Commit f8d16f0d authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

dev_io: add Device IO subsytem

This was not commited as the .gitignore
file was wrong
parent 23828c6a
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h> /* getpid, getppid */
#include <unistd.h>
#include "czmq.h"
#include "dev_io.h"
#include "debug_print.h"
void print_help (char *program_name)
printf( "Usage: %s [options]\n"
"\t-h This help message\n"
"\t-d Daemon mode.\n"
"\t-v Verbose output\n"
"\t-t <device_type> Device type\n"
"\t-e <dev_entry> Device /dev entry\n"
"\t-b <broker_endpoint> Broker endpoint\n", program_name);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int verbose = 0;
int daemonize = 0;
char *dev_type = NULL;
char *dev_entry = NULL;
char *broker_endp = NULL;
char **str_p = &dev_type; /* default */
int i;
if (argc < 4) {
print_help (argv[0]);
exit (1);
/* FIXME: This is rather buggy! */
/* Simple handling of command-line options. This should be done
* with getopt, for instance*/
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (streq (argv[i], "-v")) {
verbose = 1;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Verbose mode set\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-d")) {
daemonize = 1;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Demonize mode set\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-t")) {
str_p = &dev_type;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Will set dev_type parameter\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-e")) {
str_p = &dev_entry;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Will set dev_entry parameter\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-b")) {
str_p = &broker_endp;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Will set broker_endp parameter\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-h")) {
print_help (argv[0]);
exit (1);
/* Fallout for options with parameters */
else {
*str_p = strdup (argv[i]);
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Parameter set to \"%s\"\n", *str_p);
/* Daemonize dev_io */
if (daemonize != 0) {
int rc = daemon(0, 0);
if (rc != 0) {
perror ("[dev_io] daemon");
goto err_exit;
llio_type_e llio_type;
/* Parse command-line options */
if (streq (dev_type, "pcie")) {
llio_type = PCIE_DEV;
else if (streq (dev_type, "eth")) {
llio_type = ETH_DEV;
else {
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_FATAL, "[dev_io] Dev_type parameter is invalid\n");
goto err_exit;
/* We don't need it anymore */
str_p = &dev_type;
free (*str_p);
dev_type = NULL;
/* Initilialize dev_io */
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Creating devio instance ...\n");
devio_t *devio = devio_new ("BPM0:DEVIO", dev_entry, llio_type,
broker_endp, verbose);
/* devio_t *devio = devio_new ("BPM0:DEVIO", *str_p, llio_type,
"tcp://localhost:5555", verbose); */
if (devio == NULL) {
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_FATAL, "[dev_io] devio_new error!\n");
goto err_exit;
/* We don't need it anymore */
str_p = &dev_entry;
free (*str_p);
dev_entry = NULL;
str_p = &broker_endp;
free (*str_p);
broker_endp = NULL;
uint32_t fmc130m_4ch_id = 0x7085ef15;
devio_err_e err;
err = devio_register_sm (devio, fmc130m_4ch_id, NULL);
if (err != DEVIO_SUCCESS) {
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_FATAL, "[dev_io] devio_register_sm error!\n");
goto err_devio;
err = devio_init_poller_sm (devio);
if (err != DEVIO_SUCCESS) {
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_FATAL, "[dev_io] devio_init_poller_sm error!\n");
goto err_devio;
while (!zctx_interrupted) {
/* Step 1: Loop though all the SDB records and intialize (boot) the
* smio modules*/
/* Step 2: Optionally, register the necessary smio modules specifying
* its ID and calling devio_register_sm */
/* Step 3: Poll all PIPE's sockets to determine if we have something to
* handle, like messages from smios */
/* Step 3.5: If we do, call devio_handle_smio () and treat its
* request as appropriate */
devio_poll_all_sm (devio);
devio_destroy (&devio);
free (broker_endp);
free (dev_entry);
free (dev_type);
return 0;
#ifndef _DEV_IO_
#define _DEV_IO_
#include "dev_io_core.h"
dev_io_DIR = hal/dev_io
# Here we call <output_name>_core_OBJS as we need to add
# more objects to this target. This is done in the
# makefile
dev_io_core_OBJS = $(dev_io_DIR)/dev_io.o \
$(dev_io_DIR)/dev_io_core.o \
dev_io_INCLUDE_DIRS = $(dev_io_DIR)
dev_io_OUT = dev_io
* Copyright (C) 2014 LNLS (
* Author: Lucas Russo <>
* Released according to the GNU LGPL, version 3 or any later version.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dev_io_core.h"
#include "dev_io_err.h"
#include "hal_assert.h"
#include "sm_io_mod_dispatch.h"
#include "smio_thsafe_zmq_server.h"
#include "sm_io_thsafe_codes.h"
#include "sm_io_bootstrap.h"
/* Undef ASSERT_ALLOC to avoid conflicting with other ASSERT_ALLOC */
#define ASSERT_TEST(test_boolean, err_str, err_goto_label) \
ASSERT_HAL_TEST(test_boolean, DEV_IO, "[dev_io_core]", \
err_str, err_goto_label)
#define ASSERT_ALLOC(ptr, err_goto_label) \
ASSERT_HAL_ALLOC(ptr, DEV_IO, "[dev_io_core]", \
devio_err_str(DEVIO_ERR_ALLOC), \
#ifdef CHECK_ERR
#undef CHECK_ERR
#define CHECK_ERR(err, err_type) \
CHECK_HAL_ERR(err, DEV_IO, "[dev_io_core]", \
devio_err_str (err_type))
#define LLIO_STR ":LLIO\0"
#define DEVIO_POLLER_TIMEOUT 100 /* in msec */
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
/* Do the SMIO operation */
static devio_err_e _devio_do_smio_op (devio_t *self, void *msg);
static void _devio_destroy_smio (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id);
static void _devio_destroy_smio_all (devio_t *self);
/* Creates a new instance of Device Information */
devio_t * devio_new (char *name, char *endpoint_dev,
llio_type_e type, char *endpoint_broker, int verbose)
devio_t *self = (devio_t *) zmalloc (sizeof *self);
ASSERT_ALLOC(self, err_self_alloc);
/* Initialize the sockets structure to talk to nodes */
self->pipes = zmalloc (sizeof (void *) * NODES_MAX_LEN);
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->pipes, err_pipes_alloc);
/* 0 nodes for now... */
self->nnodes = 0;
/* Nullify poller */
self->poller = zpoller_new (NULL);
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->poller, err_poller_alloc);
/* Initilize mdp_worrker last, as we need to have everything ready
* when we attemp to register in broker. Actually, we still need
* to parse the SDB strucutres and register the operations in the
* hash tables... * TODO (FIXME?): Find a better initialitazion routine before registering
* to the broker the request from clients */
self->name = strdup (name);
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->name, err_name_alloc);
self->endpoint_broker = strdup (endpoint_broker);
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->endpoint_broker, err_endp_broker_alloc);
self->verbose = verbose;
/* Concatenate recv'ed name with a llio identifier */
char *llio_name = zmalloc (sizeof (char)*(strlen(name)+strlen(LLIO_STR)+1));
ASSERT_ALLOC(llio_name, err_llio_name_alloc);
strcat (llio_name, name);
strcat (llio_name, LLIO_STR);
self->llio = llio_new (llio_name, endpoint_dev, type,
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->llio, err_llio_alloc);
/* We try to open the device */
int err = llio_open (self->llio, NULL);
ASSERT_TEST(err==0, "Error opening device!", err_llio_open);
/* We can free llio_name now, as llio copies the string */
free (llio_name);
llio_name = NULL; /* Avoid double free error */
/* Init sm_io_thsafe_server_ops_h. For now, we assume we want zmq
* for exchanging messages between smio and devio instances */
self->thsafe_server_ops = &smio_thsafe_zmq_server_ops;
/* Init sm_io_h hash */
self->sm_io_h = zhash_new ();
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->sm_io_h, err_sm_io_h_alloc);
/* Init sm_io_thsafe_ops_h dispatch table */
self->disp_table_thsafe_ops = disp_table_new ();
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->disp_table_thsafe_ops, err_disp_table_thsafe_ops_alloc);
disp_table_func_fp *thsafe_server_fp = (disp_table_func_fp *) (self->thsafe_server_ops);
const uint32_t *thsafe_opcodes_p = thsafe_opcodes;
halutils_err_e halutils_err = disp_table_insert_all (self->disp_table_thsafe_ops,
thsafe_server_fp, thsafe_opcodes_p, THSAFE_OPCODE_END);
ASSERT_TEST(halutils_err==HALUTILS_SUCCESS, "Could not initialize dispatch table",
/* Finally, initialize mdp_worker with service being the BPM<board_number> */
/* self->worker = mdp_worker_new (endpoint_broker, name, verbose);
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->worker, err_worker_alloc); */
/* Finally, initialize out zeroMQ context */
self->ctx = zctx_new ();
ASSERT_ALLOC(self->ctx, err_ctx_alloc);
/* Adjust linger time for Majordomo protocol (MDP) */
/* A non-zero linger value is required for DISCONNECT to be sent
* when the worker is destroyed. 100 is arbitrary but chosen to be
* sufficient for common cases without significant delay in broken ones. */
zctx_set_linger (self->ctx, 100);
return self;
disp_table_destroy (&self->disp_table_thsafe_ops);
zhash_destroy (&self->sm_io_h);
llio_release (self->llio, NULL);
llio_destroy (&self->llio);
free (llio_name);
free (self->endpoint_broker);
free (self->name);
zpoller_destroy (&self->poller);
free (self->pipes);
free (self);
return NULL;
/* Destroy an instance of the Device Information */
devio_err_e devio_destroy (devio_t **self_p)
assert (self_p);
if (*self_p) {
devio_t *self = *self_p;
/* Destroy children threads before proceeding */
_devio_destroy_smio_all (self);
/* Starting destructing by the last resource */
/* Notice that we destroy the worker first, as to
* unregister from broker as soon as possible to avoid
* loosing requests from clients */
zctx_destroy (&self->ctx);
disp_table_destroy (&self->disp_table_thsafe_ops);
zhash_destroy (&self->sm_io_h);
self->thsafe_server_ops = NULL;
llio_release (self->llio, NULL);
llio_destroy (&self->llio);
free (self->endpoint_broker);
free (self->name);
zpoller_destroy (&self->poller);
free (self->pipes);
free (self);
*self_p = NULL;
/* Read specific information about the device. Typically,
* this is stored in the SDB structure inside the device */
devio_err_e devio_print_info (devio_t *self)
(void) self;
/* Register an specific sm_io modules to this device */
devio_err_e devio_register_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, void *priv)
assert (self);
/* Search the sm_io_mod_dsapatch table for the smio_id and,
* if found, call the correspondent bootstrap code to initilize
* the sm_io module */
th_boot_args_t *th_args = NULL;
/* For now, just do a simple linear search. We can afford this, as
* we don't expect to insert new sm_io modules often */
unsigned int i;
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] smio_mod_dispatch table size = %ld\n",
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(smio_mod_dispatch); ++i) {
if (smio_mod_dispatch[i].id == smio_id) {
/* Found! Call bootstrap code and insert in
* hash table */
/* FIXME: Why do I need this? smio always gets initilized
* after smio_mod_dispatch[i].bootstrap_ops->smio_boot (self); */
/* smio_t *smio = NULL; */
/* It is expected tha after the boot () call the operations
* this sm_io inscate can handle are already registered! */
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Allocating thread args\n");
/* Alloacate thread arguments struct and pass it to the
* thread. It is the responsability of the calling thread
* to clear this structure after using it! */
th_boot_args_t *th_args = zmalloc (sizeof *th_args);
ASSERT_ALLOC (th_args, err_th_args_alloc);
th_args->parent = self;
/* FIXME: weak identifier */
th_args->smio_id = i;
th_args->broker = self->endpoint_broker;
th_args->service = self->name;
th_args->verbose = self->verbose;
th_args->priv = priv;
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Calling boot func\n");
uint32_t pipe_idx = self->nnodes++;
self->pipes [pipe_idx] = zthread_fork (self->ctx, smio_startup,
/* self->pipes [pipe_idx] = zthread_fork (self->ctx,
smio_mod_dispatch[i].bootstrap_ops->thread_boot, th_args); */
/*smio = smio_mod_dispatch[i].bootstrap_ops->boot (self);*/
/*ASSERT_ALLOC (smio, err_smio_alloc); */
/* Stringify ID */
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Stringify hash ID\n");
char *key = halutils_stringify_key (smio_mod_dispatch[i].id);
ASSERT_ALLOC (key, err_key_alloc);
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Inserting hash with key: %s\n", key);
zhash_insert (self->sm_io_h, key, self->pipes [pipe_idx]);
free (key);
/* stop on first match */
//free (th_args);
free (th_args);
/* Register all sm_io module that this device can handle,
* according to the device information stored in the SDB */
devio_err_e devio_register_all_sm (devio_t *self)
(void) self;
devio_err_e devio_unregister_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id)
(void) self;
(void) smio_id;
devio_err_e devio_unregister_all_sm (devio_t *self)
(void) self;
devio_err_e devio_init_poller_sm (devio_t *self)
devio_err_e err = DEVIO_SUCCESS;
"[dev_io_core:poll_all_sm] Calling init_poller_sm\n");
/* Set-up poller */
if (self->nnodes == 0) {
goto err_no_nodes;
/* FIXME: From CZMQ sources: If you need a balanced poll, use
* the low level zmq_poll method directly
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < self->nnodes; ++i) {
int zerr = zpoller_add (self->poller, self->pipes[i]);
if (zerr < 0) {
return err;
devio_err_e devio_poll_all_sm (devio_t *self)
devio_err_e err = DEVIO_SUCCESS;
if (!self->poller) {
goto err_uninitialized_poller;
/* Wait up to 100 ms */
void *which = zpoller_wait (self->poller, DEVIO_POLLER_TIMEOUT);
if (zpoller_expired (self->poller)) {
"[dev_io_core:poll_all_sm] poller expired\n");*/
goto err_poller_expired;
if (zpoller_terminated (self->poller)) {
"[dev_io_core:poll_all_sm] poller terminated\n");*/
goto err_poller_terminated;
zmsg_t *recv_msg = zmsg_recv (which);
/* Prepare the args structure */
zmq_server_args_t server_args = {.msg = &recv_msg, .reply_to = which};
err = _devio_do_smio_op (self, &server_args);
return err;
devio_err_e devio_do_smio_op (devio_t *self, void *msg)
return _devio_do_smio_op (self, msg);
/**************** Helper Functions ***************/
static devio_err_e _devio_do_smio_op (devio_t *self, void *msg)
zmq_server_args_t *server_args = (zmq_server_args_t *) msg;
/* Message is:
* frame 0: opcode
* frame 1: payload */
/* Extract the first frame and determine the opcode */
zframe_t *opcode = zmsg_pop (*server_args->msg);
devio_err_e err = (opcode == NULL) ? DEVIO_ERR_BAD_MSG : DEVIO_SUCCESS;
ASSERT_TEST(opcode != NULL, "Could not receive opcode", err_null_opcode);
if (zframe_size (opcode) != THSAFE_OPCODE_SIZE) {
"[dev_io_core:poll_all_sm] Invalid opcode size received\n");
goto err_wrong_opcode_size;
uint32_t opcode_data = *(uint32_t *) zframe_data (opcode);
if (opcode_data > THSAFE_OPCODE_END-1) {
"[dev_io_core:poll_all_sm] Invalid opcode received\n");
goto err_invalid_opcode;
/* Do the actual work... */
disp_table_call (self->disp_table_thsafe_ops, opcode_data, self, server_args);
zframe_destroy (&opcode);
return err;
static void _devio_destroy_smio_all (devio_t *self)
#if 0
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < self->nnodes; ++i) {
/* This cannot fail at this point... but it can */
zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
/* An empty message means to selfdestruct */
zmsg_pushstr (msg, "");
zmsg_send (&msg, self->pipes [i]);
/* Get all hash keys */
zlist_t *hash_keys = zhash_keys (self->sm_io_h);
ASSERT_ALLOC (hash_keys, err_hash_keys_alloc);
char *hash_item = zlist_first (hash_keys);
/* Iterate over all keys removing each of one */
for (; hash_item != NULL; hash_item = zlist_next (hash_keys)) {
/* FIXME: Usage of stroul fucntion for reconverting the string
* into a uint32_t */
_devio_destroy_smio (self, (uint32_t) strtoul (hash_item,
(char **) NULL, 16));
zlist_destroy (&hash_keys);
static void _devio_destroy_smio (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id)
assert (self);
/* Stringify ID */
char *key_c = halutils_stringify_key (smio_id);
ASSERT_ALLOC (key_c, err_key_alloc);
/* Lookup SMIO reference in hash table */
void *pipe = zhash_lookup (self->sm_io_h, key_c);
ASSERT_TEST (pipe != NULL, "Could not find SMIO registered with this ID",
/* Send message to SMIO informing it to destroy itself */
/* This cannot fail at this point... but it can */
zmsg_t *send_msg = zmsg_new ();
ASSERT_ALLOC (send_msg, err_msg_alloc);
/* An empty message means to selfdestruct */
zmsg_pushstr (send_msg, "");
int zerr = zmsg_send (&send_msg, pipe);
ASSERT_TEST (zerr == 0, "Could not send self-destruct message to SMIO instance",
/* Finally, remove the pipe from hash */
zhash_delete (self->sm_io_h, key_c);
zmsg_destroy (&send_msg);
free (key_c);
/********* Low-level generic methods API *********/
#define CHECK_FUNC(func_p) \
do { \
if(func_p == NULL) { \
"[sm_io] %s\n", \
devio_err_str (DEVIO_ERR_FUNC_NOT_IMPL)); \
return NULL; \
} \
} while(0)
/* Declare wrapper for all DEVIO functions API */
#define DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER(func_name, ...) \
{ \
assert (owner); \
CHECK_FUNC (((devio_t *)owner)->thsafe_server_ops->func_name);\
return ((devio_t *)owner)->thsafe_server_ops->func_name (owner, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
/**** Open device ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_open (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_open, args)
/**** Release device ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_release (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_release, args)
/**** Read data from device ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_16 (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_read_16, args)
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_32 (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_read_32, args)
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_64 (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_read_64, args)
/**** Write data to device ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_16 (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_write_16, args)
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_32 (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_write_32, args)
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_64 (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_write_64, args)
/**** Read data block from device function pointer, size in bytes ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_block (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_read_block, args)
/**** Write data block from device function pointer, size in bytes ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_block (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_write_block, args)
/**** Read data block via DMA from device, size in bytes ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_dma (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_read_dma, args)
/**** Write data block via DMA from device, size in bytes ****/
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_dma (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_write_dma, args)
/**** Read device information function pointer ****/
/* int smio_thsafe_server_read_info (void *owner, void *args)
DEVIO_FUNC_WRAPPER (thsafe_server_read_info, args) Moved to dev_io */
* Copyright (C) 2014 LNLS (
* Author: Lucas Russo <>
* Released according to the GNU LGPL, version 3 or any later version.
#ifndef _DEV_IO_CORE_H_
#define _DEV_IO_CORE_H_
#include "czmq.h"
#include "mdp.h"
#include "hal_utils.h"
#include "dispatch_table.h"
#include "dev_io_err.h"
#include "ll_io.h"
/* #include "sm_io.h" */
/* #include "sm_io_thsafe_codes.h" */
/* #include "sm_io_bootstrap.h" */
/* SMIO hash key length in chars */
#define SMIO_HKEY_LEN 8
#define NODES_MAX_LEN 20
struct _smio_thsafe_server_ops_t;
struct _devio_t {
/* General information */
/*mdp_worker_t *worker;*/ /* zeroMQ Majordomo Worker */
zctx_t *ctx; /* zeroMQ Context */
void **pipes; /* Address nodes using this array of pipes */
zpoller_t *poller; /* Poller structure to multiplex threads messages */
unsigned int nnodes; /* Number of actual nodes */
char *name; /* Identification of this worker instance */
char *endpoint_broker; /* Broker location to connect to */
int verbose; /* Print activity to stdout */
/* ll_io instance for Low-Level operations*/
llio_t *llio;
/* Server part of the llio operations. This is the bridge between the
* smio client part of the llio operations and the de-facto
* llio operations */
const struct _smio_thsafe_server_ops_t *thsafe_server_ops;
/* Hash containg all the sm_io objects that
* this dev_io can handle. It is composed
* of key (10-char ID) / value (sm_io instance) */
zhash_t *sm_io_h;
/* Dispatch table containg all the sm_io thsafe operations
* that we need to handle. It is composed
* of key (4-char ID) / value (pointer to funtion) */
disp_table_t *disp_table_thsafe_ops;
struct _smio_thsafe_server_ops_t {
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_open; /* Open device */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_release; /* Release device */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_read_16; /* Read 16-bit data */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_read_32; /* Read 32-bit data */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_read_64; /* Read 64-bit data */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_write_16; /* Write 16-bit data */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_write_32; /* Write 32-bit data */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_write_64; /* Write 64-bit data */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_read_block; /* Read arbitrary block size data,
parameter size in bytes */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_write_block; /* Write arbitrary block size data,
parameter size in bytes */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_read_dma; /* Read arbitrary block size data via DMA,
parameter size in bytes */
disp_table_func_fp thsafe_server_write_dma; /* Write arbitrary block size data via DMA,
parameter size in bytes */
/*disp_table_func_fp_read_info_fp thsafe_server_read_info; Moved to dev_io */
/* Read device information data */
/* Opaque llio_th_safe_ops structure */
typedef struct _smio_thsafe_server_ops_t smio_thsafe_server_ops_t;
/* Opaque class structure */
typedef struct _devio_t devio_t;
/***************** Our methods *****************/
/* Creates a new instance of Device Information */
devio_t * devio_new (char *name, char *endpoint_dev,
llio_type_e type, char *endpoint_broker, int verbose);
/* Destroy an instance of the Device Information */
devio_err_e devio_destroy (devio_t **self_p);
/* Read specific information about the device. Typically,
* this is stored in the SDB structure inside the device */
devio_err_e devio_print_info (devio_t *self);
/* Register an specific sm_io module to this device */
devio_err_e devio_register_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, void *priv);
/* Register all sm_io module that this device can handle,
* according to the device information stored in the SDB */
devio_err_e devio_register_all_sm (devio_t *self);
devio_err_e devio_unregister_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id);
devio_err_e devio_unregister_all_sm (devio_t *self);
/* Initilize poller with all of the initialized PIPE sockets */
devio_err_e devio_init_poller_sm (devio_t *self);
/* Poll all PIPE sockets */
devio_err_e devio_poll_all_sm (devio_t *self);
/* Router for all the opcodes registered for this dev_io */
/* devio_err_e devio_do_op (devio_t *self, uint32_t opcode, int nargs, ...); */
/* Router for all of the low-level operations for this dev_io */
devio_err_e devio_do_smio_op (devio_t *self, void *msg);
/********* Low-level generic methods API *********/
/* Open device */
void *smio_thsafe_server_open (void *owner, void *args);
/* Release device */
void *smio_thsafe_server_release (void *owner, void *args);
/* Read data from device */
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_16 (void *owner, void *args);
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_32 (void *owner, void *args);
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_64 (void *owner, void *args);
/* Write data to device */
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_16 (void *owner, void *args);
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_32 (void *owner, void *args);
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_64 (void *owner, void *args);
/* Read data block from device, size in bytes */
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_block (void *owner, void *args);
/* Write data block from device, size in bytes */
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_block (void *owner, void *args);
/* Read data block via DMA from device, size in bytes */
void *smio_thsafe_server_read_dma (void *owner, void *args);
/* Write data block via DMA from device, size in bytes */
void *smio_thsafe_server_write_dma (void *owner, void *args);
/* Read device information */
/* void *smio_thsafe_server_read_info (void *owner, void *args); */
* Copyright (C) 2014 LNLS (
* Author: Lucas Russo <>
* Released according to the GNU LGPL, version 3 or any later version.
/* Error definitions and output stringification based on the work available
* at the libsllp project repository: */
#include "dev_io_err.h"
static const char *devio_err [DEVIO_ERR_END] =
[DEVIO_SUCCESS] = "Success",
[DEVIO_ERR_ALLOC] = "Could not allocate memory",
[DEVIO_ERR_FUNC_NOT_IMPL] = "Function not implemented",
[DEVIO_ERR_NO_SMIO_OP] = "No sm_io registered for this opcode",
[DEVIO_ERR_NO_SMIO_ID] = "No sm_io registered with this ID",
[DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DO_OP] = "Error calling specific sm_io function",
[DEVIO_ERR_NO_NODES] = "No thread nodes available",
[DEVIO_ERR_UNINIT_POLLER] = "Poller uninitilized",
[DEVIO_ERR_BAD_MSG] = "Malformed message received",
[DEVIO_ERR_TERMINATED] = "Terminated devio instance"
/* Convert enumeration type to string */
const char * devio_err_str (devio_err_e err)
return devio_err [err];
* Copyright (C) 2014 LNLS (
* Author: Lucas Russo <>
* Released according to the GNU LGPL, version 3 or any later version.
/* Error definitions and output stringification based on the work available
* at the libsllp project repository: */
#ifndef _DEVIO_ERR_H_
#define _DEVIO_ERR_H_
enum _devio_err_e
DEVIO_SUCCESS = 0, /* No error */
DEVIO_ERR_ALLOC, /* Could not allocate memory */
DEVIO_ERR_FUNC_NOT_IMPL, /* Function not implemented */
DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DO_OP, /* Error calling sm_io specific function */
DEVIO_ERR_NO_SMIO_OP, /* No sm_io registered for the opcode argument */
DEVIO_ERR_NO_SMIO_ID, /* No sm_io registered with the id argument */
DEVIO_ERR_NO_NODES, /* No thread nodes available */
DEVIO_ERR_UNINIT_POLLER, /* Uninitliazed poller */
DEVIO_ERR_BAD_MSG, /* Malformed message received */
DEVIO_ERR_TERMINATED, /* Terminated devio instance */
DEVIO_ERR_END /* End of enum marker */
typedef enum _devio_err_e devio_err_e;
/* Convert enumeration type to string */
const char * devio_err_str (devio_err_e err);
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