Commit 814cc3f4 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

doc: update the documentation with relase of wr-nic, wrpc-sw and spec-sw

parent bd6eeb4c

478 KB | W: | H:


202 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -90,13 +90,12 @@ The starting kit is composed of various elements that you should find in the box
* AXGE-3454-0531 (violet)
* 1x LC-LC cable (2m)
* 2x LEMO cable (2m)
* 2x LEMO-BNC Adaptor (Not in the next picture)
* 2x LEMO-BNC Adaptor
![The components of the starting kit](ssk_components.jpg)
[^standardssk]: Only with the standard version of starting kit.
<!--TODO: take a new picture with rodrigo box-->
Physical configurations
......@@ -174,14 +173,22 @@ rm spec-sw.tar.gz
cd spec-sw
* Or get the latest release : **spec-sw-2.1**[^commitgit]
<!-- TODO: change these -->
* Or get the latest release : **spec-sw-2.2**[^commitgit]
# Create the "root" directory
mkdir -p ~/wr/
cd ~/wr/
git clone -b spec-sw-2.1 git://
# Clone the repository
git clone git://
cd spec-sw
# Checkout the stable release
git checkout -b wr-nic-v1.0 wr-nic-v1.0
[^commitgit]: You should only use our package or proper release (tagged commit).
......@@ -208,10 +215,8 @@ Each of the following folder contains:
* **gateware**: downloaded HDL binaries also called gateware.\
(This folder is created while downloading gateware)
* **kernel**: Kernel modules (drivers) to connect the SPEC to the PC through PCIe.
* **test-lm32**: Will be removed in next version
* **tools**: Set of tools use for the experiments in the starter Kit
<!-- TODO: When next release remove the test-lm32 folder -->
### Structure of the driver and HDL
......@@ -241,14 +246,13 @@ Otherwise you need to download it
#Create the gateware folder
$ mkdir gateware
$ cd gateware
#Download all the files (from OHWR website).
$ wget -nv
$ wget -nv
-O gateware/spec-init.bin
$ wget -nv
$ wget -nv
-O gateware/wr_nic_dio.bin
$ wget -nv
-O gateware/wr_nic_dio-wrc.bin
<!-- TODO: Put the source and tag of the binaries -->
......@@ -1040,7 +1044,7 @@ The starting kit is base on various project:
: The project that contains the software (application + driver) which you have already compiled above.
: A simple gateware in order to access to the EEPROM of the FMC (WB-I2C)
: gateware (FPGA HDL) that includes the NIC & DIO capabilities.
......@@ -1048,10 +1052,6 @@ spec-golden
: LM32 sofwtare in the white rabbit PTP core for the synchronization.
<!-- TODO: Update with release -->
......@@ -1098,15 +1098,16 @@ make
You will therefore obtain your golden firmware called as `spec-init.bin`
WRPC Firmware
> *Dep*: lm32 compiler, autoconf
WRPC-SW (LM32 firmware)
If you have the **lm32** compiler installed, you might download the code
from [wrpc-sw] project and compile it by simply using:
> ***Notes***: The steps in this section are not needed as we already provide the `wrc.ram` in the [wr-nic] repository.
However we provide here a simple resume of the steps to follow to compile the firmware specifically for the wr-nic.
You should also look at the [wrpc.pdf] to understand how to use it and how to compile for other configurations.
You can download it from [wr-nic-v1.0.tar.gz]( file or you can try to compile it following the instructions below:
You first need to install the **lm32** compiler as suggested in [wrpc.pdf], then you need to compile using the specific configuration as bellow:
#Set up CROSS_COMPILE variable for this terminal
......@@ -1115,14 +1116,17 @@ export CROSS_COMPILE="<your_path_to_lm32>/lm32/bin/lm32-elf-";
#Clone the repository
$ git clone git://
$ cd wrpc-sw
#Checkout the stable release
$ git checkout -b wr-nic-v1.0 wr-nic-v1.0
And finally configure & compile it
# Configuring the project for SPEC
$ make spec_defconfig
$ make wrnic_defconfig
# Compile
$ make
......@@ -1130,24 +1134,28 @@ $ make
You should obtain various files named wrc.bin, wrc.elf, wrc.vhd, wrc.ram
You can therefore use them to override the one in [wr-nic](#wr-nic-hdl-gateware) project.
> ***Notes***: These steps are a simple resume on how to compile the
firware, you should also look at the [wrpc-sw.pdf].
# Override the default embeded wrpc-sw
cp wrc.ram <wr_root_folder>/wr-nic/syn/spec
WR-NIC (HDL-gateware)
The final step is to prepare the WR-NIC bitstream (SPEC+FMC DIO) with
the wrpc-sw embeded inside.
This step show us how to prepare the WR-NIC bitstream (SPEC+FMC DIO) with
the wrpc-sw (`wrc.ram` file) embeded inside.
## Checkout the code
git clone git://
cd wr-nic
## Import the wrc.ram from wrpc-sw to the wr-nic project
cp wrpc-sw/wrc.ram wr-nic/syn/spec/
#Checkout the stable release
git checkout -b wr-nic-v1.0 wr-nic-v1.0
## Go to the main directory
cd wr-nic/syn/spec/
......@@ -1158,10 +1166,7 @@ hdlmake --fetch
hdlmake -l
you should finally obtain the bitstream to import in your fmc driver folder.
......@@ -1193,17 +1198,9 @@ FAQS & Bugs
Known Bugs
### Setting time
On the current release the time can not be setup up manually in wrpc, this is already fix in the master branch
and will be included in the next release.
The following operation should set up at 01/01/2000 but it does not.
time set 946684801 00
### Virtual UART
The following command: `sudo tools/spec-vuart -b <dev_id>` does not show anything?
Virtual UART is not enable on the current release but will be available on the next one.
......@@ -1342,7 +1339,9 @@ References
[fmc-bus.pdf]: <>
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