# Sixth White Rabbit Workshop, Darmstadt (Germany), 22-23 March 2012
The sixth WR workshop takes place at GSI on 22-23 March 2012. The exact
location is the **"Theory Seminar Room", SB3 3.170a**. Access cards for
registered visitors will be available at the gate.
location is the [Theory Seminar Room,
SB3 3.170a](http://www.gsi.de/informationen/users/verkehr/GSI_Flyer_Lageplan_2011.pdf)
. Access cards for registered visitors will be available at the gate.
## Additional Info
some more work needed here...
## How-To
\* Access. Please register in time by contacting Javier and/or Dietrich.
*You need your identity card get access to GSI.**
\* Travel: http://www.gsi.de/informationen/users/verkehr/index_e.html
\* Accommodation:
\* [Getting to
\* Using your Notebook
1\. Power socket type: http://en.wikipedia.org/wikis/Schuko
1\. Wifi requires personalized username and password. GSI will organize
1\. [Schuko Power socket](http://en.wikipedia.org/wikis/Schuko)
2\. Wifi requires personalized username and password. GSI will organize
that for registered participants.
\* Bringing equipment (WR switches, oscilloscopes, ...) requires some
paperwork. Please contact Dietrich beforehand.
... | ... | @@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ Sandwich lunch at 12:30 |
The GSI canteen closes at 13:30. We still have the meeting room for the
rest of the day for informal discussion, if needed.
## Additional Information
About "GSI":
### Files
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