... | @@ -66,39 +66,12 @@ their status are described in the following table: |
... | @@ -66,39 +66,12 @@ their status are described in the following table: |
- WP2. Write project management doc for insourcing of MicroFIP
\_For the development of the FPGA replacement either WP4 or WP5 will be
- WP3. Write functional specification of MicroFIP replacement
- WP4. Rewrite and extend Alstom MicroFIP VHDL code - *WP1 concluded
The decision between the adaptation of existing VHDL code (WP4) or
that new VHDL code (WP5) was needed.*
the development of completely new code (WP5) will be made based on the
- WP5. Write new NanoFIP VHDL code
results of WP1, WP2 and WP3.
- WP6. VHDL Testbench creation and simulation of NanoFIP
It was concluded in March 2009 that new code needed to be developed.\_
- WP7. Stand-alone mode test board design and test
Note that for the development of the FPGA replacement that either WP4
*or* WP5 will be needed. The decision between the adaptation of existing
VHDL code (WP4) or the development of completely new code (WP5) will be
made based on the results of WP1, WP2 and WP3.It was concluded in March
2009 that new code needed to be
## Detailed description of work packages
### [WP1. Alstom MicroFIP preliminary VHDL code interpretation](WP1) - Done
### [WP2. Write project management doc for insourcing of MicroFIP](WP2) - Done
### [WP3. Write functional specification of MicroFIP replacement](WP3) - Done
### [WP4.-Rewrite-and-extend-Alstom-MicroFIP-VHDL-code](WP4.-Rewrite-and-extend-Alstom-MicroFIP-VHDL-code) - Cancelled
Note: either WP4 or WP5 needs to be done
### [WP5. Write new NanoFIP VHDL code](WP5) - In progress
### [WP6. VHDL Testbench creation and simulation of NanoFIP](WP6) - In progress
### WP7. Stand-alone mode test board design and test - Combined with WP8
### [WP8.-Design-board-for-functional-and-radiation-test](WP8.-Design-board-for-functional-and-radiation-test) - In progress
\-- Main.ErikVanDerBij - 5 April 2010
\-- Main.ErikVanDerBij - 5 April 2010