... | ... | @@ -72,12 +72,35 @@ OHL. |
should make sure the CERN OHL contains no clause which would be
unnatural in such a context.
## About the requirement to ship the Documentation along with products
- From David Mellis in the updates@lists.openhardwaresummit.org
mailing list: "I'm not sure it makes sense to require that all
products made from a licensed design come with the design. Perhaps
it would be better to borrow from the GPL the notion of providing
some reasonable mechanism for the customer to access the design?
Otherwise, this seems to imply that you need to include a USB key
with the design files with every product (or some similar
## Context and differences with respect to other licences
- Would it make sense to say some words about the rationale and
differences wrt CC and TAPR OHL? At least in the wiki for sure, many
people ask.
<!-- end list -->
- From David Mellis in the updates@lists.openhardwaresummit.org
mailing list: "what about the possibility of aligning this license
with the TAPR one, so that they could, for example, serve as
localized versions of the same license? The licenses seem very
similar in intent and approach (at least to a legally-naive reader)
- it would be great if we didn't have to worry about choosing
between them. At a minimum, maybe there's a way to allow for
compatibility between them (i.e. the ability to combine TAPR
OHL-licensed documentation with CERN OHL-licensed documentation)?"
## Miscellaneous
- Provide the license and howto as txt files in addition to pdf.
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