Commit 5a2df5b6 authored by Cesar Prados's avatar Cesar Prados

wb-eb:fix the wb master for pipeline

parent 01c38151
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of VME_Wb_interface is
signal s_shift_dx : std_logic;
signal s_funct_sel : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal s_cyc : std_logic;
signal s_cyc_d : std_logic;
signal s_AckWithError : std_logic;
signal s_ack_ctrl : std_logic;
signal s_wbData_i : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
......@@ -113,7 +114,6 @@ begin
s_select <= cardSel_i & sel_i;
s_wbData_i <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(s_DATi_sample),s_wbData_i'length));
cyc_o <= s_cyc;
MSI_IRQ_FIFO : xwb_clock_crossing port map(
slave_clk_i => clk_i,
......@@ -143,31 +143,27 @@ begin
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
s_msi_fifo_full_r <= s_msi_fifo_full;
s_funct_sel <= funct_sel;
msi_int_master_i.stall <= '1';
msi_int_master_i.ack <= '0';
msi_int_master_i.err <= '0';
if s_funct_sel(0) = '1' or (s_funct_sel(0) = '0' and s_funct_sel(1) = '0') then
-- strobe hadler
if reset_i = '1' or (stall_i = '0' and s_cyc = '1') then
stb_o <= '0';
elsif memReq_i = '1' and cardSel_i = '1' and BERRcondition_i = '0' then
if funct_sel(0) = '1' or (funct_sel(0) = '0' and funct_sel(1) = '0') then
if (memReq_i = '1' and cardSel_i = '1' and BERRcondition_i = '0' and cyc_o = '1') then
stb_o <= '1';
elsif (stb_o = '1' and stall_i = '0' and cyc_o = '1') then
stb_o <= '0';
end if;
-- cycle handler
if reset_i = '1' or memAckWB_i = '1' then
s_cyc <= '0';
elsif memReq_i = '1' and cardSel_i = '1' and BERRcondition_i = '0' then
s_cyc <= '1';
end if;
cyc_o <= s_cyc_d;
-- ack and rw handler
RW_o <= RW_i;
s_AckWithError <=(memReq_i and cardSel_i and BERRcondition_i);
s_ack_ctrl <= '0';
elsif s_funct_sel(1) = '1' and -- CONTROL WINDOW
elsif funct_sel(1) = '1' and -- CONTROL WINDOW
(memReq_i = '1' and cardSel_i = '1' and BERRcondition_i = '0') then
s_ack_ctrl <= '1';
......@@ -178,7 +174,7 @@ begin
when "0010" => -- SDWD
s_data_ctrl <= g_sdb_addr;
when "0100" => -- CTRL
s_data_ctrl(31) <= s_cyc;
s_data_ctrl(31) <= s_cyc_d;
s_data_ctrl(30 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
when "0110" => -- MASTER MSI STATUS
s_data_ctrl(31) <= s_msi_fifo_full;
......@@ -200,7 +196,7 @@ begin
case rel_locAddr_i(5 downto 2) is
when "0100" => -- CTRL
if locDataInSwap_i(30) = '1' then -- write
s_cyc <= locDataInSwap_i(31);
s_cyc_d <= locDataInSwap_i(31);
end if;
when "0110" => -- MASTER MSI STATUS
case locDataInSwap_i(1 downto 0) is
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