Commit 52fec54a authored by Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar Wesley W. Terpstra

Generate an interrupt at 1kHZ for measuring response times.

parent 7827555a
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ entity scu_top is
-- LEMO on front panel
lemo_io1 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
lemo_io2 : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
lemo_io2 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
lemo_en_in : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 1);
lemo_led : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 1);
......@@ -222,6 +222,11 @@ architecture rtl of scu_top is
signal ext_pps : std_logic;
signal pps : std_logic;
signal int_counter : unsigned(26 downto 0);
signal int_shift : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal int_gen : std_logic;
signal int_gen_long : std_logic;
signal phy_tx_clk : std_logic;
signal phy_tx_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal phy_tx_k : std_logic;
......@@ -481,7 +486,7 @@ begin
generic map(
sdb_addr => c_sdb_address)
port map(
clk125_i => pllout_clk_sys,
clk125_i => clk_125m_pllref_p,
cal_clk50_i => clk_reconf,
pcie_refclk_i => pcie_refclk_i,
pcie_rstn_i => nPCI_RESET,
......@@ -490,7 +495,14 @@ begin
wb_clk => pllout_clk_sys,
wb_rstn_i => pllout_clk_sys_rstn,
master_o => cbar_slave_i(1),
master_i => cbar_slave_o(1));
master_i => cbar_slave_o(1),
slave_i.cyc => '1',
slave_i.stb => int_gen,
slave_i.we => '1',
slave_i.adr => x"00010000",
slave_i.dat => x"deadbeef",
slave_i.sel => "1111",
slave_o => open);
TLU : wb_timestamp_latch
generic map (
......@@ -500,7 +512,7 @@ begin
ref_clk_i => clk_125m_pllref_p,
sys_clk_i => clk_125m_pllref_p,
nRSt_i => clk_125m_pllref_p_rstn,
triggers_i => lemo_io2,
triggers_i(0) => '0',
tm_time_valid_i => '0',
tm_utc_i => tm_utc,
tm_cycles_i => tm_cycles,
......@@ -575,6 +587,36 @@ begin
end if;
end process;
int_edge : process(pllout_clk_sys)
if rising_edge(pllout_clk_sys) then
if int_gen = '1' then
int_gen_long <= '1';
end if;
if cbar_slave_i(1).cyc = '1' and cbar_slave_i(1).stb = '1' and cbar_slave_i(1).adr = x"00000000" and
cbar_slave_i(1).we = '1' and cbar_slave_i(1).sel(0) = '1' then
lemo_io2(0) <= cbar_slave_i(1).dat(0);
int_gen_long <= '0';
end if;
int_shift(int_shift'length-2 downto 0) <=
int_shift(int_shift'length-1 downto 1);
end if;
end process;
int_gen <= int_shift(1) xor int_shift(0);
intgen125 : process(clk_125m_pllref_p)
if rising_edge(clk_125m_pllref_p) then
if int_counter = 125000 then
int_shift(int_shift'length-1) <= not int_shift(int_shift'length-1);
int_counter <= to_unsigned(0, int_counter'length);
int_counter <= int_counter + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
hpla_ch <= std_logic_vector(s_hpla_ch);
hpla_clk <= pllout_clk_sys;
......@@ -582,8 +624,8 @@ begin
sfp2_tx_disable_o <= '0'; -- enable SFP
lemo_en_in <= "01"; -- configure lemo 1 as output, lemo 2 as input
lemo_io1 <= eca_toggle(0 downto 0);
lemo_en_in <= "00"; -- both outputs
lemo_io1(0) <= int_gen_long;
--leds_o(0) <= eca_toggle(0);
--leds_o(1) <= pio_reg(0);
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