Commit 8723e45b authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

www: support different dot-config sources in dot-config

Add support of different dot-config sources.
Improve some help information.
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent c31e92a3
......@@ -377,6 +377,21 @@ function wrs_interface_setup(){
return "dhcponly";
function wrs_dotconf_source_setup(){
return "source_local";
return "source_remote";
return "source_try_dhcp";
return "source_force_dhcp";
return "source_try_dhcp";
* It checks whether the filesystem is writable or not.
......@@ -789,15 +804,7 @@ function wrs_management(){
header('Location: management.php');
} else if (!strcmp($cmd, "kconfigURL")){
......@@ -1003,9 +1010,16 @@ function wrs_display_help($help_id, $name){
$message = "<p>
Options: <br>
- <b>Reboot switch</b>: Reboots the switch.<br>
- <b>System Monitor</b>: Enable/Disable the monitor daemon.<br>
- <b>Load Configuration Files</b>: Load a backup dotconfig file to the WRS.<br>
- <b>Load Dotconfig from URL</b>: Set this field if you want to load dotconfig from an URL at boot stage.<br>
- <b>System Monitor</b>: Enable/Disable the monit daemon.<br>
- <b>Dot-config source during start</b>: Set the source of dot-config file at WRS startup. <br>
-- <b>Local</b>: The White Rabbit Switch is configured at run-time, according to a dot-config file stored locally.
If you select this option, dot-config is not replaced at run time.<br>
-- <b>Remote</b>: Use provided URL to the dot-config.<br>
-- <b>Force DHCP</b>: Retrieve a URL to the dot-config via DHCP at boot. The URL can be configured in the \"filename\"
configuration field of the DHCP server.<br>
-- <b>Try DHCP</b>: The same as Force DHCP, but this option does not cause errors in SNMP's objects if the switch
fails to retrieve the URL to the dot-config via DHCP.<br>
- <b>Load Configuration Files</b>: Upload a backup dotconfig file to the WRS and reboot.<br>
- <b>Backup Configuration Files</b>: Downloads a copy of dotconfig file, which contains all the setup of the WRS.<br>
} else if (!strcmp($help_id, "ptp")){
......@@ -1113,12 +1127,19 @@ function wrs_display_help($help_id, $name){
$message = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $message);
} else if (!strcmp($help_id, "logs")){
$message = "<p>Log files for the following services: <br>
- <b>HAL daemon<br>
- <b>RTU daemon<br>
- <b>PPSi daemon<br>
- <b>WRS Watchdog status<br>
- <b>System Monitor<br>
- <b>SNMP service<br>
- <b>HAL daemon</b>, <b>RTU daemon</b>, <b>PPSi daemon</b>, <b>WRS Watchdog status</b> - The string can
be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a &lt;facility&gt;.&lt;level&gt; spefification like \"daemon.debug\".
An empty strings is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). Please note that unknown facility
names will generate a runtime error on the switch.<br>
- <b>Monit</b> - The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a \"syslog\" string. An empty strings
is used to represent no logging. If it is needed to select facility and level please leave here empty
string and change /etc/monitrc file directly. Please note that unknown facility names will generate a
runtime error on the switch.<br>
- <b>SNMP service</b> - The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a valid snmpd log option (without -L).
\"sd\" or \"s daemon\" will forward messages to syslog with daemon as facility. To set level (i.e. 5) use
\"S 5 daemon\". For details please check \"man snmpcmd\". An empty strings is used to represent no
logging (like /dev/null). Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the
......@@ -52,7 +52,56 @@
<center><p><strong>Load configuration files</strong></p></center>
<center><p><strong>Dot-config source during start:</strong></p></center>
/* remove all possible sources from the file */
/* remove all possible sources from the _SESSION */
/* assembly new source name */
$new_dot_source = "CONFIG_DOTCONF_".$_POST["dotconfig_source"];
/* add new source to session and file */
/* add URL for remote if source is remote */
if (!strcmp($_POST["dotconfig_source"], "SOURCE_REMOTE")) {
echo '<FORM method="POST">
<table id="daemon" border="0" align="center">
<input type="radio" name="dotconfig_source" value="SOURCE_LOCAL"'; if(!strcmp(wrs_dotconf_source_setup(), "source_local")) echo "checked";
echo ' > Local <br>
<input type="radio" name="dotconfig_source" value="SOURCE_REMOTE"'; if(!strcmp(wrs_dotconf_source_setup(), "source_remote")) echo "checked";
echo ' > Remote
<INPUT type=text name="dotconfig_URL" size="25%" VALUE='; echo $_SESSION['KCONFIG']['CONFIG_DOTCONF_URL']; echo '><br>
<input type="radio" name="dotconfig_source" value="SOURCE_TRY_DHCP"'; if(!strcmp(wrs_dotconf_source_setup(), "source_try_dhcp")) echo "checked";
echo ' > Try DHCP <br>
<input type="radio" name="dotconfig_source" value="SOURCE_FORCE_DHCP"'; if(!strcmp(wrs_dotconf_source_setup(), "source_force_dhcp")) echo "checked";
echo ' > Force DHCP <br>
<td><INPUT type="submit" value="Change" class="btn"></td>
<center><p><strong>Load dot-config from local computer</strong></p></center>
<table class='altrowstable' id='alternatecolor'>
<FORM method="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return confirm('Are you sure you want to upload a dotconfig file? \nThis could result in the malfunction of the switch.');">
......@@ -60,14 +109,6 @@
<td><INPUT type=submit value="Load dot-config" class="btn" ><INPUT type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE VALUE= <?php wrs_php_filesize();?>000></td>
<FORM method="POST" onsubmit="return confirm('Are you sure you want to set an URL for dotconfig? \nThis could result in the malfunction of the switch.');">
<td align="center"><INPUT type=text name="dotconfigURL" size="35%" VALUE= <?php echo $_SESSION['KCONFIG']['CONFIG_DOTCONF_URL'];?>></td>
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="kconfigURL">
<td><INPUT type=submit value="Load from URL" class="btn" ></td>
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