... | ... | @@ -255,31 +255,37 @@ |
## Considering/evaluating
- [Allied Partners](http://alliedpartnersllc.com/)
- [Allied Partners](http://alliedpartnersllc.com/), USA
- Evaluating deterministic ethernet solutions for critical
infrastructure networks and applications (July 2012)
- China Spallation Neutron Source Institute of High Energy Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (Oct 2012)
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Oct 2012)
- Target and instrument control
- [Cosylab](http://cosylab.com/) WR timing system test
- [Cosylab](http://cosylab.com/) WR timing system test, Slovenia
- [ESRF](www.esrf.eu/), France
- Upgrade program of it's storage ring. First analysis of several
existing systems is done and arrived to the conclusion that, at
the lights of the architecture and features of the product, it
is worth to consider White Rabbit as the most attractive
candidate. (Chaize, Feb 2014)
- [ITER](http://www.iter.org/) timing system (F. Di Maio, Feb 2012)
- [Michigan State University](http://frib.msu.edu/)
- [Hartnell College -
Physics](http://www.hartnell.edu/physics/program.htm), USA
- Provide time stamp information for triggers from cosmic ray
coincidence events using White Rabbit. (Aug 2014)
- [ITER](http://www.iter.org/) timing system (F. Di Maio, Feb 2012),
- [Michigan State University](http://frib.msu.edu/), USA
- [FRIB accelerator project](http://www.frib.msu.edu):
synchronization and trigger distribution system for the data
acquisition system (July 2014)
- [National Synchrotron Radiation
Laboratory](http://en.nsrl.ustc.edu.cn), University of Science and
Technology of China (Oct 2012)
Technology of China, China (Oct 2012)
- Upgrade of the timing and control systems of accelerators. Will
build demo to assess the feasibility.
- [NICA, accelerator of JINR at
Dubna](http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/41456) (30/8/11)
Dubna](http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/41456), Russia
- Deliver control information to different parts of accelerator
over the Ethernet synchronously with a subnanosecond accuracy.
- Evalutating WR cores: Y.Kozhevnikov and PhD student
... | ... | @@ -305,17 +311,14 @@ |
## Thinking
- [ESS Lund](http://ess-scandinavia.eu/)
- [EISCAT](http://www.eiscat.se/)
- [Hartnell College -
- Provide time stamp information for triggers from cosmic ray
coincidence events using White Rabbit.
- [SuperB](http://superb.infn.it)
- [LNLS](http://www.lnls.br/) (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
is seriously thinking on using WR for the fast orbit feedback and
for the timing system of
- [ESS Lund](http://ess-scandinavia.eu/), Sweden
- [EISCAT](http://www.eiscat.se/), Sweden
- [SuperB](http://superb.infn.it), Italy
- [LNLS](http://www.lnls.br/) (Brazilian Synchrotron Light
Laboratory), Brazil
- using WR for the fast orbit feedback and for the timing system
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