Commit c1ebffb5 authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

WIP test bench

parent fadf5f25
......@@ -616,7 +616,8 @@ PACKAGE BODY print_pkg IS
END print_now_s_std;
-- print a string and a std_logic_vector as a hexadecimal number
PROCEDURE print_now_s_std_s_std(s1: IN string; vec1: IN std_logic_vector;s2: IN string; vec2: IN std_logic_vector) IS
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ architecture behav of testbench is
signal gf_en_n_in : std_logic;
signal ttl_n_in, ttl_out : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal rs485_n_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal ttl_n_in, ttl_out : std_logic_vector(C_NR_CHANS-1 downto 0);
signal rs485_n_in : std_logic_vector(C_NR_CHANS-1 downto 0);
-- signal sscl_in : std_logic;
-- signal ssda_in : std_logic;
......@@ -91,33 +91,37 @@ architecture behav of testbench is
signal rtmm_in : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal rtmp_in : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal line_front_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal line_inv_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_inv_chans-1 downto 0);
signal line_rear_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal line_front_fs_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal line_inv_fs_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_inv_chans-1 downto 0);
signal line_rear_fs_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal line_front_in : std_logic_vector(C_NR_CHANS-1 downto 0);
signal line_inv_in : std_logic_vector(C_NR_INV_CHANS-1 downto 0);
signal line_rear_in : std_logic_vector(C_NR_CHANS-1 downto 0);
signal line_front_fs_in : std_logic_vector(C_NR_CHANS-1 downto 0);
signal line_inv_fs_in : std_logic_vector(C_NR_INV_CHANS-1 downto 0);
signal line_rear_fs_in : std_logic_vector(C_NR_CHANS-1 downto 0);
signal i2c_master_rcvd_val, i2c_master_rcvd_val1,i2c_master_rcvd_val2, i2c_master_rcvd_val3, i2c_master_rcvd_val4 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal i2c_master_rcvd_val_str : string(1 to 8);
signal i2c_m_in : t_i2c_master_in;
signal i2c_m_out : t_i2c_master_out;
signal mscl, msda : std_logic_vector(c_nr_masters-1 downto 0);
signal sscl, ssda : std_logic_vector(c_nr_slaves-1 downto 0);
signal mscl, msda : std_logic_vector(C_NR_MASTERS-1 downto 0);
signal sscl, ssda : std_logic_vector(C_NR_SLAVES-1 downto 0);
signal scl, sda : std_logic;
signal buf_byte_cnt, nb_pulses_to_send : natural;
signal buf_byte_cnt : natural;
-- signal nb_pulses_to_send_slv : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal reg_id : integer := 0;
signal adr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
procedure read_i2c (signal i2c_m_in : out t_i2c_master_in;
signal i2c_m_out : in t_i2c_master_out;
procedure read_i2c (signal i2c_m_in : out t_i2c_master_in;
signal i2c_m_out: in t_i2c_master_out;
constant slv_addr : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
constant reg_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal rcvd_val : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) is
constant reg_name : string(1 to 8);
signal rcvd_val : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
constant exp_val : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) is
print_now ("-------------------------------------------------");
print_now("read_i2c: start");
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_start <= '0';
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_rdwr <= '0'; --mst_fsm_op
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_slv_addr <= "1011110";
......@@ -128,20 +132,26 @@ architecture behav of testbench is
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_reg_addr <= reg_addr;
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_start <= '1';
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_rdwr <= '1'; --0: write
wait for c_clk_20_per;
wait for C_CLK_20_PER;
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_start <= '0';
wait until i2c_m_out.i2c_master_finish = '1';
rcvd_val <= i2c_m_out.i2c_master_rcvd_val;
print_now_s_std_s_std("-------> I2C value read from 0x", reg_addr(7 downto 0),
print_now_s_std_s_std("I2C value read from 0x", reg_addr(7 downto 0),
" is 0x",i2c_m_out.i2c_master_rcvd_val);
wait until i2c_m_out.i2c_master_finish = '0';
print_now("read_i2c: completed");
if i2c_m_out.i2c_master_rcvd_val = exp_val then
print_now_s_s("[OK] Correct reading from reg ", reg_name, "; expected value matches read value");
print_now_s_std_s_std("-------> [ERR]: Read value", i2c_master_rcvd_val,
" expected value ",exp_val);
end if;
print_now ("-------------------------------------------------");
end procedure read_i2c;
-- architecture begin
-- architecture begin
......@@ -162,41 +172,33 @@ begin
sda_i => sda,
sda_o => ssda_out,
sda_en_o => ssda_en_out,
-- VME interface
vme_sysreset_n_i => vme_sysreset_n,
vme_ga_i => "11110", --
vme_gap_i => '0',
-- PCB version recognition
pcbrev_i => pcbrev,
-- Channel enable
global_oen_o => open,
ttl_oen_o => open,
inv_oen_o => open,
rs485_oen_o => open,
-- Front panel channels
ttl_n_i => ttl_n_in, --: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
ttl_o => ttl_out, --: out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
inv_n_i => (others => '0'), --inv_n_in, --: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
inv_o => open, --inv_n_out, --: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- Rear panel channels
rs485_n_i => rs485_n_in, --: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
rs485_fs_n_i => (others => '0'), --: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); --failsafe?
rs485_o => open, --: out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-- Rear input and output termination lines
iterm_en_o => open,
oterm_en_o => open,
-- Channel leds
led_front_n_o => open,
led_front_inv_n_o => open,
led_rear_n_o => open,
-- SPI interface to on-board flash chip
flash_cs_n_o => open,
flash_sclk_o => open,
......@@ -217,18 +219,14 @@ begin
sfp_scl_b => open,
sfp_tx_disable_o => open,
sfp_tx_fault_i => '1',
-- Thermometer data port
thermometer_b => open,
-- Switches
sw_gp_n_i => sw_gp_n_in,
sw_multicast_n_i => (others => '0'), -- not used
-- RTM lines
rtmm_i => rtmm_in,
rtmp_i => rtmp_in,
-- Front panel bicolor LEDs
led_ctrl0_o => open,
led_ctrl0_oen_o => open,
......@@ -252,17 +250,17 @@ begin
p_clk_20 : process
clk_20 <= '0';
wait for c_clk_20_per/2;
wait for C_CLK_20_PER/2;
clk_20 <= '1';
wait for c_clk_20_per/2;
wait for C_CLK_20_PER/2;
end process;
p_clk_125 : process
clk_125 <= '0';
wait for c_clk_125_per/2;
wait for C_CLK_125_PER/2;
clk_125 <= '1';
wait for c_clk_125_per/2;
wait for C_CLK_125_PER/2;
end process;
clk_125_p <= clk_125;
......@@ -310,13 +308,13 @@ begin
mscl(0) <= mscl_out when (mscl_en_out = '0') else '1';
msda(0) <= msda_out when (msda_en_out = '0') else '1';
-- Bus model instantiation and connection to master and slaves
-- Bus model connection to master and slaves
cmp_i2c_bus : entity work.i2c_bus_model
generic map(
g_nr_masters => c_nr_masters,
g_nr_slaves => c_nr_slaves
g_nr_masters => C_NR_MASTERS,
g_nr_slaves => C_NR_SLAVES
port map (
mscl_i => mscl,
......@@ -333,27 +331,77 @@ begin
--i2c access
p_stim_i2c : process
variable i : integer := 0;
variable nb_pulses_to_send : integer := 150;
variable nb_pulses_to_send_slv : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
nb_pulses_to_send <= 250;
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_start <= '0';
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_rdwr <= '0'; --mst_fsm_op
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_slv_addr <= "1011110";
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_reg_addr <= (others => '0');
i2c_m_in.i2c_master_send_val <= (others => '1');
print(" Start of Tests");
-- VME reset
print_now("Sending VME reset");
wait until vme_sysreset_n = '1';
print_now("VME reset completed");
wait for 6500 ns; -- for resets and inhibit_pulse to have finished
-- I2C reading of the board ID register
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110", c_REG_MAP(0).reg_addr, c_REG_MAP(0).reg_name, i2c_master_rcvd_val, C_BOARD_ID);
-- Sending pulses to Front Panel Channel 1
nb_pulses_to_send_slv := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(nb_pulses_to_send, nb_pulses_to_send_slv'length));
print_now_s_i("Sending TTL front pulses to Channel 1: ", nb_pulses_to_send);
generate_pulse (ttl_n_in(0), nb_pulses_to_send, 200ns, 200ns);
-- Reading from the I2C Front Panel regs; read only first 2 Channels to speed up testbench
while not(i = 3) loop
if i = 0 then
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110", c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_addr, c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_name , i2c_master_rcvd_val, nb_pulses_to_send_slv);
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110", c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_addr, c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_name, i2c_master_rcvd_val, (others =>'0'));
end if;
i := i + 1;
end loop;
-- Reading from the I2C Rear Panel regs; read only first 2 Channels to speed up testbench
i := 0;
while not(i = 3) loop
if i = 0 then
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110", c_REG_MAP(i+10).reg_addr, c_REG_MAP(i+10).reg_name , i2c_master_rcvd_val, (others =>'0'));
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110", c_REG_MAP(i+10).reg_addr, c_REG_MAP(i+10).reg_name, i2c_master_rcvd_val, (others =>'0'));
end if;
i := i + 1;
end loop;
-- Sending 150 more pulses to Front Panel Channel 1, to make the counter roll
print_now_s_i("Sending TTL front pulses to Channel 1: ", nb_pulses_to_send);
generate_pulse (ttl_n_in(0), nb_pulses_to_send, 200ns, 200ns);
-- Reading from the I2C Front Panel regs; read one reg read to speed up testbench
i := 0;
while not(i = 2) loop
if i = 0 then
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110", c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_addr, c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_name , i2c_master_rcvd_val, nb_pulses_to_send_slv);
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110", c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_addr, c_REG_MAP(i+4).reg_name, i2c_master_rcvd_val, (others =>'0'));
end if;
i := i + 1;
end loop;
wait for 6us; -- for resets and inhibit_pulse to have finished
print_now_s_i("Sending pulses: ", nb_pulses_to_send);
generate_pulses (ttl_n_in, nb_pulses_to_send, 100ns, 100ns);
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110",x"0000_0000", i2c_master_rcvd_val );
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110",x"0000_0010", i2c_master_rcvd_val );
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110",x"0000_0014", i2c_master_rcvd_val );
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110",x"0000_0018", i2c_master_rcvd_val );
read_i2c (i2c_m_in, i2c_m_out, "1011110",x"0000_0000", i2c_master_rcvd_val );
end process p_stim_i2c;
......@@ -33,20 +33,84 @@ package testbench_pkg is
-- Clock periods
constant c_clk_20_per : time := 50 ns;
constant c_clk_125_per : time := 8 ns;
constant c_reset_width : time := 200 ns;
constant C_CLK_20_PER : time := 50 ns;
constant C_CLK_125_PER : time := 8 ns;
constant C_RESET_WIDTH : time := 200 ns;
-- DUT configuration (generics):
constant c_nr_chans : integer := 6;
constant c_nr_inv_chans : integer := 4;
constant c_board_id : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"54424c4f";
constant c_gwvers : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) :=x"40";
constant C_NR_CHANS : integer := 6;
constant C_NR_INV_CHANS : integer := 4;
constant C_BOARD_ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"54343835";
-- Number of I2C masters and slaves for the I2C bus model
constant c_nr_masters : positive := 1;
constant c_nr_slaves : positive := 1;
constant C_NR_MASTERS : positive := 1;
constant C_NR_SLAVES : positive := 1;
-- DUT register map:
constant C_BIDR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
constant C_SR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000004";
constant C_ERR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000008";
constant C_CR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"0000000C";
constant C_CH1FPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000010";
constant C_CH2FPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000014";
constant C_CH3FPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000018";
constant C_CH4FPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"0000001C";
constant C_CH5FPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000020";
constant C_CH6FPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000024";
constant C_CH1RPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000028";
constant C_CH2RPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"0000002C";
constant C_CH3RPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000030";
constant C_CH4RPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000034";
constant C_CH5RPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000038";
constant C_CH6RPPCR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"0000003C";
type t_reg is
reg_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
reg_name : string(1 to 8);
end record;
type t_reg_table is array (natural range <>) of t_reg;
constant c_REG_MAP : t_reg_table(15 downto 0) :=
(0 => (reg_addr => C_BIDR,
reg_name => "BIDR "),
1 => (reg_addr => C_SR,
reg_name => "SR "),
2 => (reg_addr => C_ERR,
reg_name => "ERR "),
3 => (reg_addr => C_CR,
reg_name => "CR "),
4 => (reg_addr => C_CH1FPPCR,
reg_name => "CH1FPPCR"),
5 => (reg_addr => C_CH2FPPCR,
reg_name => "CH3FPPCR"),
6 => (reg_addr => C_CH3FPPCR,
reg_name => "CH3FPPCR"),
7 => (reg_addr => C_CH4FPPCR,
reg_name => "CH4FPPCR"),
8 => (reg_addr => C_CH5FPPCR,
reg_name => "CH5FPPCR"),
9 => (reg_addr => C_CH6FPPCR,
reg_name => "CH6FPPCR"),
10 => (reg_addr => C_CH1RPPCR,
reg_name => "CH1RPPCR"),
11 => (reg_addr => C_CH2RPPCR,
reg_name => "CH3RPPCR"),
12 => (reg_addr => C_CH3RPPCR,
reg_name => "CH3RPPCR"),
13 => (reg_addr => C_CH4RPPCR,
reg_name => "CH4RPPCR"),
14 => (reg_addr => C_CH5RPPCR,
reg_name => "CH5RPPCR"),
15 => (reg_addr => C_CH6RPPCR,
reg_name => "CH6RPPCR"));
-- Types declarations
......@@ -176,10 +240,10 @@ end component conv_ttl_rs485;
-- signal rcvd_val : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
procedure generate_pulses (signal pulses_n_out : out std_logic_vector (c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
nb_of_pulses : in natural;
ns_on : in time;
ns_off : in time);
procedure generate_pulse (signal pulse_n_out : out std_logic;
nb_of_pulses : in natural;
ns_on : in time;
ns_off : in time);
end testbench_pkg;
package body testbench_pkg is
......@@ -200,23 +264,26 @@ package body testbench_pkg is
end procedure;
procedure generate_pulses (signal pulses_n_out : out std_logic_vector (c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
nb_of_pulses : in natural;
ns_on : in time;
ns_off : in time) is
procedure generate_pulse (signal pulse_n_out : out std_logic;
nb_of_pulses : in natural;
ns_on : in time;
ns_off : in time) is
variable numb_cnt : natural;
numb_cnt := 0;
while not(numb_cnt = nb_of_pulses) loop
pulses_n_out <= (others => '1');
wait for ns_off; --min period is 240us??
pulses_n_out <= (others => '0');
pulse_n_out <= '1';
wait for ns_off;
pulse_n_out <= '0';
wait for ns_on;
pulses_n_out <= (others => '1');
pulse_n_out <= '1';
numb_cnt:= numb_cnt + 1;
end loop;
end procedure generate_pulses;
end procedure generate_pulse;
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