# Development
*Coding style:**
## Repo layout:
The repository contains only generic and reusable White Rabbit cores, which should not be tied to any particular piece of hardware. If there are any platform dependencies, the platform-specific part should be clearly separated from the generic part.
The repo is organized as follows:
- `modules` - "big" modules, such as the WR Endpoint of WR Core - each
in a separate subdirectory, with dir name matching the name of of
the top level entity. Only platform-independent RTL code is allowed.
- `platform` - platform dependent code, for example wrappers for
gigabit transceivers or Chipscope cores.
- `sim` - simulation models and header files
- `top` - top level entities for actual hardware implementations (i.e.
FPGA-wide top levels). Each design should be placed in a separate
subdirectory with the name matching the pattern
`hw_platform`/@firmware\_name`. For example,
`spec\_1\_1/wr\_core\_demo@ means a demo project for the WR core
synthesized for the SPEC 1.1. card. FPGA pin assignment files should
be also stored in top/ subdirectory.
## Coding style:
In general, the OHR VHDL coding guidelines should be followed. However,
due to large complexity of some of the modules, there are some
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