# Phase noise and ADEV of the WR Switch using different TCVCXOs
This page is a summary of the results of Allan Deviation and Phase noise
measurements done using a modified Grand Master (described in [*White
Rabbit Switch performance in Grandmaster
mode*](https://www.ohwr.org/project/wr-low-jitter/wikis/Documents/White-Rabbit-Switch-performance-in-Grandmaster-mode), second half of the
document). The reference clock is provided through a
The following table shows the phase noise perfomance of some VCTCXO
taken into account. Click on the name of the VCTCXO to see the
perfomance of WRS using the selected VCTCXO.
| **VCTCXO**| \* Phase noise @ 1Hz **|** Phase noise @ 10Hz **|** Power
supply compatible **|** Footprint compatible **|** Availabe on stores
| VM53S3 (currently installed) | -31 dBc/Hz (ref. 10MHz) | -86 dBc/Hz
(ref. 10MHz) | YES 3.0V | YES (5x3.2mm) | YES Radiospare |
| Vectron VT-803 | -70 dBc/Hz (ref. 10MHz) | -99 dBc/Hz (ref. 10MHz) |
YES (customizable) |
YES | NO (contact Vectron) |
| CFPT-9301 | -77 dBc/Hz (ref. 10MHz) | <s>97 dBc/Hz (ref. 10MHz) | 3.3V
+/</s> 10% | YES | YES (Farnell) |