This is the home of the CERN Open Hardware Licence version 2. The licence consists of three variants:
* A strongly-reciprocal variant, CERN-OHL-S (txt, pdf)
* A weakly-reciprocal variant, CERN-OHL-W (txt, pdf)
* A permissive variant, CERN-OHL-P (txt, pdf)
You may want to read the rationale document, which explains the reasons for some of the drafting decisions, and the list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you would like to provide feedback on the licence or ask questions, please contact the authors: [Myriam Ayass](https://phonebook.cern.ch/phonebook/#personDetails/?id=610905), [Andrew Katz](https://moorcrofts.com/team/andrew-katz/) and [Javier Serrano](https://phonebook.cern.ch/phonebook/#personDetails/?id=476608). |
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