Commit 511b249d authored by Cesar Prados's avatar Cesar Prados

wrf: add status word to tx

parent ba955bcb
......@@ -354,15 +354,13 @@ begin
-- Output Mux for otf insertion
s_otf_mux <= s_udp_len_ins & s_ip_chk_ins & s_ip_tol_ins & s_eth_typ_len_ins;
otf_mux : with s_otf_mux select
src_o.dat <= s_tx_dat when "0000",
r_eth_typ_len when "0001",
r_ip_tol when "0010",
s_ip_chk when "0100",
r_udp_len when "1000",
s_tx_dat when others;
src_o.dat <= s_tx_dat when s_otf_mux = "0000" and s_tx_typ='0' else
x"4000" when s_otf_mux = "0000" and s_tx_typ='1' else
r_eth_typ_len when s_otf_mux = "0001" else
r_ip_tol when s_otf_mux = "0010" else
s_ip_chk when s_otf_mux = "0100" else
r_udp_len when s_otf_mux = "1000" else
-- get TOL from first element in commit fifo
otf_mod_ip_hdr : process(clk_i)
......@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ begin
src_o.adr <= c_WRF_STATUS when s_tx_typ='1' else c_WRF_DATA;
src_o.we <= '1';
src_o.sel <= "11";
src_o.dat <= s_tx_dat;
src_o.dat <= x"8000" when s_tx_typ = '1' else -- c_WRF_STATUS
s_tx_dat; -- c_WRF_DATA
s_tx_pop <= not s_tx_empty and not (s_tx_cyc and src_i.stall);
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