Commit 48154a0a authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: further sanitise resets and switch the core to using synchronous resets…

hdl: further sanitise resets and switch the core to using synchronous resets (safer, easier to meet timing)
parent 71fe285c
......@@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
signal sys_rst : std_logic;
signal fs_rst_n : std_logic;
signal sys_rst_n_fs_resync : std_logic;
-- Clocks and PLL
signal dco_clk : std_logic;
signal dco_clk_buf : std_logic;
......@@ -414,8 +416,16 @@ begin
-- Resets
sys_rst <= not(sys_rst_n_i);
fs_rst_n <= sys_rst_n_i and locked_out;
sys_rst <= not(sys_rst_n_i);
cmp_sys_rst_fs_resync : gc_sync_ffs
port map (
clk_i => fs_clk,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => sys_rst_n_i,
synced_o => sys_rst_n_fs_resync);
fs_rst_n <= sys_rst_n_fs_resync and locked_out;
-- ADC data clock buffer
......@@ -512,13 +522,15 @@ begin
freq_valid_o => fs_freq_valid
p_fs_freq : process (fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_fs_freq : process (fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
fs_freq <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_freq_valid = '1' then
fs_freq <= fs_freq_t;
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
fs_freq <= (others => '0');
if fs_freq_valid = '1' then
fs_freq <= fs_freq_t;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_fs_freq;
......@@ -591,32 +603,33 @@ begin
-- serdes bitslip generation
p_auto_bitslip : process (fs_clk, sys_rst_n_i)
p_auto_bitslip : process (fs_clk)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
bitslip_sreg <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, bitslip_sreg'length));
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '0';
serdes_synced <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
-- Shift register to generate bitslip enable (serdes_clk/8)
bitslip_sreg <= bitslip_sreg(0) & bitslip_sreg(bitslip_sreg'length-1 downto 1);
-- Generate bitslip and synced signal
if(bitslip_sreg(bitslip_sreg'LEFT) = '1') then
if(serdes_out_fr /= "00001111") then -- use fr_n pattern (fr_p and fr_n are swapped on the adc mezzanine)
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '1';
serdes_synced <= '0';
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
bitslip_sreg <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, bitslip_sreg'length));
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '0';
serdes_synced <= '0';
-- Shift register to generate bitslip enable (serdes_clk/8)
bitslip_sreg <= bitslip_sreg(0) & bitslip_sreg(bitslip_sreg'length-1 downto 1);
-- Generate bitslip and synced signal
if(bitslip_sreg(bitslip_sreg'LEFT) = '1') then
-- use fr_n pattern (fr_p and fr_n are swapped on the adc mezzanine)
if(serdes_out_fr /= "00001111") then
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '1';
serdes_synced <= '0';
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '0';
serdes_synced <= '1';
end if;
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '0';
serdes_synced <= '1';
end if;
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process p_auto_bitslip;
serdes_bitslip <= serdes_auto_bitslip or serdes_man_bitslip;
......@@ -748,7 +761,7 @@ begin
cmp_ext_trig_sync : gc_sync_ffs
port map (
clk_i => fs_clk,
rst_n_i => fs_rst_n,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => ext_trig_a,
synced_o => open,
npulse_o => ext_trig_n,
......@@ -763,40 +776,44 @@ begin
-- Configurable trigger delay, adds ext_trig_delay+1 clock cycles
-- to the trigger signal
p_ext_trig_delay_cnt : process(fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_ext_trig_delay_cnt : process(fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
ext_trig_delay_cnt <= (others => '0');
ext_trig_delay_bsy <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if ext_trig = '1' and ext_trig_delay_bsy = '0' then
ext_trig_delay_cnt <= unsigned(ext_trig_delay);
ext_trig_delay_bsy <= '1';
elsif ext_trig_delay_cnt /= 0 then
ext_trig_delay_cnt <= ext_trig_delay_cnt - 1;
-- when counter reaches zero
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
ext_trig_delay_cnt <= (others => '0');
ext_trig_delay_bsy <= '0';
if ext_trig = '1' and ext_trig_delay_bsy = '0' then
ext_trig_delay_cnt <= unsigned(ext_trig_delay);
ext_trig_delay_bsy <= '1';
elsif ext_trig_delay_cnt /= 0 then
ext_trig_delay_cnt <= ext_trig_delay_cnt - 1;
-- when counter reaches zero
ext_trig_delay_bsy <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_ext_trig_delay_cnt;
p_ext_trig_delay : process(fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_ext_trig_delay : process(fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
ext_trig_d <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if ext_trig_delay = X"00000000" then
if ext_trig = '1' then
ext_trig_d <= '1';
ext_trig_d <= '0';
end if;
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
ext_trig_d <= '0';
if ext_trig_delay_cnt = X"00000001" then
ext_trig_d <= '1';
if ext_trig_delay = X"00000000" then
if ext_trig = '1' then
ext_trig_d <= '1';
ext_trig_d <= '0';
end if;
ext_trig_d <= '0';
if ext_trig_delay_cnt = X"00000001" then
ext_trig_d <= '1';
ext_trig_d <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -806,7 +823,7 @@ begin
cmp_time_trig_sync : gc_sync_ffs
port map (
clk_i => fs_clk,
rst_n_i => fs_rst_n,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => time_trig_i,
synced_o => open,
npulse_o => open,
......@@ -832,40 +849,44 @@ begin
-- Configurable trigger delay, adds int_trig_delay(I)+1 clock cycles
-- to the trigger signal
p_int_trig_delay_cnt : process(fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_int_trig_delay_cnt : process(fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
int_trig_delay_cnt(I) <= (others => '0');
int_trig_delay_bsy(I) <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if int_trig(I) = '1' and int_trig_delay_bsy(I) = '0' then
int_trig_delay_cnt(I) <= unsigned(int_trig_delay(I));
int_trig_delay_bsy(I) <= '1';
elsif int_trig_delay_cnt(I) /= 0 then
int_trig_delay_cnt(I) <= int_trig_delay_cnt(I) - 1;
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
int_trig_delay_cnt(I) <= (others => '0');
int_trig_delay_bsy(I) <= '0';
if int_trig(I) = '1' and int_trig_delay_bsy(I) = '0' then
int_trig_delay_cnt(I) <= unsigned(int_trig_delay(I));
int_trig_delay_bsy(I) <= '1';
elsif int_trig_delay_cnt(I) /= 0 then
int_trig_delay_cnt(I) <= int_trig_delay_cnt(I) - 1;
-- when counter reaches zero
int_trig_delay_bsy(I) <= '0';
int_trig_delay_bsy(I) <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_int_trig_delay_cnt;
p_int_trig_delay : process(fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_int_trig_delay : process(fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if int_trig_delay(I) = X"00000000" then
if int_trig(I) = '1' then
int_trig_d(I) <= '1';
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
end if;
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
if int_trig_delay_cnt(I) = X"00000001" then
int_trig_d(I) <= '1';
if int_trig_delay(I) = X"00000000" then
if int_trig(I) = '1' then
int_trig_d(I) <= '1';
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
end if;
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
if int_trig_delay_cnt(I) = X"00000001" then
int_trig_d(I) <= '1';
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -900,16 +921,18 @@ begin
end if;
end process p_data_shift;
p_trig_shift : process(fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_trig_shift : process(fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
sw_trig_fixed_delay <= (others => '0');
ext_trig_fixed_delay <= (others => '0');
time_trig_fixed_delay <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
sw_trig_fixed_delay <= sw_trig_fixed_delay(sw_trig_fixed_delay'HIGH -1 downto 0) & sw_trig;
ext_trig_fixed_delay <= ext_trig_fixed_delay(ext_trig_fixed_delay'HIGH -1 downto 0) & ext_trig_d;
time_trig_fixed_delay <= time_trig_fixed_delay(time_trig_fixed_delay'HIGH -1 downto 0) & time_trig;
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
sw_trig_fixed_delay <= (others => '0');
ext_trig_fixed_delay <= (others => '0');
time_trig_fixed_delay <= (others => '0');
sw_trig_fixed_delay <= sw_trig_fixed_delay(sw_trig_fixed_delay'high -1 downto 0) & sw_trig;
ext_trig_fixed_delay <= ext_trig_fixed_delay(ext_trig_fixed_delay'high -1 downto 0) & ext_trig_d;
time_trig_fixed_delay <= time_trig_fixed_delay(time_trig_fixed_delay'high -1 downto 0) & time_trig;
end if;
end if;
end process p_trig_shift;
......@@ -991,33 +1014,37 @@ begin
-- When under-sampling is enabled, if the trigger occurs between two
-- samples it will be realigned to the next sample
p_undersample_cnt : process (fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_undersample_cnt : process (fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
undersample_cnt <= to_unsigned(1, undersample_cnt'length);
undersample_en <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if undersample_cnt = to_unsigned(0, undersample_cnt'length) then
if undersample_factor /= X"00000000" then
undersample_cnt <= unsigned(undersample_factor) - 1;
end if;
undersample_en <= '1';
undersample_cnt <= undersample_cnt - 1;
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
undersample_cnt <= to_unsigned(1, undersample_cnt'length);
undersample_en <= '0';
if undersample_cnt = to_unsigned(0, undersample_cnt'length) then
if undersample_factor /= X"00000000" then
undersample_cnt <= unsigned(undersample_factor) - 1;
end if;
undersample_en <= '1';
undersample_cnt <= undersample_cnt - 1;
undersample_en <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_undersample_cnt;
p_trig_align : process (fs_clk, fs_rst_n)
p_trig_align : process (fs_clk)
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
trig_align <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if trig = '1' then
trig_align <= '1';
elsif undersample_en = '1' then
if rising_edge(fs_clk) then
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
trig_align <= '0';
if trig = '1' then
trig_align <= '1';
elsif undersample_en = '1' then
trig_align <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_trig_align;
......@@ -1074,7 +1101,7 @@ begin
sync_fifo_valid <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process p_sync_fifo_valid;
-- Data to FIFO
sync_fifo_din(64) <= trig_align;
......@@ -1092,21 +1119,23 @@ begin
-- Shots counter
p_shots_cnt : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_shots_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
shots_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, shots_cnt'length);
single_shot <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if acq_start = '1' then
shots_cnt <= unsigned(shots_value);
elsif shots_decr = '1' then
shots_cnt <= shots_cnt - 1;
end if;
if shots_value = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, shots_value'length)) then
single_shot <= '1';
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
shots_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, shots_cnt'length);
single_shot <= '0';
if acq_start = '1' then
shots_cnt <= unsigned(shots_value);
elsif shots_decr = '1' then
shots_cnt <= shots_cnt - 1;
end if;
if shots_value = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, shots_value'length)) then
single_shot <= '1';
single_shot <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_shots_cnt;
......@@ -1118,19 +1147,21 @@ begin
-- Pre-trigger counter
p_pre_trig_cnt : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_pre_trig_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
pre_trig_cnt <= to_unsigned(1, pre_trig_cnt'length);
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if (acq_start = '1' or pre_trig_done = '1') then
if unsigned(pre_trig_value) = to_unsigned(0, pre_trig_value'length) then
pre_trig_cnt <= (others => '0');
pre_trig_cnt <= unsigned(pre_trig_value) - 1;
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
pre_trig_cnt <= to_unsigned(1, pre_trig_cnt'length);
if (acq_start = '1' or pre_trig_done = '1') then
if unsigned(pre_trig_value) = to_unsigned(0, pre_trig_value'length) then
pre_trig_cnt <= (others => '0');
pre_trig_cnt <= unsigned(pre_trig_value) - 1;
end if;
elsif (acq_in_pre_trig = '1' and sync_fifo_valid = '1') then
pre_trig_cnt <= pre_trig_cnt - 1;
end if;
elsif (acq_in_pre_trig = '1' and sync_fifo_valid = '1') then
pre_trig_cnt <= pre_trig_cnt - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process p_pre_trig_cnt;
......@@ -1142,15 +1173,17 @@ begin
-- Post-trigger counter
p_post_trig_cnt : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_post_trig_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
post_trig_cnt <= to_unsigned(1, post_trig_cnt'length);
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if (acq_start = '1' or post_trig_done = '1') then
post_trig_cnt <= unsigned(post_trig_value) - 1;
elsif (acq_in_post_trig = '1' and sync_fifo_valid = '1') then
post_trig_cnt <= post_trig_cnt - 1;
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
post_trig_cnt <= to_unsigned(1, post_trig_cnt'length);
if (acq_start = '1' or post_trig_done = '1') then
post_trig_cnt <= unsigned(post_trig_value) - 1;
elsif (acq_in_post_trig = '1' and sync_fifo_valid = '1') then
post_trig_cnt <= post_trig_cnt - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_post_trig_cnt;
......@@ -1161,15 +1194,17 @@ begin
-- Samples counter
p_samples_cnt : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_samples_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
samples_cnt <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if (acq_start = '1') then
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
samples_cnt <= (others => '0');
elsif ((acq_in_pre_trig = '1' or acq_in_post_trig = '1') and sync_fifo_valid = '1') then
samples_cnt <= samples_cnt + 1;
if (acq_start = '1') then
samples_cnt <= (others => '0');
elsif ((acq_in_pre_trig = '1' or acq_in_post_trig = '1') and sync_fifo_valid = '1') then
samples_cnt <= samples_cnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_samples_cnt;
......@@ -1230,70 +1265,71 @@ begin
end process p_acq_cfg_ok;
-- FSM transitions
p_acq_fsm_transitions : process(sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_acq_fsm_transitions : process(sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
case acq_fsm_current_state is
case acq_fsm_current_state is
when IDLE =>
if acq_start = '1' and acq_config_ok = '1' then
if unsigned(pre_trig_value) = to_unsigned(0, pre_trig_value'length) then
acq_fsm_current_state <= WAIT_TRIG;
acq_fsm_current_state <= PRE_TRIG;
end if;
end if;
when IDLE =>
if acq_start = '1' and acq_config_ok = '1' then
if unsigned(pre_trig_value) = to_unsigned(0, pre_trig_value'length) then
when PRE_TRIG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif pre_trig_done = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= WAIT_TRIG;
acq_fsm_current_state <= PRE_TRIG;
end if;
end if;
when PRE_TRIG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif pre_trig_done = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= WAIT_TRIG;
end if;
when WAIT_TRIG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif acq_trig = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= POST_TRIG;
end if;
when WAIT_TRIG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif acq_trig = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= POST_TRIG;
end if;
when POST_TRIG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif post_trig_done = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= TRIG_TAG;
end if;
when POST_TRIG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif post_trig_done = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= TRIG_TAG;
end if;
when TRIG_TAG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif trig_tag_done = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= DECR_SHOT;
end if;
when TRIG_TAG =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
elsif trig_tag_done = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= DECR_SHOT;
end if;
when DECR_SHOT =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
if shots_done = '1' then
when DECR_SHOT =>
if acq_stop = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
if unsigned(pre_trig_value) = to_unsigned(0, pre_trig_value'length) then
acq_fsm_current_state <= WAIT_TRIG;
if shots_done = '1' then
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
acq_fsm_current_state <= PRE_TRIG;
if unsigned(pre_trig_value) = to_unsigned(0, pre_trig_value'length) then
acq_fsm_current_state <= WAIT_TRIG;
acq_fsm_current_state <= PRE_TRIG;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
when others =>
acq_fsm_current_state <= IDLE;
end case;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process p_acq_fsm_transitions;
......@@ -1372,12 +1408,14 @@ begin
-- Inserting trigger information after post_trigger samples
p_trig_tag_done : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_trig_tag_done : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
acq_in_trig_tag_d <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
acq_in_trig_tag_d <= acq_in_trig_tag;
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
acq_in_trig_tag_d <= '0';
acq_in_trig_tag_d <= acq_in_trig_tag;
end if;
end if;
end process p_trig_tag_done;
......@@ -1393,23 +1431,25 @@ begin
-- DPRAM input address counter
p_dpram_addra_cnt : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_dpram_addra_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
dpram_addra_cnt <= (others => '0');
dpram_addra_trig <= (others => '0');
dpram_addra_post_done <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if shots_decr = '1' then
dpram_addra_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, dpram_addra_cnt'length);
elsif (samples_wr_en = '1' and sync_fifo_valid = '1') or (acq_in_trig_tag = '1') then
dpram_addra_cnt <= dpram_addra_cnt + 1;
end if;
if acq_trig = '1' then
dpram_addra_trig <= dpram_addra_cnt;
end if;
if post_trig_done = '1' then
dpram_addra_post_done <= dpram_addra_cnt;
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
dpram_addra_cnt <= (others => '0');
dpram_addra_trig <= (others => '0');
dpram_addra_post_done <= (others => '0');
if shots_decr = '1' then
dpram_addra_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, dpram_addra_cnt'length);
elsif (samples_wr_en = '1' and sync_fifo_valid = '1') or (acq_in_trig_tag = '1') then
dpram_addra_cnt <= dpram_addra_cnt + 1;
end if;
if acq_trig = '1' then
dpram_addra_trig <= dpram_addra_cnt;
end if;
if post_trig_done = '1' then
dpram_addra_post_done <= dpram_addra_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_dpram_addra_cnt;
......@@ -1478,22 +1518,24 @@ begin
-- DPRAM output address counter
p_dpram_addrb_cnt : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_dpram_addrb_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
dpram_addrb_cnt <= (others => '0');
dpram_valid_t <= '0';
dpram_valid <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if trig_tag_done = '1' then
dpram_addrb_cnt <= dpram_addra_trig - unsigned(pre_trig_value(c_dpram_depth-1 downto 0));
dpram_valid_t <= '1';
elsif (dpram_addrb_cnt = dpram_addra_post_done + 2) then -- reads 2 extra addresses -> trigger time-tag
dpram_valid_t <= '0';
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
dpram_addrb_cnt <= (others => '0');
dpram_valid_t <= '0';
dpram_valid <= '0';
dpram_addrb_cnt <= dpram_addrb_cnt + 1;
if trig_tag_done = '1' then
dpram_addrb_cnt <= dpram_addra_trig - unsigned(pre_trig_value(c_dpram_depth-1 downto 0));
dpram_valid_t <= '1';
elsif (dpram_addrb_cnt = dpram_addra_post_done + 2) then -- reads 2 extra addresses -> trigger time-tag
dpram_valid_t <= '0';
dpram_addrb_cnt <= dpram_addrb_cnt + 1;
end if;
dpram_valid <= dpram_valid_t;
end if;
dpram_valid <= dpram_valid_t;
end if;
end process p_dpram_addrb_cnt;
......@@ -1545,23 +1587,25 @@ begin
end if;
end process;
p_wb_ddr_fifo_input : process (sys_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_wb_ddr_fifo_input : process (sys_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= (others => '0');
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if single_shot = '1' then
if acq_in_trig_tag = '1' then
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= '0' & trig_tag_data;
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= acq_in_trig_tag;
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= (others => '0');
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= '0';
if single_shot = '1' then
if acq_in_trig_tag = '1' then
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= '0' & trig_tag_data;
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= acq_in_trig_tag;
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= acq_trig & sync_fifo_dout(63 downto 0); -- trigger + data
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= samples_wr_en and sync_fifo_valid;
end if;
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= acq_trig & sync_fifo_dout(63 downto 0); -- trigger + data
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= samples_wr_en and sync_fifo_valid;
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= '0' & dpram_dout;
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= dpram_valid;
end if;
wb_ddr_fifo_din <= '0' & dpram_dout;
wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en <= dpram_valid;
end if;
end if;
end process p_wb_ddr_fifo_input;
......@@ -1574,15 +1618,17 @@ begin
-- RAM address counter (32-bit word address)
p_ram_addr_cnt : process (wb_ddr_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_ram_addr_cnt : process (wb_ddr_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
ram_addr_cnt <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
if acq_start = '1' then
if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
if wb_ddr_rst_n_i = '0' then
ram_addr_cnt <= (others => '0');
elsif wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then
ram_addr_cnt <= ram_addr_cnt + 1;
if acq_start = '1' then
ram_addr_cnt <= (others => '0');
elsif wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then
ram_addr_cnt <= ram_addr_cnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_ram_addr_cnt;
......@@ -1590,13 +1636,15 @@ begin
-- Store trigger DDR address (byte address)
p_trig_addr : process (wb_ddr_clk_i, sys_rst_n_i)
p_trig_addr : process (wb_ddr_clk_i)
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
trig_addr <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
if wb_ddr_fifo_dout(64) = '1' and wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then
trig_addr <= "0000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt) & "000";
if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
if wb_ddr_rst_n_i = '0' then
trig_addr <= (others => '0');
if wb_ddr_fifo_dout(64) = '1' and wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then
trig_addr <= "0000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt) & "000";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_trig_addr;
......@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ begin
cmp_ddr_sw_reset_sync : gc_sync_ffs
port map (
clk_i => ddr_clk,
rst_n_i => ddr_rst_n,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => sw_rst_fmc0,
synced_o => sw_rst_ddr_sync);
......@@ -634,14 +634,14 @@ begin
cmp_ddr0_sw_reset_sync : gc_sync_ffs
port map (
clk_i => clk_ddr_333m,
rst_n_i => rst_ddr_333m_n,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => sw_rst_fmc0,
synced_o => sw_rst_ddr0_sync);
cmp_ddr1_sw_reset_sync : gc_sync_ffs
port map (
clk_i => clk_ddr_333m,
rst_n_i => rst_ddr_333m_n,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => sw_rst_fmc1,
synced_o => sw_rst_ddr1_sync);
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