Commit 4232fcb6 authored by Javier Serrano's avatar Javier Serrano

First draft of slides for GEANT meeting

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title[White Rabbit\hspace{11em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]{White Rabbit: accurate time and frequency transfer over Ethernet networks}
\author[Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski}
\institute{CERN BE-CEM-EDL\\Electronics Design \& Low-Level Software section}
\date{\vspace{0.5cm}\\Management and monitoring of time and frequency
technologies\\{\small 21 June 2022}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Your Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{What is White Rabbit?}
\item<1-> CERN and GSI initiative for control \& timing
\item<2-> Based on well-established standards
\item <3->Ethernet \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 802.3)}
\item <3->Bridged Local Area Network \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 802.1Q)}
\item <4->Precision Time Protocol \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 1588)}
\item<6->Extends standards to provide
\item \color{blue!90}{Sub-ns synchronisation}
\item \color{red}{Deterministic data transfer}
\item<7-> Initial specs: links $\leq$10~km \& $\leq$2000 nodes
\item<8-> \textbf{Open Source and commercially available}
\textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
\begin{frame}{Many users worldwide, including metrology labs...}
\item<1-> \color<2->{black!50}{CERN and GSI}
\item<2-> \color<3->{black!50}{The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory}
\item<3-> \color<4->{black!50}{KM3NET: Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope}
\item<4-> \color<5->{black!50}{German Stock Exchange}
\item<5-> \color<7->{black!50}{Mikes: Finish National Time Lab}
\item<6-> \color<7->{black!50}{National Time Labs in Netherlands (VSL), \\France (LNE-SYRTE), USA (NIST), UK (NPL) and\\Italy (INRIM)} %and Belgium (SMD)
\item<7-> ESA: European Space Agency for Galileo
{\scriptsize See user page: \url{}}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit technology - sub-ns synchronisation}
\begin{block}{Based on}
\item Gigabit Ethernet over fibre
\item IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol
\begin{block}{Enhanced with}
\item Layer 1 syntonisation
\item Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)
\item Link delay model
\begin{frame}{Gigabit Ethernet Local Area Network over fibre}
% \includegraphics<1>[width=.8\textwidth]{misc/switch_in_nutshell_mac.pdf}
% \includegraphics<2>[width=.8\textwidth]{misc/switch_in_nutshell_1-2_mac.pdf}
% \includegraphics<3>[width=.8\textwidth]{misc/switch_in_nutshell_1-3_mac.pdf}
\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)}
\item Frame-based synchronisation protocol
\item Simple calculations:
\item link delay: $\delta_{ms} = \frac{(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})}{2}$
\item offset from master: $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms})$
\item<2-> Hierarchical network
\item<3-> Shortcomings:
\item devices have free-running oscillators
\item frequency drift compensation vs. message exchange traffic
\item assumes symmetry of medium
\item timestamps resolution
\begin{frame}{Layer 1 Syntonisation}
\item Clock is encoded in the Ethernet carrier and recovered by the receiver chip
\item All network devices use the same physical layer clock
\item Clock loopback allows phase detection to enhance precision of timestamps
\begin{frame}{Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)}
\item Precise phase measurements in FPGA
\item WR parameters:
\item $clk_{in}~~~~~~~~=62.5$~MHz
\item $clk_{DDMTD}=62.496185$~MHz (N=14)
\item $clk_{out}~~~~~~=~~3.814$~kHz
\item Theoretical resolution of 0.977~ps
\begin{frame}{Link delay model}
\item <1->Correction of RTT for asymmetries
\item <2->Asymmetry sources: FPGA, PCB, SFP electrics/optics, chromatic dispersion
\item <3->Link delay model:
\item \textbf{Fixed delays} -- FPGA, PCB, SFP
\item \textbf{Variable delays} -- fibre:\vspace{0.1cm} $\alpha = \frac{\nu_g(\lambda_s)}{\nu_g(\lambda_m)} -1 = \frac{\delta_{ms} - \delta_{sm}}{\delta_{sm}}$
\item Calibration procedure to find fixed delays and $\alpha$
\item <4-> Accurate offset from master (OFM):\scriptsize \\\vspace{0.2cm}
$\delta_{ms}~ = \frac{1 + \alpha}{2 + \alpha} \, (RTT - \sum \Delta - \sum \epsilon)$\vspace{0.2cm}
$OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms} + \Delta_{txm} + \Delta_{rxs} + \epsilon_S)$
\begin{frame}{Out-of-the-box performance}
\tiny \textit{"White Rabbit: a PTP Application for Robust Sub-nanosecond Synchronization", M.Lipinski et al, ISPCS 2011}
%\begin{frame}{Frequency transfer: out-of-the-box and improved}
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{measurements/WRSlowJitter/rsz_experimental_setup.png}\\
% \scriptsize
% Measurement device: Microsemi/Microchip 3120A Phase Noise Test Probe\\
% \end{center}
%\begin{frame}{Frequency transfer: out-of-the-box and improved}
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[width=.72\textwidth]{measurements/WRSlowJitter/GM+BC_MDEV.jpg}
% \end{center}
% \item<1-> Out-of-the-box performance:
% \begin{itemize}\tiny
% \item \textbf{GM-in to GM-out}: jitter of \textbf{9~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of \textbf{2E-12} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
% \item \textbf{GM-in to Slave-out}: jitter of \textbf{11~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of \textbf{4E-12} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
% \end{itemize}
% \item<2-> WR Switches improved with Low Jitter Daughterboard (LJD [14, 16]):
% \begin{itemize}\tiny
% \item \textbf{GM-in to GM-out}: jitter of \textbf{1~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of $<$\textbf{5E-13} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
% \item \textbf{GM-in to Slave-out}: jitter of $<$\textbf{2~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of $<$\textbf{7E-13} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
% \end{itemize}
\begin{frame}{State of the art performance}
\item \textbf{Accuracy:} $<$\textbf{10~ps}
\item \textbf{Jitter:} $<$\textbf{100~fs} RMS 10~Hz--10~MHz
\begin{frame}{Typical WR network}
\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{WR Switch v3 - current}
\item Central element of WR network
\item 18 port gigabit Ethernet switch with WR features
\item Default optical transceivers: up to 10km, single-mode fibre
\item Fully open-source, commercially available from 4 companies
\begin{frame}{Simplified block diagram of the hardware}
\begin{frame}{Low-jitter variant of v3 switch}
Uses external PLL and better VCTCXO in a daughter card or directly integrated
in the main switch PCB to improve short and long-term stability.
\begin{frame}{Switch types and their performance}
WR Switch type & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Ports 1-12 (LPDC ports)} &
\multicolumn{2}{c|}{Ports 13-18} \\
& Accuracy & Precision & Accuracy & Precision \\
``Standard'' & $<$10 ps & $<$10 ps & $<$1 ns & $<$10 ps \\
``Low-jitter'' & $<$10 ps & $<$1 ps & $<$1 ns & $<$1 ps \\
% \begin{frame}{WR Switch: hardware block diagram}
% \vspace{-0.3cm}
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[width=.85\textwidth]{switch/switch3_4_simple_diagram_h.pdf}
% \end{center}
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{WR Switch v4 - under development}
\item Up to 24 port, 1 and 10 Gbps, with WR features
\item Redundant \& hot-swappable power supply and fans
\item Expansion board
\item Fully open design
\begin{frame}{WR Node: carriers + mezzanines}
\item All carrier cards are equipped with a White Rabbit port
\item All carrier cards instantiate WR PTP Core
\item Mezzanines can use the accurate clock signal and timecode
\\ (synchronous sampling clock, trigger time tag, ...)
\begin{frame}{WR PTP Core}
\begin{frame}{Open \textbf{and} commercially available off-the-shelf}
\textbf{Companies selling White Rabbit:} \url{}
\begin{frame}{Management of WR networks: monitoring \& config}
\item<1-> White Rabbit is an extension of Ethernet
\item<2-> It can be managed using standard protocols and tools:
\item Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
\item Syslog
\item Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
\item Kerberos-based authentication
\item<3-> It can be debugged using standard tools:
\item Wireshark
\item Tcpdump
\item Professional Ethernet testers
\begin{frame}{WR Network vs. TN/GPN Network}
\begin{frame}{BE-CO services: Monitoring with COSMOS/Grafana}
\begin{frame}{BE-CO services: Configuration with CCDE}
\begin{frame}{Global WR network at CERN}
\item<1-> Ethernet-based synchronisation
\item<2-> $<$1 ns accuracy and $<$10 ps precision out-of-the-box
\item<3-> Sub-10~ps accuracy and sub-100~fs precision achievable
\item<4-> Open-source with commercial support
\item<5-> Standard-based and standard-extending
\item<6-> Included in the revised IEEE 1588
\item<7-> A versatile solution for general control and data acquisition
\item<8-> Showcase of technology transfer
% \pause
%For more information see
WR Project page:
\begin{frame}{Backup slides}
Backup slides
\begin{frame}{WR applications in science and beyond}
% \begin{columns}[c]
% \column{.6\textwidth}
\item Time \& frequency transfer
\item Time-based control
\item Precise timestamping
\item Trigger distribution
\item Fixed-latency data transfer
\item Radio-frequency transfer
% \column{.4\textwidth}
% \pause
% \begin{block}{\centering NOTE}
% \begin{center}\small
% Selected \\ WR applications at CERN \\ will be detailed\\ next week
% \end{center}
% \end{block}
% \end{columns}
%\begin{frame}{Time \& frequency transfer}
% \begin{itemize}\small
% \item Widely used/evaluated by Time Laboratories\\
% \textcolor{white}{Evaluated by Deutsche Telecom}
% \end{itemize}
% \begin{table}
% \scriptsize
% \begin{tabular}{
% | c | c | c | r | r l | } \hline
% \textbf{Time Lab}& \textbf{Country} & \textbf{When}& \textbf{Length} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Time Error}}\\ \hline
% VTT & Finland & 2016 & 950~km & $\pm$2~ns & \\ \cline{3-6}
% MIKES & & 2018 & 50~km & $<$1~ns & \\ \hline
% & & 2016 & 2x137~km & $\approx$8~ns &(2 sigma, normal dist.) \\ \cline{3-6}%
% VSL & Netherlands & 2018 & 2x100~km & $<$1~ns & (rectangular dist.) \\ \cline{3-6}
% & & 2019 & 2x100~km & $<$100~ps & (rectangular dist.) \\ \hline
% LNE- & & 2016 & 25~km & 150~ps & \\ \cline{3-6}
% SYRTE & France & 2017 & 125~km & 2.5~ns & \\ \cline{4-6}
% & & & 4x125~km & 2.5~ns & \\ \hline
% NIST & USA & 2018 & $<$10~km & $<$200~ps & \\ \hline
% NPL & UK & 2017 & 2x80~km & $<$1~ns & \\ \hline
% INRIM & Italy & 2014 & 50~km & 800~ps & $\pm$56~ps \\ \cline{4-6}
% & & & 70~km & 610~ps & $\pm$47~ps \\ \hline
% SMD \& & Belgium to & 2019 & 260~km & $\pm$200~ps & (2 sigma, normal dist.) \\
% ESTEC & Netherlands & & & & \\ \hline
% % & 400~km & & \\ \hline
% \end{tabular}
% \end{table}\vspace{-0.4cm}
% \begin{center}
%\scriptsize See more in [5] and [6]
% \end{center}
\begin{frame}{Time \& frequency transfer}
\item<1-> Widely used/evaluated by National Time Labs (5 countries)
\item<2-> Evaluated by Deutsche Telekom
ISPCS keynote \textit{Highly Accurate Time Dissemination \& Network Synchronisation}, Helmut Imlau, Deutsche Telekom
% \subsection{Time-based control}
\begin{frame}{Time-based control}
\begin{frame}{Time-based control - example application}
\begin{itemize} \small
\item<1-> GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Germany
\item<2-> 1-5 ns accuracy and 10 ps precision
\item<3-> WR network at GSI:
\item Operational since June 2018: \\134 nodes \& 32 switches
\item Final: 2000 WR nodes \& 300 switches in 5 layers
\begin{frame}{Precise timestamping}
% \textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
\begin{itemize} \small
\item<1-> Association of time with
\item an event
\item a sample (measured value)
\item<2-> The most widely used WR application
\item<3-> Time-of-flight measurement
\item<4-> Speed of neutrinos - CNGS
\item<5-> Types of particles - ProtoDUNE
\item<6-> Cosmic ray and neutrino detection
\item<7-> Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory
\item<8-> Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope
\item<9-> Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy
\item<10-> High Frequency Trade monitoring
\item German Stock Exchange
\begin{frame}{Trigger distribution}
\begin{frame}{Trigger distribution - example applications}
LHC trigger distribution to measure beam instabilities - since 2016\\
WRTD - White Rabbit Trigger Distribution- to be used for CERN’s Open Analog Signals Information System (OASIS)
\begin{frame}{Fixed-latency data transfer}
\begin{frame}{Fixed-latency data transfer- example application}
Distribution of magnetic field in CERN accelerators
\begin{frame}{Radio-frequency transfer}
\begin{frame}{Radio-frequency transfer - example application}
\item RF over WR at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
\item A prototype tested in operation: $<$10 ps jitter
\item RF over WR at CERN
\item A prototype: $<$100 fs jitter and $<$10 ps reproducibility over reboots
\begin{frame}{WR standardisation in IEEE 1588 (1)}
\item<1-> IEEE standards are revised periodically
\item<2-> IEEE 1588 revision started in 2013 \& targeted\\\scriptsize
\textit{" for synchronisation to better than 1 nanosecond"}\\
\item<3-> Working Group with 5 sub-committees
\item<4-> High Accuracy sub-committee
\item Focus on White Rabbit
\item Experts from industry and academia
\item Division of WR into self-contained parts
\item Definition of Optional Features and PTP Profile that
allow WR-like implementation and WR performance
\item<6-> Revised IEEE 1588 approved on 7 Nov 2019
\begin{frame}{WR standardisation in IEEE 1588 (2)}
\textbf{White Rabbit integration into IEEE 1588 as High Accuracy:} \url{}
% \section{Ongoing Work}
% \subsection{}
% \begin{frame}{Ongoing work}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item<1-> Improve accuracy ($<$10 ps) and jitter ($<$100 fs)
% \item<2-> White Rabbit over 10 Gb Ethernet
% \item<3-> New WR Switch hardware
% \item<4-> WR PTP Core support for new FPGA families
% \item<5-> Support for building WR applications \\(next week BE seminar)
% \end{itemize}
% \end{frame}
\section{WR Performance in Long Chain}
\begin{frame}{WR performance in a long chain}
\section{WR Performance Improvements}
\begin{frame}{Time transfer: out-of-the-box}
Reported in 2011
\begin{frame}{Frequency transfer: out-of-the-box and improved}
Measurement device: Microsemi/Microchip 3120A Phase Noise Test Probe\\
\begin{frame}{Frequency transfer: out-of-the-box and improved}
% \includegraphics[width=.57\textwidth]{measurements/WRSlowJitter/GM+BC_pn.jpg}
% \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{measurements/WRSlowJitter/GM+BC_pn+MDEC.jpg}
\item<1-> Out-of-the-box performance:
\item \textbf{GM-in to GM-out}: jitter of \textbf{9~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of \textbf{2E-12} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
\item \textbf{GM-in to Slave-out}: jitter of \textbf{11~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of \textbf{4E-12} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
\item<2-> WR Switches improved with Low Jitter Daughterboard (LJD):
\item \textbf{GM-in to GM-out}: jitter of \textbf{1~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of $<$\textbf{5E-13} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
\item \textbf{GM-in to Slave-out}: jitter of $<$\textbf{2~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of $<$\textbf{7E-13} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
% \item<3-> Enhanced end-node (Morion MV207 OCXO):
% \begin{itemize}\tiny
% \item \textbf{GM-out to BC-out}: jitter of $<$\textbf{100fs} RMS 10Hz-10MHz
% \end{itemize}
% \pause\pause
% \begin{center}\scriptsize
% See more in t [14, 16]
% \end{center}
\begin{frame}{WR time \& frequency tranfser: state of the art}
\item \textbf{GM-out to end-node-out}: accuracy of $<$\textbf{10~ps}
\item \textbf{GM-out to end-node-out}: jitter of $<$\textbf{100~fs} RMS 10~Hz--10~MHz
\section{Determinism in WR}
\begin{frame}{Determinism and Network Latency}
\begin{frame}{Network Latency Contributors}
\begin{frame}{Determinism in WR}
\item "White Box" design of WR switch - allows thorough analysis
\item Backward-compatible extension of the IEEE 802.1Q std
\begin{frame}{High Priority}
\begin{frame}{WR Switch Latency}
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