Commit b994489a authored by Richard R. Carrillo's avatar Richard R. Carrillo

SPEC test07 modified to test DDR data lines first

parent f1b012c7
#coding: utf8
# Copyright CERN, 2012 (Seven Solutions S.L.)
# Author: Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez?
# Author: Richard Carrillo <rcarrillo(AT)>
# Licence: GPL v2 or later.
# Website:
# Website:
# Version: 1.1 (Last modifications: 17/01/2013)
import sys
import rr
......@@ -49,6 +58,11 @@ class CGN4124:
# Mapping of the interrupt controller core (Wishbone address)
BAR0_INT_CTRL_ADDR = 0x50000
def rd_reg(self, bar, addr):
return self.bus.iread(bar, addr, 4)
......@@ -99,15 +113,17 @@ class CGN4124:
# GN4124 interrupt configuration
def set_interrupt_config(self):
# Set interrupt line from FPGA (GPIO8) as input
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_GPIO_DIR_MODE, (1<<self.GPIO_INT_SRC))
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_GPIO_DIR_MODE, 1<<self.GPIO_INT_SRC)
# Set interrupt mask for all GPIO except for GPIO8
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_GPIO_INT_MASK_SET, ~(1<<self.GPIO_INT_SRC))
# Make sure the interrupt mask is cleared for GPIO8
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_GPIO_INT_MASK_CLR, (1<<self.GPIO_INT_SRC))
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_GPIO_INT_MASK_CLR, 1<<self.GPIO_INT_SRC)
# Interrupt on rising edge of GPIO8
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_GPIO_INT_VALUE, (1<<self.GPIO_INT_SRC))
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_GPIO_INT_VALUE, 1<<self.GPIO_INT_SRC)
# GPIO as interrupt 0 source
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_INT_CFG0, (1<<self.INT_CFG0_GPIO))
self.wr_reg(self.GN4124_BAR, self.R_INT_CFG0, 1<<self.INT_CFG0_GPIO)
# Enable interrupt in interrupt mask register
self.wr_reg(0,self.BAR0_INT_CTRL_ADDR + self.INT_CTRL_MASK_OFFSET*4, 1 << self.INT_CTRL_MASK_DMA_DONE_BIT)
# Get DMA controller status
def get_dma_status(self):
......@@ -166,7 +182,6 @@ class CGN4124:
# Start DMA transfer
def start_dma(self):
self.wr_reg(0,0x50000 + 2*4, 1) # Enable interrupt
self.dma_item_cnt = 0
self.dma_csr.wr_bit(self.R_DMA_CTL, self.DMA_CTL_START, 1)
# The following two lines should be removed
......@@ -3,20 +3,18 @@
# Copyright CERN, 2012 (Seven Solutions S.L.)
# Author: Richard Carrillo <rcarrillo(AT)>
# Author: Rafael Rodríguez <rrodriguez(AT)>
# Licence: GPL v2 or later.
# Website:
# Website:
# Version: 1.0 (Last modifications: 21/12/2012)
# Version: 1.1 (Last modifications: 17/01/2013)
# remove unused libraries?
import sys
import rr
import random
import time
import spi
import i2c
import gn4124
import os
import math
from ptsexcept import *
......@@ -27,8 +25,8 @@ User intervention required: No
Procedure details:
- Load FPGA firmware
- Set local bus frequency
- Test the connectivity of address lines
- Test the connectivity of data lines
- Test the connectivity of address lines
class test07:
......@@ -91,6 +89,10 @@ class test07:
return ret_error
def find_different_bit(self,dword0,dword1):
""" Return the number of the most significant bit which is different in the two values """
return int(math.floor(math.log(dword0^dword1,2)))
def test_data_lines(self):
""" Test the memory-interface data lines """
......@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ class test07:
page_data = self.gennum.get_memory_page(0)
if page_data[0] <> value_list[data_line]:
error_str="Value read from memory (0x{:X}) is differnt from what was expected (0x{:X}) at Wishbone address (0x{:X}). DDR-interface data line/s is tied to Vcc or GND, or unconnected.".format(page_data[0],value_list[data_line],test_data_addr)
error_str="Value read from memory (0x{:X}) is differnt from what was expected (0x{:X}) at Wishbone address (0x{:X}). At least DDR-interface data line {} is tied to Vcc or GND, or unconnected.".format(page_data[0],value_list[data_line],test_data_addr,self.find_different_bit(page_data[0],value_list[data_line]))
ret_error="While testing DDR data lines: "+error_str
......@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@ def main(default_directory="."):
bitstream = os.path.join(default_directory, path_firmware)
print "Loading firmware: %s" % (firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream)
os.system( firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream )
# Load board library and open the corresponding device
print "Loading hardware access library and opening device\n"
......@@ -131,11 +134,11 @@ def main(default_directory="."):
init_test_time = time.time()
print "Configuring board"
print "\nChecking DDR address and bank lines"
if ret_error==None:
print "Checking DDR data lines"
print "\nChecking DDR data lines"
if ret_error==None:
print "Checking DDR address and bank lines"
end_test_time = time.time()
print "\nEnd of Test07"
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