Commit eb47aff1 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬 Committed by Alessandro Rubini

wr_nic: unify nic-hardware.h (sw)

parent 6cc31cc4
* hardware-specific definitions for the White Rabbit NIC
* Copyright (C) 2010 CERN (
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 CERN (
* Author: Alessandro Rubini <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@
#ifndef __WR_NIC_HARDWARE_H__
#define __WR_NIC_HARDWARE_H__
#if (!defined WR_IS_NODE) && (!defined WR_IS_SWITCH)
#error "WR_NODE and WR_SWITCH not defined!"
/* This is the clock used in internal counters. */
#define REFCLK_FREQ (125000000 / 2)
......@@ -53,6 +57,70 @@
#define FPGA_SIZE_VIC 0x00001000
#define FPGA_BASE_TS 0x10051000
#define FPGA_SIZE_TS 0x00001000
#endif /* WR_IS_SWITCH */
/* This is the clock used in internal counters. */
#define REFCLK_FREQ (125000000)
/* The interrupt is one of those managed by our WRVIC device */
#define WRN_IRQ_BASE 0 /* FIXME: relative to pci dev */
#define WRN_IRQ_NIC (WRN_IRQ_BASE + 0)
#define WRN_IRQ_TSTAMP /* (WRN_IRQ_BASE + 1) -- not used here */
//#define WRN_IRQ_PPSG (WRN_IRQ_BASE + )
//#define WRN_IRQ_RTU (WRN_IRQ_BASE + )
//#define WRN_IRQ_RTUT (WRN_IRQ_BASE + )
* spec-wr-nic memory map (from SDB dump):
* 00000651:e6a542c9 WB4-Crossbar-GSI
* 0000ce42:00000011 WR-CORE (bridge: 00000000)
* 00000651:e6a542c9 WB4-Crossbar-GSI
* 0000ce42:66cfeb52 WB4-BlockRAM (00000000-00015fff)
* 00000651:eef0b198 WB4-Bridge-GSI (bridge: 00020000)
* 00000651:e6a542c9 WB4-Crossbar-GSI
* 0000ce42:ab28633a WR-Mini-NIC (00020000-000200ff)
* 0000ce42:650c2d4f WR-Endpoint (00020100-000201ff)
* 0000ce42:65158dc0 WR-Soft-PLL (00020200-000202ff)
* 0000ce42:de0d8ced WR-PPS-Generator (00020300-000203ff)
* 0000ce42:ff07fc47 WR-Periph-Syscon (00020400-000204ff)
* 0000ce42:e2d13d04 WR-Periph-UART (00020500-000205ff)
* 0000ce42:779c5443 WR-Periph-1Wire (00020600-000206ff)
* 0000ce42:779c5443 WR-Periph-1Wire (00020700-000207ff)
* 0000ce42:00000012 WR-NIC (00040000-0005ffff)
* 0000ce42:00000013 WB-VIC-Int.Control (00060000-000600ff)
* 0000ce42:00000014 WR-TXTSU (00061000-000610ff)
* 000075cb:00000002 WR-DIO-Core (bridge: 00062000)
* 00000651:e6a542c9 WB4-Crossbar-GSI
* 0000ce42:779c5443 WR-1Wire-master (00062000-000620ff)
* 0000ce42:123c5443 WB-I2C-Master (00062100-000621ff)
* 0000ce42:441c5143 WB-GPIO-Port (00062200-000622ff)
* 000075cb:00000001 WR-DIO-Registers (00062300-000623ff)
/* This is the base address of memory regions (gennum bridge, bar 0) */
#define FPGA_BASE_LM32 0x00000000
#define FPGA_SIZE_LM32 0x00016000
#define FPGA_BASE_NIC 0x00020000
#define FPGA_SIZE_NIC 0x00000100
#define FPGA_BASE_EP 0x00020100
#define FPGA_SIZE_EP 0x00000100
#define FPGA_SIZE_EACH_EP 0x100 /* There is one only */
#define FPGA_BASE_PPSG 0x00020300
#define FPGA_SIZE_PPSG 0x00000100
#define FPGA_BASE_VIC 0x00060000 /* not used here */
#define FPGA_SIZE_VIC 0x00000100
#define FPGA_BASE_TS 0x00061000
#define FPGA_SIZE_TS 0x0000 100
#endif /* ifdef WR_IS_NODE */
enum fpga_blocks {
......@@ -65,7 +133,8 @@ enum fpga_blocks {
/* In addition to the above enumeration, we scan for those many endpoints */
# define WRN_NR_ENDPOINTS 18
......@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "wrsSnmp.h"
/* defines for nic-hardware.h */
#define WR_SWITCH
#define WR_IS_NODE 0
#define WR_IS_SWITCH 1
#include "../../kernel/wr_nic/nic-hardware.h"
#include "../../kernel/wbgen-regs/ppsg-regs.h"
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