Commit cb3673cd authored by HEV at MDTEC's avatar HEV at MDTEC

fix for HEV battery

parent e221df93
Pipeline #2909 failed with stages
{"calibration": {"label": "calibration", "last_performed": 1635348228, "cmd_code": "calib_rate", "message": "Ensure patient is disconnected from ventilator"}, "leak_test": {"label": "Leak Test", "last_performed": 1635348230, "cmd_code": "leak_test", "message": "Ensure patient is disconnected from ventilator"}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"calibration": {"label": "calibration", "last_performed": 1635763157, "cmd_code": "calib_rate", "message": "Ensure patient is disconnected from ventilator"}, "leak_test": {"label": "Leak Test", "last_performed": 1635763159, "cmd_code": "leak_test", "message": "Ensure patient is disconnected from ventilator"}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -39,11 +39,20 @@ class BatteryHandler(PayloadHandler):
except KeyError:
logging.debug("Keyerror in battery payload: 'bat'")
if battery_data.has_key("bat85"):
new_status["battery_percent_1"] = self.compute_battery_percent_hev(batter_data)
new_status["battery_percent_2"] = 0
except KeyError:
logging.debug("Keyerror in battery payload: 'bat85'")
if battery_data.has_key("bat1_percent"):
new_status["battery_percent_1"] = int(battery_data["bat1_percent"])
except KeyError:
logging.debug("Keyerror in battery payload: 'bat1_percent'")
if battery_data.has_key("bat2_percent"):
new_status["battery_percent_2"] = int(battery_data["bat2_percent"])
except KeyError:
......@@ -73,22 +82,22 @@ class BatteryHandler(PayloadHandler):
return 0
# def compute_battery_percent(self, battery_data: dict) -> float:
# """
# Determine the current battery percentage from the information in battery_data.
# As of 17/03/21 battery payloads only contain enough information to
# determine if the battery is above or below 85% battery life.
# Unless provided with specific information to the contrary, assume that the
# battery is on 0% so that we should never overestimate how much remains.
# """
# if battery_data["bat85"] == 1:
# return 85.0
# elif battery_data["bat85"] == 0:
# return 0.0
# else:
# raise TypeError(
# "Battery Percentage (entry 'bat85' in the battery payload) is not 1 or 2."
# )
def compute_battery_percent_hev(self, battery_data: dict) -> float:
Determine the current battery percentage from the information in battery_data.
As of 17/03/21 battery payloads only contain enough information to
determine if the battery is above or below 85% battery life.
Unless provided with specific information to the contrary, assume that the
battery is on 0% so that we should never overestimate how much remains.
if battery_data["bat85"] == 1:
return 85.0
elif battery_data["bat85"] == 0:
return 0.0
raise TypeError(
"Battery Percentage (entry 'bat85' in the battery payload) is not 1 or 2."
......@@ -31,12 +31,16 @@ from CommsCommon import BatteryFormat
# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
isHEV = False
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
isHEV = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
logging.warning("RPi gpio backend not found, will use dummy")
from hevgpio import gpio
gpio = gpio()
isHEV = False
class BatteryLLI:
......@@ -72,6 +76,10 @@ class BatteryLLI:
async def main(self) -> None:
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(self._timeout)
if isHEV == True:
payload = HEVBatteryFormat(dummy=self._dummy)
else :
payload = BatteryFormat(dummy=self._dummy)
# Get output from upower
......@@ -145,6 +153,11 @@ class BatteryLLI:
setattr(payload, key, payload_dict[key])
if isHEV == True:
for pin in self._pins:
setattr(payload, pin, gpio.input(self._pins[pin]))
except asyncio.queues.QueueFull:
......@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ class LogMsgFormat(PayloadFormat):
# BATTERY data payload
# =======================================
class OldBatteryFormat(PayloadFormat):
class HEVBatteryFormat(PayloadFormat):
_dataStruct = Struct("<BIBbbbbbbb")
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