Commit 56933687 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge branch '18-fix-pytest' into 'master'

Resolve "fix pytest"

Closes #18

See merge request be-cem-edl/fec/hardware-modules/fmc-delay-1ns-8cha!9
parents d16139eb 2723db59
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import select
import time
import os
from PyFmcFineDelay import FmcFineDelay, FmcFineDelayTime
import random
def fmcfd():
......@@ -17,11 +19,17 @@ def fmcfd():
yield fd
for ch in fd.chan:
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=pytest.channels)
def fmcfd_chan(request, fmcfd):
yield fmcfd.chan[request.param]
pulse_train = [(200000, 10000000000)]
def fmcfd_tdc(request, fmcfd):
......@@ -36,10 +44,12 @@ def fmcfd_tdc(request, fmcfd):
fmcfd.tdc.enable_input = False
fmcfd.tdc.enable_tstamp = False
def timeout_compute(start, period_ps, count):
proportional = ((count * period_ps)/1000000000000.0)
proportional = ((count * period_ps) / 1000000000000.0)
return time.time() + proportional + start + 5
class TestFmcfdLoop(object):
The test needs a lemo cable (1ns) that connects all outputs
......@@ -54,61 +64,66 @@ class TestFmcfdLoop(object):
chan 4 o-------`
@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [10])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("width,period", [(200000, 400000)])
def test_output_flush(self, fmcfd, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc,
width, period, count):
def test_output_flush(self, fmcfd, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc):
period_ps = 400000
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate(fmcfd.time + FmcFineDelayTime(2, 0, 0),
width, period, count)
int(period_ps / 2), period_ps, 1)
assert len(fmcfd_tdc.poll(4000)) > 0
assert len(fmcfd_tdc.poll(4000)) ==0
assert len(fmcfd_tdc.poll(4000)) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10,
100, 1000, 10000, 65535])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("width,period", pulse_train)
def test_output_counter(self, fmcfd, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc,
width, period, count):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [1, MAX_COUNT] +
[random.randrange(MIN_COUNT + 1,
int(MAX_COUNT / 10)) for x in range(8)])
def test_output_counter(self, fmcfd, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc, count):
In pulse mode, the Fine-Delay generates the exact number of
required pulses and we are able to read them all from the input
ts = []
period_ps = 4500000000
start_s = 2
start = fmcfd.time + FmcFineDelayTime(start_s, 0, 0)
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate(start, width, period, count)
timeout = timeout_compute(start_s, period, count)
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate(start, int(period_ps / 2), period_ps, count)
timeout = timeout_compute(start_s, period_ps, count)
while len(ts) < count and time.time() < timeout:
if len(fmcfd_tdc.poll()) == 0:
t =, os.O_NONBLOCK)
except BlockingIOError:
t =, os.O_NONBLOCK)
assert len(t) > 0
ts = ts + t
assert len(ts) == count
assert len(fmcfd_tdc.poll(int(period / 1000000000.0))) == 0
assert len(fmcfd_tdc.poll(int(period_ps / 1000000000.0))) == 0
del ts
@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [10000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("width,period", pulse_train)
def test_input_sequence_number(self, capsys, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc,
width, period, count):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [random.randrange(1000, 10000)])
def test_input_sequence_number(self,fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc, count):
The input channel has time-stamps with increasing sequence number
with step 1.
period_ps = 4500000000
pending = count
ts = []
start_s = 2
start = FmcFineDelayTime(start_s, 0, 0)
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate( + start,
width, period, count)
int(period_ps / 2), period_ps, count)
timeout = timeout_compute(start_s, period, count)
timeout = timeout_compute(start_s, period_ps, count)
while pending > 0 and time.time() < timeout:
if len(fmcfd_tdc.poll()) == 0:
t =, os.O_NONBLOCK)
t =, os.O_NONBLOCK)
except BlockingIOError:
t =, os.O_NONBLOCK)
assert len(t) > 0
pending -= len(t)
......@@ -121,34 +136,24 @@ class TestFmcfdLoop(object):
"i:{:d}, cur: {:s}, prev: {:s}".format(i, str(ts[i]),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("start_rel", [FmcFineDelayTime(0, 78125000, 0), # + 0.0625s
FmcFineDelayTime(0, 15625000, 0), # + 0.125s
FmcFineDelayTime(0, 31250000, 0), # + 0.25s
FmcFineDelayTime(0, 62500000, 0), # + 0.5s
FmcFineDelayTime(1, 0, 0), # + 1s
FmcFineDelayTime(1, 78125000, 0), # + 1.0625s
FmcFineDelayTime(1, 15625000, 0), # + 1.125s
FmcFineDelayTime(1, 31250000, 0), # + 1.25s
FmcFineDelayTime(1, 62500000, 0), # + 1.5s
FmcFineDelayTime(2, 0, 0), # + 2s
FmcFineDelayTime(60, 0, 0), # + 60s
FmcFineDelayTime(120, 0, 0), # + 120s
@pytest.mark.parametrize("start_rel", [FmcFineDelayTime(random.randrange(0, 60),
random.randrange(0, 125000000),
0) for i in range(10)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("wr", [False, True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("width,period", pulse_train)
def test_output_input_start(self, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc,
wr, start_rel, width, period, count):
def test_output_input_start(self, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc, wr, start_rel):
The output channel generates a pulse at a given time and the input
channel timestamps it. The two times must be almost the same excluding
the propagation time (cable length).
period_ps = 1000000
count = 1 = wr
ts = []
start = + start_rel
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate(start, width, period, count)
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate(start, int(period_ps / 2), period_ps, count)
assert len(fmcfd_tdc.poll(int(float(start_rel) * 1000) + 2000)) > 0
ts =, os.O_NONBLOCK)
assert len(ts) == count
......@@ -156,17 +161,9 @@ class TestFmcfdLoop(object):
assert ts[0].coarse - start.coarse <= 3 # there is < 3ns cable
@pytest.mark.parametrize("width,period_ps", [(200000, 1000000),
(200000, 10000000),
(200000, 100000000),
(200000, 1000000000),
(200000, 10000000000),
(200000, 100000000000),
(200000, 1000000000000),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("period_ps", [random.randrange(400000, 1000000000000)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [10])
def test_output_period(self, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc,
width, period_ps, count):
def test_output_period(self, fmcfd_chan, fmcfd_tdc, period_ps, count):
The test produces pulses on the given channels and catch them using
the on board TDC. The period between two timestamps must be as close
......@@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ class TestFmcfdLoop(object):
ts = []
start = + FmcFineDelayTime(2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate(start, width, period_ps, count)
fmcfd_chan.pulse_generate(start, int(period_ps / 2), period_ps, count)
time.sleep(2 + (count * period_ps) / 1000000000000.0)
assert len(fmcfd_tdc.poll(10000)) > 0
ts =, os.O_NONBLOCK)
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