Commit 7492393c authored by Javier Serrano's avatar Javier Serrano

After first round of feedback

parent 2d301712
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\begin{frame}{Things we did right}
\begin{block}{Splitting our problem in two}
\begin{block}{Modular, layered approach}
\item A generic foundation and applications building on top of it
\item Triggered many applications in scientific world: particle
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
\begin{frame}{Things we did right}
\begin{block}{Talking with commercial companies from day 1}
\begin{block}{Talking with companies from day one}
\item Unlike in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), companies are not an
option in Open Source Hardware (OSHW)
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
\begin{block}{Not enough global coordination}
\item Management needs grew
\item Growing need of steering and managerial effort
\item Similar issue to that of developers: lack of time, which results in
missed opportunities, confusion and higher barriers to adoption
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\begin{frame}{Maximising impact on society through open source}
\item The key feature of WR is not its precision but its openness
\item Open \textbf{and} commercial is the winning combination
\section{Public Core}
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\section{Conclusions and Outlook}
\begin{block}{A useful technology\ldots}
\item Very fine synchronisation is key in many sectors, not only basic science
\item WR's layered approach allow it to be easily repurposed
\item We went the extra mile and standardised it under IEEE 1588
(Precision Time Protocol), further fostering adoption
\begin{block}{\ldots which maximised impact on society through open-source}
\item The key feature of WR is not its precision but its openness
\item Open \textbf{and} commercial is the winning combination
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