Commit b46b223e authored by Andrea Boccardi's avatar Andrea Boccardi

updates in the fw

parent 0fd775fd
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module MAX5483 (
input SPIUD_iq,
input CS_iqn,
input SclkInc_iqk,
input DinUD_iq);
parameter dly = 1;
initial begin
ParallelData_q = 24'b0;
Latch10Bits_m = 10'b0;
NVRegister_m = 10'b0;
Latch10BitsSPI_m = 10'b0;
NVRegisterSPI_m = 10'b0;
Latch10BitsUD_m = 10'b0;
NVRegisterUD_m = 10'b0;
reg [23:0] ParallelData_q;
reg [9:0] Latch10Bits_m, Latch10BitsSPI_m, Latch10BitsUD_m;
reg [9:0] NVRegister_m, NVRegisterSPI_m, NVRegisterUD_m;
always @(posedge SclkInc_iqk)
if (~CS_iqn) ParallelData_q <= #dly {ParallelData_q[22:0], DinUD_iq};
always @(posedge CS_iqn) begin
if (SPIUD_iq) begin
case (ParallelData_q[21:20])
2'b00: Latch10BitsSPI_m = ParallelData_q[15:6];
2'b10: NVRegisterSPI_m = Latch10BitsSPI_m;
2'b11: Latch10BitsSPI_m = NVRegisterSPI_m;
default: Latch10BitsSPI_m = 10'b1010101010;
always @(negedge SclkInc_iqk) begin
if (~SPIUD_iq && ~CS_iqn) begin
if (DinUD_iq) Latch10BitsUD_m <= #dly Latch10BitsUD_m + 1'b1;
else if (~DinUD_iq) Latch10BitsUD_m <= #dly Latch10BitsUD_m - 1'b1;
always @(posedge CS_iqn) if (SclkInc_iqk) NVRegisterUD_m <= #dly Latch10BitsUD_m;
always @* begin
if (SPIUD_iq) begin
Latch10Bits_m <= #dly Latch10BitsSPI_m;
NVRegister_m <= #dly NVRegisterSPI_m;
else if (~SPIUD_iq) begin
Latch10Bits_m <= #dly Latch10BitsUD_m;
NVRegister_m <= #dly NVRegisterUD_m;
......@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@ module AddressDecoderWBSys(
input AckIntMAnager_i,
output reg StbIntManager_o,
input [31:0] DatDebugRegs_ib32,
input AckDebugRegs_i,
output reg StbDebugRegs_o,
input [31:0] DatGenericOutputRegs_ib32,
input AckGenericOutputRegs_i,
output reg StbGenericOutputRegs_o,
input [31:0] DatGenericInputRegs_ib32,
input AckGenericInputRegs_i,
output reg StbGenericInputRegs_o,
input [31:0] DatSlv2SerWB_ib32,
input AckSlv2SerWB_i,
......@@ -21,21 +25,25 @@ module AddressDecoderWBSys(
output reg StbSpiMaster_o
assign Ack_o = AckIntMAnager_i || AckDebugRegs_i || AckSlv2SerWB_i || AckSpiMaster_i;
assign Ack_o = AckIntMAnager_i || AckGenericOutputRegs_i || AckGenericOutputRegs_i || AckSlv2SerWB_i || AckSpiMaster_i;
always @* begin
Dat_ob32 = 32'h0;
StbIntManager_o = 1'b0;
StbDebugRegs_o = 1'b0;
StbGenericOutputRegs_o = 1'b0;
StbGenericInputRegs_o = 1'b0;
StbSlv2SerWB_o = 1'b0;
StbSpiMaster_o = 1'b0;
if (Adr_ib22[21:2]==20'h0) begin // FROM 00_0000 TO 00_0003 (WB) == FROM 00_0000 TO 00_000C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbIntManager_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatIntManager_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21:2]==20'h1) begin // FROM 00_0004 TO 00_0007 (WB) == FROM 00_0010 TO 00_001C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbDebugRegs_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatDebugRegs_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21:3]==19'h1) begin // FROM 00_0008 TO 00_000F (WB) == FROM 00_0020 TO 00_003C (VME) <- 8 regs (32B)
StbGenericOutputRegs_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatGenericOutputRegs_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21:2]==20'h2) begin // FROM 00_0008 TO 00_000B (WB) == FROM 00_0020 TO 00_002C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbGenericInputRegs_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatGenericInputRegs_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21:3]==19'h2) begin // FROM 00_0010 TO 00_0017 (WB) == FROM 00_0040 TO 00_005C (VME) <- 8 regs (32B)
StbSpiMaster_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatSpiMaster_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21]==1'b1) begin // FROM 20_0000 TO 3F_FFFF (WB) == FROM 80_0000 TO FF_FFFC (VME) <- 2M regs (8MB)
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ wire [31:0] DebugReg0, DebugReg1, DebugReg2, DebugReg3;
wire [31:0] DatDebugRegsrO_b32;
wire StbDebugRegs, AckDebugRegs;
Generic4RegsWB i_DebugRegs(
Generic4OutputRegs i_DebugRegs(
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<state pencolor="0" radius="40" description="Here we can write in the shiftout reg" finalstate="0" moore_outputs="" ypos="233" code="4" xpos="647" linewidth="1">TxPause</state>
<state pencolor="0" radius="40" description="" finalstate="0" moore_outputs="" ypos="393" code="5" xpos="344" linewidth="1">EndOfTx</state>
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<inputs default="0" any="0" invert="0"></inputs>
<transition c1x="493.6418574411713" c2y="216.4859007892634" c1y="250.8315000963803" description="" straight="0" type="2" ypos="280.5885497017487" endx="505.3926240134208" xpos="503.8443161033643" endy="191.728851183895" c2x="491.5950826756139">
<inputs default="0" any="0" invert="0"></inputs>
<transition c1x="591.0073245536657" c2y="294.9987666472443" c1y="307.3497464640203" description="" straight="0" type="2" ypos="313.7007262807963" endx="633.4854098557294" xpos="557.7682819026339" endy="270.6477868304683" c2x="615.2463672046975">
<inputs default="0" any="0" invert="0"></inputs>
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<inputs default="0" any="0" invert="0"></inputs>
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<inputs default="0" any="0" invert="0"></inputs>
<transition c1x="386.0789081076703" c2y="470.9776169794632" c1y="505.3804497787148" description="" straight="1" type="2" ypos="432.814000542212" endx="321.3595983277605" xpos="347.8529677944076" endy="425.9759338324126" c2x="252.7887548040038">
<inputs default="0" any="0" invert="0"></inputs>
<transition c1x="273.9141194417419" c2y="355.0288673534517" c1y="383.3769968050892" description="" straight="0" type="2" ypos="384.245553550319" endx="247.3673870894818" xpos="304.9697595785054" endy="318.4262914521331" c2x="253.1558734763592">
<inputs default="0" any="0" invert="0"></inputs>
module Generic4InputRegs (
input Rst_irq,
input Clk_ik,
input Cyc_i,
input Stb_i,
input We_i,
input [1:0] Adr_ib2,
output reg [31:0] Dat_oab32,
output Ack_oa,
input [31:0] Reg0Value_ib32,
input [31:0] Reg1Value_ib32,
input [31:0] Reg2Value_ib32,
input [31:0] Reg3Value_ib32);
assign Ack_oa = Stb_i&&Cyc_i;
always @* case (Adr_ib2)
2'b00: Dat_oab32 = Reg0Value_ib32;
2'b01: Dat_oab32 = Reg1Value_ib32;
2'b10: Dat_oab32 = Reg2Value_ib32;
2'b11: Dat_oab32 = Reg3Value_ib32;
default: Dat_oab32 = Reg0Value_ib32;
module Generic4OutputRegs
#( parameter
Reg0Default = 32'h0,
Reg1Default = 32'h0,
Reg2Default = 32'h0,
Reg3Default = 32'h0)
( input Rst_irq,
input Clk_ik,
input Cyc_i,
input Stb_i,
input We_i,
input [1:0] Adr_ib2,
input [31:0] Dat_ib32,
output reg [31:0] Dat_oab32,
output Ack_oa,
output reg [31:0] Reg0Value_ob32,
output reg [31:0] Reg1Value_ob32,
output reg [31:0] Reg2Value_ob32,
output reg [31:0] Reg3Value_ob32);
always @(posedge Clk_ik)
if (Rst_irq) Reg0Value_ob32 <= #1 Reg0Default;
else if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib2==2'b00) Reg0Value_ob32 <= Dat_ib32;
always @(posedge Clk_ik)
if (Rst_irq) Reg1Value_ob32 <= #1 Reg1Default;
else if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib2==2'b01) Reg1Value_ob32 <= Dat_ib32;
always @(posedge Clk_ik)
if (Rst_irq) Reg2Value_ob32 <= #1 Reg2Default;
else if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib2==2'b10) Reg2Value_ob32 <= Dat_ib32;
always @(posedge Clk_ik)
if (Rst_irq) Reg3Value_ob32 <= #1 Reg3Default;
else if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib2==(2'b11)) Reg3Value_ob32 <= Dat_ib32;
assign Ack_oa = Stb_i&&Cyc_i;
always @* case (Adr_ib2)
2'b00: Dat_oab32 = Reg0Value_ob32;
2'b01: Dat_oab32 = Reg1Value_ob32;
2'b10: Dat_oab32 = Reg2Value_ob32;
2'b11: Dat_oab32 = Reg3Value_ob32;
default: Dat_oab32 = Reg0Value_ob32;
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
output reg [31:0] Dat_oab32,
output reg Ack_oa,
output reg WaitingNewData_o,
output reg ModuleIdle_o,
output reg SClk_o,
output MoSi_o,
input [31:0] MiSo_ib32,
......@@ -89,6 +92,8 @@ assign MoSi_o = a_Lsb1St ? ShiftOut_qb32[0] : ShiftOut_qb32[31];
always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
WriteAck_q <= WriteAck_q && Stb_i; // Default clear condition valid for all the states
ModuleIdle_o <= 'h0;
WaitingNewData_o <= 'h0;
if (Rst_irq) begin
StartTx_q <= 'b0;
WriteAck_q <= 'b0;
......@@ -100,12 +105,15 @@ always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
Config2_qb32 <= 'h0;
ShiftOut_qb32 <= 'h0;
ShiftIn_qb32 <= 'h0;
ModuleIdle_o <= 'h0;
WaitingNewData_o <= 'h0;
end else case (State_q)
`s_Idle: begin
SClk_o <= a_CPol;
SS_onb32 <= 32'h_FFFF_FFFF;
TimeCounter_cb16 <= 'h0;
TxCounter_cb12 <= 'h0;
ModuleIdle_o <= State_a==`s_Idle;
if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib3==`c_AddrShiftOut) begin
ShiftOut_qb32 <= Dat_ib32;
ShiftIn_qb32 <= 'h0;
......@@ -145,6 +153,7 @@ always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
`s_TxPause: begin
WaitingNewData_o <= State_a==`s_TxPause;
if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib3==`c_AddrShiftOut) begin
ShiftOut_qb32 <= Dat_ib32;
ShiftIn_qb32 <= 'h0;
......@@ -167,6 +176,8 @@ always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
Config2_qb32 <= 'h0;
ShiftOut_qb32 <= 'h0;
ShiftIn_qb32 <= 'h0;
ModuleIdle_o <= 'h0;
WaitingNewData_o <= 'h0;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -409,12 +409,96 @@ SystemFpga i_SystemFpga(
ApplicationFpga i_ApplicationFpga(
......@@ -434,4 +518,17 @@ ApplicationFpga i_ApplicationFpga(
// Power Supplies
wire VAdjSpi, VAdjSClk_k, VAdjDin, VAdjCs;
MAX5483 ic44(
......@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
//implemented for each module.
//The same is true for U.D. pins on P2 and all the P0 connections.
module VmeMaster (
module VmeMaster
parameter gfd_FileOutput = 32'h8000_0001, //default is standard out
g_VerboseAccesses = 1'b1 //write access results to standard out
output reg Trst_o,
output reg Tck_o,
input Tdo_i,
......@@ -35,20 +40,14 @@ initial begin
SysReset_o = 1'b1;
parameter [31:0] gfd_FileOutput = 32'h8000_0001; //default is standard out
parameter g_FileOutput_e = 1'b0; //default disabled
parameter g_VerboseAccesses = 1'b1; //write access results to standard out
reg [31:0] a_D = 32'hz;
reg [31:1] a_A = 31'hz;
reg a_LWord = 1'bz;
integer fd_Output;
reg FileOutput_e;
reg fd_FileOutput;
reg VerboseAccesses;
initial FileOutput_e = g_FileOutput_e;
initial fd_FileOutput = gfd_FileOutput;
initial VerboseAccesses= g_VerboseAccesses;
......@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ begin
while (DtAck_i && Retry_i && Berr_i && ~(i==1000)) #10 i=i+1;
if (~Berr_i) begin
if (VerboseAccesses) $display("Bus Error asserted");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Bus Error asserted");
ExitCode = 8'h2;
As_o = 1'b1;
Ds1_o = 1'b1;
......@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ begin
a_D = 32'hz;
a_A = 31'hz;
end else if (~Retry_i) begin
if (VerboseAccesses) $display("Slave asserted retry request");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Slave asserted retry request");
ExitCode = 8'h3;
As_o = 1'b1;
Ds1_o = 1'b1;
......@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ begin
a_D = 32'hz;
a_A = 31'hz;
end else if (DtAck_i) begin
if (VerboseAccesses) $display("No module response to the vme write request: time out");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"No module response to the vme write request: time out");
ExitCode = 8'h1;
As_o = 1'b1;
Ds1_o = 1'b1;
......@@ -112,14 +111,13 @@ begin
while (~DtAck_i && ~(i==1000)) #10 i=i+1;
if (~DtAck_i) begin
if (VerboseAccesses) $display("Unable to close the vme write in a usefull time: time out");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Unable to close the vme write in a usefull time: time out");
ExitCode = 8'h1;
end else begin
ExitCode =8'h0;
if (VerboseAccesses) $display ("VME write cycle: d = %h at address %h address at %t",Data ,Address, $time);
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"VME write cycle: d = %h at address %h address at %t",Data ,Address, $time);
if (FileOutput_e) $fdisplay(fd_Output, "%d", ExitCode);
a_A = 31'bz;
a_LWord = 1'bz;
a_D = 32'bz;
......@@ -150,7 +148,7 @@ begin
while (DtAck_i && ~(i==1000)) #10 i=i+1;
if (DtAck_i) begin
if (VerboseAccesses) $display("No module response to the vme read request @ 32'h%h : time out", Address);
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"No module response to the vme read request @ 32'h%h : time out", Address);
ExitCode = 8'd1;
As_o = 1'b1;
Ds1_o = 1'b1;
......@@ -164,10 +162,10 @@ begin
while (~DtAck_i && ~(i==1000)) #10 i=i+1;
if (~DtAck_i) begin
if (VerboseAccesses) $display("Unable to close the vme read in a usefull time: time out");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Unable to close the vme read in a usefull time: time out");
ExitCode = 8'd2;
end else begin
if (VerboseAccesses) $display ("VME read cycle: d = %h at address %h of A32 address space at %t", DataRead, Address,$time);
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"VME read cycle: d = %h at address %h of A32 address space at %t", DataRead, Address,$time);
ExitCode = 8'd0;
......@@ -187,13 +185,13 @@ task AcknowledgeInterrupt;
output ExitCode; // 0=Interrupt received, 1=Time out, 2=Bus Error during the acknowledge
integer i;
$display("Waiting for interrupt.....");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Waiting for interrupt.....");
InterruptLevel = 'h0;
a_D = 32'bz;
i = 0;
while (&Irq_i && ~(i==150)) #100 i=i+1;
if (&Irq_i) begin
$display("No interrupt received: time out");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"No interrupt received: time out");
interrupt_vector = 32'hx;
ExitCode = 'd1;
end else begin
......@@ -201,17 +199,17 @@ begin
a_A[3:1] = ~Irq_i[7] ? 3'h7 : (~Irq_i[6] ? 3'h6 : (~Irq_i[5] ? 3'h5 : (~Irq_i[4] ? 3'h4 : (~Irq_i[3] ? 3'h3 : (~Irq_i[2] ? 3'h2 : ~Irq_i[1] ? 3'h1 : 3'hx)))));
#10 As_o = 1'b0;
InterruptLevel = a_A[3:1];
$display("Received interrupt reqest of priority level %d", InterruptLevel);
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Received interrupt reqest of priority level %d", InterruptLevel);
Ds1_o = 1'b0;
Write_o = 1'b1;
i = 0;
while (DtAck_i && ~(i==1000)) #1 i=i+1;
if (DtAck_i) begin
$display("No module responded to the interrupt acknoledge in a usefull time");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"No module responded to the interrupt acknoledge in a usefull time");
ExitCode = 'd2;
end else begin
interrupt_vector = D_b ;
$display("Received interrupt vector: %h", interrupt_vector);
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Received interrupt vector: %h", interrupt_vector);
ExitCode = 'd0;
......@@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ begin
while (~DtAck_i && ~(i==10)) #1000 i=i+1;
if (~DtAck_i) begin
$display("Unable to close the vme interrupt acknoledge in a usefull time: time out");
if (VerboseAccesses) $display(fd_FileOutput,"Unable to close the vme interrupt acknoledge in a usefull time: time out");
ExitCode = 'd2;
......@@ -259,7 +257,7 @@ begin
$dumpvars(0, tb_VFC);
end else if (command=="I" || command=="i") begin
// $display("Which level of interrupt(1 to 7)? 0x");
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"Which level of interrupt(1 to 7)? 0x");
AcknowledgeInterrupt(IntLevel3, data32, command);
fd_MyFifoOut = $fopen("V2Py.fifo", "w");
$fwrite(fd_MyFifoOut, "%x\n", command);
......@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@ begin
$fwrite(fd_MyFifoOut, "%x\n", data32);
end else if (command=="A" || command=="a") begin
// $display("For how long do you want to wait? ");
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"For how long do you want to wait? ");
// outcode=$fscanf(32'h8000_0000, "%d", data32);
// outcode=$fgetc(32'h8000_0000); //just to get rid of the nl
outcode=$fscanf(fd_MyFifoIn, "%d", data32);
......@@ -279,35 +277,35 @@ begin
SysReset_o = 1'b1;
end else if (command=="W" || command=="w") begin
// $display("At which address you want to write?");
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"At which address you want to write?");
// outcode=$fscanf(32'h8000_0000, "%h", address32);
// outcode=$fgetc(32'h8000_0000); //just to get rid of the nl
outcode=$fscanf(fd_MyFifoIn, "%h", address32);
outcode=$fgetc(fd_MyFifoIn); //just to get rid of the nl
// $display("What do you want to write?");
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"What do you want to write?");
// outcode=$fscanf(32'h8000_0000, "%h", data32);
// outcode=$fgetc(32'h8000_0000); //just to get rid of the nl
outcode=$fscanf(fd_MyFifoIn, "%h", data32);
outcode=$fgetc(fd_MyFifoIn); //just to get rid of the nl
SimpleWrite(address32, 6'h09, data32, command);
// $display("Executed with exit code %d", command);
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"Executed with exit code %d", command);
fd_MyFifoOut = $fopen("V2Py.fifo", "w");
$fwrite(fd_MyFifoOut, "%x\n", command);
end else if (command=="R" || command=="r") begin
// $display("At which address you want to read?");
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"At which address you want to read?");
// outcode=$fscanf(32'h8000_0000, "%h", address32);
// outcode=$fgetc(32'h8000_0000); //just to get rid of the nl
outcode=$fscanf(fd_MyFifoIn, "%h", address32);
outcode=$fgetc(fd_MyFifoIn); //just to get rid of the nl
SimpleRead(address32, 6'h09, data32, command);
// $display("Executed with exit code %d", command);
// $display("Read %x", data32);
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"Executed with exit code %d", command);
// $display(fd_FileOutput,"Read %x", data32);
fd_MyFifoOut = $fopen("V2Py.fifo", "w");
$fwrite(fd_MyFifoOut, "%x\n", command);
$fwrite(fd_MyFifoOut, "%x\n", data32);
end else $display("%tns: %c is an UNKNOWN COMMAND (hex is %x)", $time, command, command);
end else $display(fd_FileOutput,"%tns: %c is an UNKNOWN COMMAND (hex is %x)", $time, command, command);
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ pullup i_Irq0(VmeIrq_b7[0]);
// VME master
VmeMaster i_VmeMaster(
VmeMaster #(.g_VerboseAccesses(1'b0)) i_VmeMaster(
......@@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ VerilogFiles=
# Components' models
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/components/ivt3205c25mhz.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/components/sn74vmeh22501.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/components/MAX5483.v
# Components with missing models
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/components/blackboxes/si57x.v
# System FPGA's modules
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/SystemFpga.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/AddrDecoderWBSys.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/Generic4RegsWB.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/Generic4OutputRegs.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/Generic4InputRegs.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/Monostable.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/Debouncer.v
VerilogFiles+= ../hdl/design/InterruptManagerWB.v
......@@ -55,6 +57,6 @@ simplesim.o: $(VerilogFiles)
@mkfifo $@
simout.vcd: simplesim.o $(PythonFiles)
simout.vcd: simplesim.o $(PythonFiles) Py2V.fifo V2Py.fifo
@(cd ../software ; python
from VmeFunctions import *
class VfcRegisters:
def __init__(self, Slot):
self.Slot = Slot
BoardBaseAddress = Slot*2**24
#System FPGA
#Interrupt manager block registers
self.InterruptStatus = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x0)
self.InterruptConfig = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x4)
self.ReleaseID = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x8)
#Generic Output reg block (BA=0x10)
self.InterruptLvlVect = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x10)
self.GenericOutputReg1 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x14)
self.PllsControlBits = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x18)
self.GenericOutputReg3 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x1C)
#Generic Input reg block (BA=0x10)
self.PllsStatusBits = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x20)
self.GenericInputReg1 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x24)
self.GenericInputReg2 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x28)
self.GenericInputReg3 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x2C)
#SPI Master (BA=0x20)
self.SpiMasterStatus = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x40)
self.SpiMasterConfig1 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x44)
self.SpiMasterConfig2 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x48)
self.SpiMasterShiftOut = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x4C)
self.SpiMasterShiftIn = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x50)
#Appliation FPGA
AFPGABaseAddress = 0x800000
#Debug reg block (BA=0x0)
self.ApplDebugReg0 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0x0)
self.ApplDebugReg1 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0x4)
self.ApplDebugReg2 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0x8)
self.ApplDebugReg3 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0xC)
from VmeFunctions import *
from VfcRegistersMap import *
import numpy as np
class VmeRegister:
def __init__(self, Addr):
self.VmeAddr = Addr
def Write(self, Data):
ExitCode = VmeWrite(self.VmeAddr, Data)
return ExitCode
def Read(self):
Value = VmeRead(self.VmeAddr)
return Value
class VFCInstance:
class VFCInstance(VfcRegisters):
def __init__(self, Slot, IntLevel, IntVector):
self.Slot = Slot
VfcRegisters.__init__(self, Slot)
self.IntLevel = IntLevel
self.IntVector = IntVector
BoardBaseAddress = Slot*2**24
#System FPGA
#Interrupt manager block registers
self.InterruptStatus = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x0)
self.InterruptConfig = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x4)
self.ReleaseID = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x8)
#Debug reg block (BA=0x10)
self.DebugReg0 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x10)
self.DebugReg1 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x14)
self.DebugReg2 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x18)
self.DebugReg3 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x1C)
#SPI Master (BA=0x20)
self.SpiMasterStatus = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x20)
self.SpiMasterConfig1 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x24)
self.SpiMasterConfig2 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x28)
self.SpiMasterShiftOut = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x2C)
self.SpiMasterShiftIn = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + 0x30)
#Appliation FPGA
AFPGABaseAddress = 0x800000
#Debug reg block (BA=0x0)
self.ApplDebugReg0 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0x0)
self.ApplDebugReg1 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0x4)
self.ApplDebugReg2 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0x8)
self.ApplDebugReg3 = VmeRegister(BoardBaseAddress + AFPGABaseAddress + 0xC)
def EnableInterrupts(self, Mask):
self.InterruptConfig.Write(0x200 + Mask)
# Interrupts
def ConfigureInterrupts(self):
def EnableSpiIdleInterrupt(self):
def EnableSpiWaitingDataInterrupt(self):
def EnableDebugInterrupt(self):
def DisableSpiIdleInterrupt(self):
def DisableSpiWaitingDataInterrupt(self):
def DisableDebugInterrupt(self):
def GenerateDebugInterrupt(self, Status):
def WaitInterrupt(self):
IntStatus = 'X'
[IntLevel, IntVector] = VmeWaitInterrupt()
......@@ -62,6 +36,9 @@ class VFCInstance:
else : print "Wrong Vector: expecting "+ Slot+ " received "+ IntVector
else : print "Wrong IntLevel: expecting ", self.IntLevel, " received ", IntLevel
return IntStatus
def SpiAccess(self, Channel, CPol, CPha, LSB1st, Lenght, Data, HalfPeriod, WaitTime):
if Channel>=32 or Channel<0 :
print "Error: SPI Channel out of range"
......@@ -122,4 +99,43 @@ class VFCInstance:
else :
ReadValue = ReadValue*2**32+PartialShift
return ReadValue
# VAdj Control
def SetVadjWiper(self, Value):
Data = Value*2**6
print "Sending value ", hex(Data)
self.SpiAccess(1, 1, 1, 0, 24, Data, 32, 0)
def SaveVadjWiper(self):
self.SpiAccess(1, 1, 1, 0, 8, 0x20, 32, 0)
def LoadVadjWiper(self):
self.SpiAccess(1, 1, 1, 0, 8, 0x30, 32, 0)
# PLLs Configuration registers
# def ConfPllSpi(self, Pll):
#configura la comunicazione scrivendo nel registro 1
# def WritePllRegister(self, Pll, RegAddress, Value):
#scivi il valore con davanti la giusta istruzione
#leggi il valore bufferato
#se il valore bufferato e' quello che volevamo attiva
#se il valore non e' buono invia un errore (return error value)
# def ReadPllBufferedRegister(self, Pll, RegAddress):
#scivi che vuoi il valore bufferato in reg4
#leggi il valore del registo
# def ReadPllActiveRegister(self, Pll, RegAddress):
#scivi che vuoi il valore attivo in reg4
#leggi il valore del registo
# def SetPllRefSel(self, Pll, Value):
#Leggi il valore, maschera e fai un or
# def SetPllPd(self, Pll, Value):
#Leggi il valore, maschera e fai un or
# def SetPllSynch(self, Pll, Value):
#Leggi il valore, maschera e fai un or
# def SetPllReset(self, Pll, Value):
#Leggi il valore, maschera e fai un or
# def GetPllsStatus(self):
#leggi il registro
#splitta il valore con maschere per ottenere i vari status bit decodificati
class VmeRegister:
def __init__(self, Addr):
self.VmeAddr = Addr
def Write(self, Data):
VmeWrite(self.VmeAddr, Data)
def Read(self):
Value = VmeRead(self.VmeAddr)
return Value
def VmeWrite(Addr, Data):
MyString = 'W '+hex(Addr)[2:].strip('L')+' '+hex(Data)[2:].strip('L')+'\n'
fd_Out=open('../simulation/Py2V.fifo', 'w')
......@@ -2,16 +2,13 @@ from VmeDriver import *
from SimulationFunctions import *
import os
#os.system('mkfifo ../simulation/Py2V.fifo')
#os.system('mkfifo ../simulation/V2Py.fifo')
os.system('(cd ../simulation ; xterm make &)')
MyBoard = VFCInstance(4, 3, 4)
......@@ -23,17 +20,19 @@ print "Release: ", hex(MyBoard.ReleaseID.Read())
print "Enabling all the interrupts"
print "Int Config reg: ", hex(MyBoard.InterruptConfig.Read())
IntSource = 0xa
IntSource = 0xC
print "Sending a request to generate an interrupt with Satus(Source): ", hex(IntSource)
print "Waiting for interrupt"
Status = MyBoard.WaitInterrupt()
if Status==IntSource : print "Received the expected interrupt (status: ", hex(Status), " )"
else : print "Wrong Status: expecting ", MyBoard.IntVector, " received " , hex(Status)
......@@ -144,71 +143,24 @@ print "Read ", hex(Value)
print "Setting the VAdj wiper to 0x200"
print "Loading the VAdj default into the wiper"
import sys
def CommandPrompt() :
sys.stdout.write('Enter a command: \n')
sys.stdout.write('1: write\n')
sys.stdout.write('2: read\n')
sys.stdout.write('3: wait an interrupt\n')
MyString ="9: change base address["+hex(BaseAddress)+"]\n"
sys.stdout.write('e: exit\n\n')
sys.stdout.write('> ')
return Command
def BuildAddress (BaseAddress, RequestString) :
return hex(BaseAddress + int(sys.stdin.readline().strip('\n'), 16)).lstrip('0x')
def SendCommand(CommandString) :
fd_Out=open('../simulation/Py2V.fifo', 'w')
def ReadResult():
fd_In=open('../simulation/V2Py.fifo', 'r')
ResultString =
return ResultString
Command=' '
Command = CommandPrompt()
while (Command!='e'):
if Command=='1' :
Address =BuildAddress(BaseAddress, 'Where do you want to write? 0x')
sys.stdout.write('What do you want to write? ')
Value =sys.stdin.readline().strip('\n')
MyString = 'W '+Address+' '+Value+'\n'
print ReadResult()
elif Command=='2' :
Address =BuildAddress(BaseAddress,'Where do you want to read? 0x' )
MyString = 'R '+Address+'\n'
print ReadResult()
elif Command=='3' :
MyString = 'I \n'
print ReadResult()
elif Command=='9' :
sys.stdout.write('What\'s the new base address? 0x')
BaseAddress =int(sys.stdin.readline().strip('\n'), 16)
Command = CommandPrompt()
print "Setting the VAdj wiper to 0x201"
print "Saving the VAdj wiper value into the non volatile memory"
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