Commit 4165734a authored by Projects's avatar Projects

pulsegen: Transformed to a module

parent 0b8e98ba
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# - 1 bit start, 1 bit stop,
# SCPI commands for the generator are described in the Agilent 33250A manual
# (
# (, Chapter 4)
......@@ -46,230 +46,246 @@ import serial
import getopt
import math
# default parameters
device = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
baud = 115200
count = 2000000
freq = 2e6 # Hz
width = 250e-9 # s
samples_count = 500 # number of samples for arbitrary waveform
print('Agilent 33250A pulse burst generator\r\n')
def usage():
print('(c) CERN 2017')
print('Maciej Suminski <>')
print('usage: %s [opts]' % sys.argv[0])
print('-b|--baud= serial port baud rate (default: %d)' % baud)
print('-d|--device= serial port device path (default: %s' % device)
print('-c|--count= number of requested pulses (default: %d)' % count)
print('-f|--freq= frequency of the pulses [Hz] (default: %G)' % freq)
print('-w|--width= pulse width [s] (default: %G)' % width)
print('-s|--samples= arbitrary waveform samples count (default: %d)' % samples_count)
print('-h|--help shows this information')
# generator limits
# max number of pulses in a single burst, higher than that is done using arbitrary waveform
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:c:d:f:hw:',
['baud=', 'count=', 'device=', 'freq=', 'help', 'width='])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-b', '--baud'):
baud = int(arg)
elif opt in ('-c', '--count'):
count = int(arg)
elif opt in ('-d', '--device'):
device = arg
elif opt in ('-f', '--freq'):
freq = float(arg)
elif opt in ('-s', '--samples'):
samples = int(arg)
if samples_count > 65536:
print('ERROR: Samples number limit is 65536')
elif opt in ('-w', '--width'):
width = float(arg)
elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):
assert False, 'unhandled option'
# Connect to the generator and reset it
print('Connecting to %s @ %s' % (device, baud))
ser = serial.Serial(device, baud, timeout=1, rtscts=1)
except serial.serialutil.SerialException as err:
class PulseGen:
Class to configure a pulse generator (Agilent 33250A).
# flush buffer that may contain an invalid command
def __init__(self, device="/dev/ttyUSB0", baud=115200):
self.ser = serial.Serial(device, baud, timeout=1, rtscts=1)
# verify the device is there
ident = ser.readline().decode()
# generator limits
# max number of pulses in a single burst, higher than that has to be
# done using arbitrary waveform
self.MAX_PULSE_COUNT = 1000000
if(ident == ''):
print('ERROR: Could not identify the generator')
# flush buffer that may contain an invalid command
print('Read device ID: %s' % ident)
# verify the device is there
ident = self.ident()
if not '33250A' in ident:
print('ERROR: Invalid generator type')
# reset to a known state
ser.write(b'OUTP OFF\r\n')
# clear errors
# Select the way of generating pulses
# 33250A has a limit of 1e6 pulses in a single burst. To overcome this
# limitation, one can create an arbitrary waveform containing n pulses
# and then request n times pulses less.
if(count <= MAX_COUNT):
# normal case, just use the pulse generator, no tricks needed
div = 1
real_count = count
# rising/falling edge time
edge = 5e-9
print('Configuring pulse waveform')
ser.write(b'PULS:TRAN %G\r\n' % edge)
ser.write(b'PULS:WIDT %G\r\n' % width)
ser.write(b'PULS:PER %G\r\n' % (1.0 / freq))
ser.write(b'FUNC:SHAP PULS\r\n')
# store the original values to compare them against the requested ones
orig_count = count
orig_width = width
# deal with the limitation described above
# number of pulses in the arbitrary waveform
div = int(math.floor(count / MAX_COUNT)) + 1
period = 1.0 / freq
if width > period * 0.9:
print('ERROR: Pulse width is greater than 90% of the pulse period')
if(ident == ''):
raise RuntimeError('Could not identify the generator')
# generate the string that represents the requested waveform
duty_cycle = width / period
one_count = int(samples_count * duty_cycle)
zero_count = samples_count - one_count
# generator DAC values mapping
# see VOLT and VOLT:OFFS commands below to see the details
one_value = b', 2047'
zero_value = b', -2047'
# single pulse (take into account the duty cycle)
chunk = b'%s%s' % (zero_count * zero_value, one_count * one_value )
# full waveform (repeat the pulse 'div' times)
pattern = chunk * div
# update all variables basing on the divider
freq = freq / div
count = int(count / div)
width = duty_cycle * period
# the actual number of pulses is rounded to the number of pulses in
# the arbitrary waveform
real_count = count * div
if width != orig_width:
print('WARNING: Pulse width rounded to %G (requested %G)' % (width, orig_width))
if real_count != orig_count:
print('WARNING: Number of pulses rounded to %d (requested %d)' % (real_count, orig_count))
# set the arbitrary waveform (a number of consecutive pulses)
print('Configuring arbitrary waveform')
ser.write(b'FREQ %G\r\n' % freq)
ser.write(b'DATA:DAC VOLATILE %s\r\n' % pattern)
# set the arbitrary waveform to the one we have just uploaded
ser.write(b'FUNC:USER VOLATILE\r\n')
# switch the generator to arbitrary waveform
ser.write(b'FUNC USER\r\n')
if not '33250A' in ident:
RuntimeError('Invalid generator type')
def __del__(self):
if self.ser is not None:
# disable generator output
self.ser.write(b'OUTP OFF\r\n')
def ident(self):
return self.ser.readline().decode()
def reset(self):
# reset to a known state
self.ser.write(b'OUTP OFF\r\n')
# clear errors
def pulse(self, count, freq, width, samples):
# Select the way of generating pulses
# 33250A has a limit of 1e6 pulses in a single burst. To overcome this
# limitation, one can create an arbitrary waveform containing n pulses
# and then request n times pulses less.
if(count <= self.MAX_PULSE_COUNT):
# normal case, just use the pulse generator, no tricks needed
div = 1
real_count = count
# rising/falling edge time
edge = 5e-9
# print('Configuring pulse waveform')
self.ser.write(b'PULS:TRAN %G\r\n' % edge)
self.ser.write(b'PULS:WIDT %G\r\n' % width)
self.ser.write(b'PULS:PER %G\r\n' % (1.0 / freq))
self.ser.write(b'FUNC:SHAP PULS\r\n')
# store the original values to compare them against the requested ones
orig_count = count
orig_width = width
# deal with the limitation described above
# number of pulses in the arbitrary waveform
div = int(math.floor(count / self.MAX_PULSE_COUNT)) + 1
period = 1.0 / freq
if width > period * 0.9:
raise RuntimeError('Pulse width is greater than 90% of the pulse period')
# generate the string that represents the requested waveform
duty_cycle = width / period
one_count = int(samples * duty_cycle)
zero_count = samples - one_count
# generator DAC values mapping
# see VOLT and VOLT:OFFS commands below to see the details
one_value = b', 2047'
zero_value = b', -2047'
# single pulse (take into account the duty cycle)
chunk = b'%s%s' % (zero_count * zero_value, one_count * one_value )
# full waveform (repeat the pulse 'div' times)
pattern = chunk * div
# update all variables basing on the divider
freq = freq / div
count = int(count / div)
width = duty_cycle * period
# the actual number of pulses is rounded to the number of pulses in
# the arbitrary waveform
real_count = count * div
# TODO these warnings should be reported in some other way
if width != orig_width:
print('WARNING: Pulse width rounded to %G (requested %G)' % (width, orig_width))
if real_count != orig_count:
print('WARNING: Number of pulses rounded to %d (requested %d)' % (real_count, orig_count))
# set the arbitrary waveform (a number of consecutive pulses)
# print('Configuring arbitrary waveform')
self.ser.write(b'FREQ %G\r\n' % freq)
self.ser.write(b'DATA:DAC VOLATILE %s\r\n' % pattern)
# set the arbitrary waveform to the one we have just uploaded
self.ser.write(b'FUNC:USER VOLATILE\r\n')
# switch the generator to arbitrary waveform
self.ser.write(b'FUNC USER\r\n')
# Common part (for both pulse and arbitrary waveforms)
# peak-to-peak voltage 5V, offset = 2.5V
# makes arbitrary waveform values mapping:
# -2047 => 0V
# 2047 => +5V
self.ser.write(b'VOLT 5\r\n')
self.ser.write(b'VOLT:OFFS 2.5\r\n')
# configure software trigger (executed by *TRG command)
self.ser.write(b'TRIG:SOUR BUS\r\n')
# configure burst mode (number of cycles, software triggered, 0 phase)
self.ser.write(b'BURS:MODE TRIG\r\n')
self.ser.write(b'BURS:NCYC %d\r\n' % count)
self.ser.write(b'BURS:PHAS 0\r\n')
self.ser.write(b'BURS:STAT ON\r\n')
# check errors queue and printout error messages if any
error = False
error_msg = ''
while True:
status = self.ser.readline().decode()
if status.startswith('+0'): # no more errors
error = True
error_msg = error_msg + status
if error:
raise RuntimeError('Generator error(s) occurred: %s' % error_msg)
# print('Sending %d pulses (%g s) at %g Hz' % (real_count, width, freq * div))
# enable output for load = 50 ohms
self.ser.write(b'OUTP:LOAD 50\r\n')
self.ser.write(b'OUTP ON\r\n')
# trigger the output
def wait(self):
# wait for the operation to complete
while True:
status = self.ser.readline().decode()
if len(status) > 0:
if not status.startswith('1'):
raise RuntimeError('Operation interrupted (status: %s)' % status)
# Common part
# peak-to-peak voltage 5V, offset = 2.5V
# makes arbitrary waveform values mapping:
# -2047 => 0V
# 2047 => +5V
ser.write(b'VOLT 5\r\n')
ser.write(b'VOLT:OFFS 2.5\r\n')
# configure software trigger (executed by *TRG command)
ser.write(b'TRIG:SOUR BUS\r\n')
# configure burst mode (number of cycles, software triggered, 0 phase)
ser.write(b'BURS:MODE TRIG\r\n')
ser.write(b'BURS:NCYC %d\r\n' % count)
ser.write(b'BURS:PHAS 0\r\n')
ser.write(b'BURS:STAT ON\r\n')
# check errors queue and printout error messages if any
error = False
while True:
status = ser.readline().decode()
if status.startswith('+0'): # no more errors
print('ERROR: Generator error occurred: %s' % status)
error = True
if error:
sys.exit(2) # we should not proceed, the results are unknown
print('Sending %d pulses (%g s) at %g Hz' % (real_count, width, freq * div))
# enable output for load = 50 ohms
ser.write(b'OUTP:LOAD 50\r\n')
ser.write(b'OUTP ON\r\n')
# trigger the output
# wait for the operation to complete
while True:
status = ser.readline().decode()
if __name__ == '__main__':
def usage():
print('(c) CERN 2017')
print('Maciej Suminski <>')
print('usage: %s [opts]' % sys.argv[0])
print('-b|--baud= serial port baud rate (default: %d)' % baud)
print('-d|--device= serial port device path (default: %s' % device)
print('-c|--count= number of requested pulses (default: %d)' % count)
print('-f|--freq= frequency of the pulses [Hz] (default: %G)' % freq)
print('-w|--width= pulse width [s] (default: %G)' % width)
print('-s|--samples= arbitrary waveform samples count (default: %d)' % samples)
print('-h|--help shows this information')
# default parameters
device = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
baud = 115200
count = 2000000
freq = 2e6 # Hz
width = 250e-9 # s
samples = 500 # number of samples for arbitrary waveform
print('pulsegen: Agilent 33250A pulse burst generator\r\n')
# parse options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:c:d:f:hw:',
['baud=', 'count=', 'device=', 'freq=', 'help', 'width='])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# print(str(err))
if len(status) > 0:
if not status.startswith('1'):
error = True
print('ERROR: Operation interrupted (status: %s)' % status)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-b', '--baud'):
baud = int(arg)
elif opt in ('-c', '--count'):
count = int(arg)
elif opt in ('-d', '--device'):
device = arg
elif opt in ('-f', '--freq'):
freq = float(arg)
elif opt in ('-s', '--samples'):
samples = int(arg)
if samples > 65536:
print('ERROR: Samples number limit is 65536')
elif opt in ('-w', '--width'):
width = float(arg)
elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):
assert False, 'unhandled option'
# disable output
ser.write(b'OUTP OFF\r\n')
if not error:
print('Connecting to %s @ %s' % (device, baud))
gen = PulseGen(device, baud)
gen.pulse(count, freq, width, samples)
print('Finished successfully')
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