Commit fcc90fbe authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

wrpc_v2: wr_mini_nic memory corrupt bugfix

parent 1b04440c
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Tomasz Wlostowski
-- Company : CERN BE-Co-HT
-- Created : 2010-07-26
-- Last update: 2011-12-14
-- Last update: 2012-01-25
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL
......@@ -338,12 +338,6 @@ begin -- behavioral
mem_addr_o <= mem_addr_int;
TRIG0(g_memsize_log2-1 downto 0) <= mem_addr_int;
trig0(16) <= bad_addr;
trig0(17) <= nrx_mem_wr;
trig0(18) <= mem_arb_rx;
trig1 <= nrx_mem_d;
trig0(19) <= mem_wr_int;
p_gen_bad_addr : process(mem_addr_int, regs_out)
......@@ -649,6 +643,22 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- RX Path (Fabric -> Host)
--TRIG0(2 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector(nrx_state);
--TRIG0(3) <= nrx_buf_full;
--TRIG0(g_memsize_log2-1+4 downto 4) <= std_logic_vector(nrx_avail);
--TRIG1(g_memsize_log2-1 downto 0) <= mem_addr_int;
--TRIG1(16) <= bad_addr;
--TRIG1(17) <= nrx_mem_wr;
--TRIG1(18) <= mem_arb_rx;
--TRIG2 <= nrx_mem_d;
--TRIG1(19) <= mem_wr_int;
nrx_status_reg <= f_unmarshall_wrf_status(snk_dat_i);
nrx_valid <= '1' when snk_cyc_i = '1' and snk_stall_int = '0' and snk_stb_i = '1' and
......@@ -737,6 +747,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- on the RX fabric and then we commence reception of the packet.
when RX_WAIT_SOF =>
-- TRIG0(2 downto 0) <= "000";
nrx_newpacket <= '0';
nrx_done <= '0';
......@@ -763,6 +774,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- TRIG0(2 downto 0) <= "001";
-- wait until we have memory access
if(mem_arb_rx = '0') then
......@@ -770,8 +782,10 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- make sure the bit 31 is 0 (RX descriptor is invalid)
nrx_mem_d <= (others => '0');
nrx_mem_a_saved <= nrx_mem_a;
if(nrx_avail /= to_unsigned(0, nrx_avail'length)) then
nrx_avail <= nrx_avail - 1;
nrx_mem_wr <= '1';
end if;
-- allow the fabric to receive the data
......@@ -785,6 +799,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
when RX_DATA =>
-- TRIG0(2 downto 0) <= "010";
nrx_mem_wr <= '0';
......@@ -806,9 +821,9 @@ begin -- behavioral
end if;
-- abort/error/end-of-frame?
if(nrx_stat_error = '1' or snk_cyc_i = '0' or nrx_avail=to_unsigned(0, nrx_avail'length) ) then
if(nrx_stat_error = '1' or snk_cyc_i = '0' or nrx_avail = to_unsigned(0, nrx_avail'length)) then
if( nrx_stat_error='1' or nrx_avail=to_unsigned(0, nrx_avail'length) ) then
if(nrx_stat_error = '1' or nrx_avail = to_unsigned(0, nrx_avail'length)) then
nrx_error <= '1';
nrx_error <= '0';
......@@ -885,6 +900,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- TRIG0(2 downto 0) <= "011";
-- check for error/abort conditions, they may appear even when
-- the fabric is not accepting the data (tx_dreq_o = 0)
......@@ -905,6 +921,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
when RX_MEM_FLUSH =>
-- TRIG0(2 downto 0) <= "100";
nrx_stall_mask <= '1';
if(nrx_buf_full = '0') then
......@@ -913,7 +930,9 @@ begin -- behavioral
nrx_size <= nrx_size - 1; --the buffer is full, last word was not written
end if;
if(mem_arb_rx = '0') then
if(ntx_buf_full = '0') then
nrx_avail <= nrx_avail - 1;
end if;
nrx_state <= RX_UPDATE_DESC;
end if;
......@@ -925,6 +944,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- TRIG0(2 downto 0) <= "101";
nrx_stall_mask <= '1';
if(mem_arb_rx = '0') then
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