• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    arch-bare-* and lib-bare: network functions now dump if level is 2 · a433089e
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    Like what I did in two commits ago, now if debug level for "frames" is
    2 or more, net_ops->send and net_ops->recv now dump the data to
    stdout. The format is the same of tools/ptpdump, but the time is
    not showing the local time, as we miss localtime() and I don't want
    to waste time recoding it.
    This is an example of a bare-i386 slave requesting its master:
      send: TIME: (1363278286 - 0x5141f9ce) 1363278286.52969000
      send: ETH: 88f7 (00:25:11:86:1f:d2 -> 01:1b:19:00:00:00)
      send: VERSION: 2 (type 1, len 44, domain 0)
      send: FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
      send: PORT: 00-25-11-ff-fe-86-1f-d2-00-01
      send: REST: seq 2, ctrl 1, log-interval 127
      send: MESSAGE: (E) DELAY_REQ
      send: MSG-DELAY_REQ: 1363278286.052689000
      send: DUMP: payload (size 44)
      send: DUMP: 81 02 00 2c  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
      send: DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 25 11 ff  fe 86 1f d2  00 01 00 02
      send: DUMP: 01 7f 00 00  51 41 f9 ce  03 23 f8 68
      diag-frames-1-eth0: SENT 44 bytes at 1363278286.052969000 (delay_req)
    This is a bare-i386 master receiving the same frame:
      recv: TIME: (1363278286 - 0x5141f9ce) 1363278286.92899000
      recv: ETH: 88f7 (00:25:11:86:1f:d2 -> 01:1b:19:00:00:00)
      recv: VERSION: 2 (type 1, len 44, domain 0)
      recv: FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
      recv: PORT: 00-25-11-ff-fe-86-1f-d2-00-01
      recv: REST: seq 2, ctrl 1, log-interval 127
      recv: MESSAGE: (E) DELAY_REQ
      recv: MSG-DELAY_REQ: 1363278286.052689000
      recv: TLV: too short (46 - 44 = 2)
      recv: DUMP: payload (size 46)
      recv: DUMP: 81 02 00 2c  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
      recv: DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 25 11 ff  fe 86 1f d2  00 01 00 02
      recv: DUMP: 01 7f 00 00  51 41 f9 ce  03 23 f8 68  00 00
      diag-frames-1-eth0: RECV 46 bytes at 1363278286.092899000 (type 1)
    And this is tools/ptprump running on the master, for the same frame:
      TIME: (1363278286 - 0x5141f9ce) 17:24:46.092814
      ETH: 88f7 (00:25:11:86:1f:d2 -> 01:1b:19:00:00:00)
      VERSION: 2 (type 1, len 44, domain 0)
      FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
      PORT: 00-25-11-ff-fe-86-1f-d2-00-01
      REST: seq 2, ctrl 1, log-interval 127
      MSG-DELAY_REQ: 1363278286.052689000
      TLV: too short (46 - 44 = 2)
      DUMP: payload (size 46)
      DUMP: 81 02 00 2c  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
      DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 25 11 ff  fe 86 1f d2  00 01 00 02
      DUMP: 01 7f 00 00  51 41 f9 ce  03 23 f8 68  00 00
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
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