
that the calibration has been finished successfully is awaited. \\ \hline
CALIBRATED & Upon entering this state, the WR Port sends a \text{CALIBRATED} message with the
values of its rx/tx latencies. \\ \hline
RESP\_CALIB\_REQ & The Port's action in this state depends on the content of CALIBRATION message.
If required, the pattern shall be enabled. The pattern shall be
disabled on exiting the state (after the timeout specified in the
\textit{CALIBRATED} message). On reception of the \textit{CALIBRATED} message,
the next state is entered.\\ \hline
HA\_LINK\_ON & Upon entering this state, the Master sends the HIGH\_ACCURACY\_LINK\_ON message.
In this state, the values of clause-defined Data Set fields (i.e. \textit{modeOn}
and \textit{parentModeOn}) are set to TRUE and the \textit{IDLE} state is entered unconditionally.
The execution of the FSM is considered to be completed successfully. \\ \hline
% \vspace{-1.3cm}
\caption{Finite State Machine}
\subsubsection{Event definition}
Implementation of two events defined in PTPv2 as "implementation-specific" are defined in the clause.
The \textbf{SYNCHRONIZATION\_FAULT} shall occur when syntonization break is detected by hardware
(link disconnected) or high accuracy mode is exited out of other reason (e.g. management). It shall result in
clearing the record of foreign masters. The \textbf{MASTER\_CLOCK\_SELECTED} shall occur on successful
completion of the FSM execution on the port selected by BMC as Slave and
being in PTP\_UNCALIBRATED state. Consequently, the PTP\_SLAVE state shall be entered.
\subsection{High Accuracy Default Profile}
It is proposed that the profile uses request-response mechanism and defines default mapping using Annex F
with transportSpecific flag set to ETHERNET\_SYNCE (i.e. SyncE without ECMS and frequency loopback).
However, using transportSpecific flag set to DEFAULT (ETHERNET) is allowed if the link partner is not
SyncE-capable. This is to enable backward-compatibility. This might be realized by defining
two PTP ports per single physical port (one defining High Accuracy profile, second by defining
Default Request-response mechanism), as suggested in Clause 7.5.1.
By default, the "High Accuracy" option shall be active. If a link-partner uses mapping defined in Annex F
with DEFAULT transport Specific field, the "High Accuracy" option shall be disabled.
The delay request-response mechanism shall be the only path delay measurement mechanism.
\subsection{Changes to clauses of PTPv2}
\subsubsection{Required changes}
\begin{tabular}{ l l}
Clause & Table 6 -- add accuracies greater then 25ns \\
Clause 14.1.1: & Table 34 -- add HIGH\_ACCURACY\_OPTION tlvType \\
\subsubsection{Possibly helpful changes}
\begin{tabular}{ l p{12.2cm}}
Clause 3.1: & Add time definition (time = time of day and/or frequency) \\
Clause 5.3.3: & Add picoseconds to Timestamp structure \\
Clause 7.5.3: & Add High Accuracy FSM as an example in the NOTE \\
Clause 9.3.1: & Add profile-specific decision code to enable e.g. choice of
secondarySlave \\
Clause 9.5.10: & Waver the necessity of sending Follow\_Up message prior to transmission
of a subsequent Sync Message -- this is to enable resending Sync Messages
when detecting that Sync Message was sent on clock-adjustment and the timestamp
is faulty. \\
\section {Benefits of the proposed revision}
This revision allows high-accuracy implementation of PTP protocol by providing to an implementer
a standardize way of deriving very stable frequency from physical medium, evaluating physical delays,
using phase detection for enhancing timestamping precision and evaluating link asymmetry.
Additionally, using SyncE with PTP is considered by Telecom profile, therefore adding it to the
transport annex can be useful for telecommunication applications.
\section {Backward compatibility to IEEE-1588:} Complete backward compatibility.
M. Lipi\'{n}ski, T. W\l{}ostowski, J. Serrano, P. Alvarez and P. Moreira
\emph{Performance results of the first White Rabbit installation for CNGS time transfer}.
ISPCS2012 Proccedings,
2012 \\
M. Lipi\'{n}ski, T. W\l{}ostowski, J. Serrano, P. Alvarez
\emph{White Rabbit: a PTP Application for Robust Sub-nanosecond Synchronization}.
ISPCS2011 Proccedings,
2011 \\
ITU-T G.8262/Y.1362
\emph{Timing characteristics of a synchronous
Ethernet equipment slave clock}.
Tomasz W\l{}ostowski
\emph{Precise time and frequency transfer in a White Rabbit network}.
Warsaw University of Technology,
J. Serrano, P. Alvarez, M. Cattin, E. G. Cota, J. H. Lewis, P. Moreira, T. W\l{}ostowski
and others,
\emph{The White Rabbit Project}.
IEEE Std 802.3-2008
\emph{IEEE Standard for Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange
between systems -- Local and Metropolitan area networks -- Specific requirements}.
IEEE Computer Society, New York,
\bibitem{WRPTP} %done x
Emilio G. Cota, Maciej Lipinski, Tomasz Wostowski, Erik van der Bij, Javier
\emph{White Rabbit Specification: Draft for Comments}.
CERN, Geneva
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