Commit 009866b3 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

presentation shown at Wigla Symposium 2015

parent d2eb5d04
......@@ -77,11 +77,19 @@
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title[White Rabbit \\Reliability \& determinism in WR \hspace{4mm}
\title[Reliability \& Determinism in WR \hspace{4mm}
\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber ]{Methods to increase reliability and ensure determinism in a White Rabbit Network}
\author[Maciej Lipinski] % (optional, use only with lots of authors)
{Maciej Lipinski}
\institute{CERN BE-CO\\Hardware and Timing section}
% \institute{CERN BE-CO\\Hardware and Timing section}
\begin{tabular}{ r c l }
Institute of Electronic Systems & @ & Warsaw University of Technology \\
Hardware and Timing Section & @ & CERN
\date[30 May 2015]{XXXVI-th IEEE-SPIE Joint Symposium Wilga 2015\\30 May 2015}
......@@ -133,7 +141,7 @@
% - If you omit details that are vital to the proof/implementation,
% just say so once. Everybody will be happy with that.
\section[WR Intro]{Introduction to White Rabbit}
\section[Introduction]{Introduction to White Rabbit}
......@@ -145,24 +153,23 @@
\item<1-> Open Hardware \& Software
\item<2-> International collaboration
\item<3-> Growing number of applications
\item<4-> Extension to 1 Gigabit Ethernet:
\item<3-> Extension to 1 Gigabit Ethernet
\item<5-> \color{blue!90}{Sub-ns \underline{reliable} synchronization}
\item<6-> \color{red}{\underline{Deterministic}, \underline{reliable} and \underline{low-latency data delivery}}
\item<4-> \color{blue!90}{Sub-ns \underline{reliable} synchronization}
\item<5-> \color{red}{\underline{Deterministic}, \underline{reliable} and \underline{low-latency data delivery}}
\begin{frame}{Why is White Rabbit?}
\begin{frame}{Why White Rabbit?}
......@@ -176,38 +183,42 @@
\begin{frame}{PhD Thesis}
\begin{frame}{Reliability and determinism in White Rabbit}
As a starting point for this thesis,
White Rabbit network provided {\color{blue!90}sub-ns accuracy} and enabled
{\color{red}data delivery}
\textbf{The thesis provides:}
Reliability and determinism in
\item {\color{blue!90}Synchronization resilience}
\item {\color{blue!90}Synchronization}
\begin{itemize} \footnotesize
% \item guaranteed performance
\item network redundancy
\item sub-ns accuracy in transient
% \hspace{3cm}
\item {\color{red}Data resilience and determinism}
\item {\color{red}Data distribution}
\begin{itemize} \footnotesize
\item network and data redundancy
\item determinism \& reliability in transient
\item network upper bound latency by design
\item network redundancy
\item determinism and data delivery in transient
\begin{block}{}%{There is no exiting solution to meet CERN requirements}
There is no other exiting solution \\to meet CERN requirements
% \vspace{-1cm}
......@@ -217,73 +228,121 @@ White Rabbit network provided {\color{blue!90}sub-ns accuracy} and enabled
\section{Network Topology}
\section{Reliable synchronization}
\begin{frame}{Available solutions}
\begin{frame}{Network topology for synchronization and determinism}
\begin{frame}{Support for seamless synchronization redundancy}
\section{Synchronization resilience}
\begin{frame}{Available solutions}
\begin{frame}{Support for seamless synchronization redundancy}
\item Customized Precision Time Protocol (PTP):
\begin{itemize} \tiny
\item Multi-path synchronization by static configuration
\item Multiple backup management through priority
\item Hardware support for PTP-compatible holdover notification
\item Dedicated Phase-Locked Loop (PLL):
\begin{itemize} \tiny
\item Multi-channel phase detection, seamless channel switchover
\item Short-term holdover
\item Phase-based failure pre-detection with multiple backups
\begin{frame}{Support for seamless synchronization redundancy}
\begin{frame}{Tests and measurement}
\begin{frame}{Tests and measurement}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{Data resilience and determinism}
\section{Reliable data distribution}
\begin{frame}{Available solutions}
\begin{frame}{Reliable data distribution in White Rabbit}
\begin{frame}{Determinism and Latency}
\item Deterministic latency of dedicated traffic
\begin{itemize} \footnotesize
\item Based on IEEE 802.1Q
\item \textcolor{red}{By design $<$ : 10$\mu$s} for all sizes, rates
\item Tests results of latency: $\approx$ 3$\mu$s
% \vspace{-1cm}
% \hspace{-6cm}
\begin{frame}{Robust \textbf{data} distribution in a White Rabbit Network}
\begin{frame}{Data redundancy}
\begin{frame}{Data redundancy (related PhD thesis)}
\begin{frame}{Data redundancy}
......@@ -304,23 +363,22 @@ White Rabbit network provided {\color{blue!90}sub-ns accuracy} and enabled
\begin{frame}{Support for deterministic forwarding}
\begin{frame}{Support for seamless redundancy}
\begin{frame}{Network redundancy}
%\subsection{Data Distribution in White Rabbit}
\begin{frame}{Network redundancy}
\begin{frame}{Tests and Measurements}
Hardware support for Ethernet protocols to speed up network reconfiguration
......@@ -387,17 +445,26 @@ White Rabbit network provided {\color{blue!90}sub-ns accuracy} and enabled
\section{Conclusions \& Future}
\begin{frame}{Conclusions \& Future}
\item Integrate time and data solutions
\item Implement Forward Error Correction (FEC)
\item Make the robustness features user-friendly
\item<1-> Conclusions
\item Tests prove that the developed methods work
\item Triple redundancy is needed to meet CERN requirements
\item Some of the methods are still prove of concept
\item<2-> Future
\item Integration of time and data solutions
\item Protocol support for time \& data topology configuration
\item Implementation of Forward Error Correction (FEC)
\item User-friendly management of robustness features
......@@ -415,4 +482,7 @@ White Rabbit network provided {\color{blue!90}sub-ns accuracy} and enabled
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