Commit 4ba4dbe9 authored by Federico Asara's avatar Federico Asara

Item API, Pyro4 support added.

Now inherits from ADC class.
Better documentation.
parent d703f490
from ctypes import *
from Configurable import *
from ADC import *
import Pyro4
import Pyro4.util
lib = CDLL("./")
......@@ -9,6 +12,12 @@ SIS33_TRIGGER_START, SIS33_TRIGGER_STOP = range(2)
class Sis33Acq(Structure):
def get(self, what):
return self.__getattribute__(what)
def set(self, what, how):
self.__setattr__(what, how)
_fields_ = [("data",POINTER(c_uint16)),
("nr_samples" , c_uint32),
("prevticks", c_uint64),
......@@ -60,27 +69,32 @@ def perror(s):
"""This class should manage a generic waveform generator"""
class Sis33Device(object):
class Sis33Device(ADC):
_ptr = 0
class SineWaveform(Waveform.Waveform):
_parameters = {'index':('Device Index', 'Serial device used to communicate with the generator', 2, int)}
_parameters = {'index':['Device Index', 'Index of the ADC', 2, int],
'channel':['Channel', 'Channel to use for DAQ', 7, int],
'segment':['Segment', 'Memory segment used for data storage', 0, int]}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.parameters = dict(self._parameters)
def get(self, what):
"""Get an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
return self.__getattribute__(what)
def set(self, what, how):
"""Set an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
self.__setattr__(what, how)
for i in kwargs:
if i in self.parameters.keys():
self.parameters[i][2] = kwargs[i]
for i in self.parameters.keys():
self.__setattr__(i, self.parameters[i][2])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ADC.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.pointer = lib.sis33_open(self.index)
def __del__(self, index):
def __del__(self):
"""Destroy the object, if needed. Closes the device before dying."""
if self._ptr != 0:
def close(self):
"""Close the device."""
self._ptr = 0 # bypass pointer
......@@ -387,7 +401,7 @@ class SineWaveform(Waveform.Waveform):
def eventTimestampingDivider():
doc = "Current event timestamping divider on a device. "
doc = "Current event timestamping divider on a device."
def fget(self):
i = c_int()
......@@ -403,47 +417,75 @@ class SineWaveform(Waveform.Waveform):
return locals()
def acq(self, segment, nr_events, ev_length):
'Acquires an event, storing it into segment.'
ev_length = self.roundEventLength(ev_length, SIS33_ROUND_NEAREST)
if lib.sis33_acq(self.pointer, segment, nr_events, ev_length):
raise Sis33Exception.spawn('Acq')
def acqWait(self, segment, nr_events, ev_length):
'Acquires an event, storing it into segment; blocking.'
ev_length = self.roundEventLength(ev_length, SIS33_ROUND_NEAREST)
if lib.sis33_acq_wait(self.pointer, segment, nr_events, ev_length):
raise Sis33Exception.spawn('Acq Wait')
def acqTimeout(self, segment, nr_events, ev_length, timeout):
'Acquires an event, storing it into segment; blocking with timeout.'
ev_length = self.roundEventLength(ev_length, SIS33_ROUND_NEAREST)
if lib.sis33_acq_timeout(self.pointer, segment, nr_events, ev_length, timeout):
raise Sis33Exception.spawn('Acq Timeout')
def acqCancel(self):
'Cancel an acquisition'
if lib.sis33_acq_cancel(self.pointer):
raise Sis33Exception.spawn('Acq Cancel')
def fetch(self, segment, channel, acqs, n_acqs, endtime):
'Fetch an event from a channel, stored in a segment.'
if lib.sis33_fetch(self.pointer, segment, channel, acqs, n_acqs, endtime) < 0:
raise Sis33Exception.spawn('Fetch')
def fetchWait(self, segment, channel, acqs, n_acqs, endtime):
'Fetch an event from a channel, stored in a segment; blocking.'
if lib.sis33_fetch_wait(self.pointer, segment, channel, acqs, n_acqs, endtime) < 0:
raise Sis33Exception.spawn('Fetch Wait')
def fetchTimeout(self, segment, channel, acqs, n_acqs, endtime, timeout):
'Fetch an event from a channel, stored in a segment; blocking with timeout.'
if lib.sis33_fetch_timeout(self.pointer, segment, channel, acqs, n_acqs, endtime, timeout) < 0:
raise Sis33Exception.spawn('Fetch Timeout')
def readEvent(self, channel, samples, segment = 0):
def readEvent(self, samples):
'''Read an event of size 'samples' from the ADC. Uses self.segment
and to select the missing parameters.'''
ev_length = self.roundEventLength(samples, SIS33_ROUND_UP)
self.acqWait(segment, 1, ev_length)
self.acqWait(self.segment, 1, ev_length)
a = Sis33Acq.zalloc(1, ev_length)
t = Timeval()
self.fetchWait(segment, channel, byref(a[0]), 1, byref(t))
self.fetchWait(self.segment,, byref(a[0]), 1, byref(t))
# memory leak!
return [a[0].data[i] for i in xrange(samples)]
name = 'Sis 33xx ADC'
target = Sis33Device
import sys
import commands
def launch():
g = target(int(sys.argv[1]))
hn = commands.getoutput('hostname')
daemon=Pyro4.Daemon(host = hn)
myUri = daemon.register(g)
ns.register("Sis33_%s" % sys.argv[1], myUri)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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