Commit 50372a37 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

Merge branch 'ppsi-stuff'

parents c48988ce b0c99833
[submodule "userspace/ptp-noposix"]
path = userspace/ptp-noposix
url = git://
[submodule "userspace/mini-rpc"]
path = userspace/mini-rpc
url = git://
......@@ -15,24 +15,9 @@ config BR2_CONFIGFILE
scripts print a warning and use the default file. Incorrect
files lead to unpredicatable results.
prompt "PTP daemon implementation"
bool "Use ptp-noposix daemon"
This implementation is being phased out, because it became
unmaintainable over time. However, it is still the default
at this point in time, because it has been tested and used
for a long time.
config PPSI
bool "Use PPSi daemon"
PPSi (PTP Ported to Silicon) is the new implementation, which
is already the default PTP run in the White Rabbit node.
default y
menu "Local configuration"
......@@ -9,23 +9,14 @@ fi
# This step is controlled by Kconfig: skip it if not selected
if [ "x$CONFIG_PTP_NOPOSIX" != "x" ]; then
old_ptp=true; new_ptp=false
if [ "x$CONFIG_PPSI" != "x" ]; then
old_ptp=false; new_ptp=true
wrs_echo "--- PTP daemon ($ptpname repository as a submodule)"
wrs_echo "--- PTP daemon (ppsi repository as a submodule)"
# checkout, in case the user didn't do that
cd ${WRS_BASE_DIR}/..
git submodule init -q
git submodule update -q
cd userspace/$ptpname
cd userspace/ppsi
make clean
# we need LINUX and CROSS_COMPILE. The latter is there for sure
......@@ -34,19 +25,8 @@ if [ "x$LINUX" == "x" ]; then
if [ $ptpname = ppsi ]; then
make clean
make wrs_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE || wrs_die "Failure building PPSi"
install -d "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/bin"
install ppsi "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/bin"
make || wrs_die "Failure building $ptpname"
install -d "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/bin"
install -d "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/lib"
install -d "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/include"
install ptpd "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/bin"
install libptpnetif.a "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/lib"
install libptpnetif/ptpd_netif.h "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/include"
install libptpnetif/hal_client.h "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/include"
make clean
make wrs_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE || wrs_die "Failure building PPSi"
install -d "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/bin"
install ppsi "$WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images/wr/bin"
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
......@@ -755,16 +755,14 @@ Currently, the package includes the following modules:
@node PTPd
@subsection PTPd
Configuration supports two different PTP engines: either @t{ptp-noposix}
(default at this point in time) or PPSi. The latter is
the default choice, and will later be the only choice, as we phase
out the former implementation.
Configuration used to support two different PTP engines, but now
we only support PPSi.
Both implementations are hosted in their own respective different
repository; both are registered as @i{git} submodules in this package.
The repositories are hosted on @code{ohwr}, like others.
The code is hosted in its own
repository; it is a @i{git} submodules in this package.
The repository is hosted on @code{ohwr}, like others.
A plain @i{make} in either @i{userspace/ptp-noposix} or
A plain @i{make} in
@t{userspace/ppsi} will likely fail, because of
missing environment variables.
......@@ -260,12 +260,6 @@ items.
@itemize @bullet
@item We should remove @i{ptp-noposix}. Keeping it around brings a number
of issues; mainly it prevents changes in WR libraries. That's because
any change and cleanup must now be verified against both PPSi and
@i{ptp-noposix}. But the latter is not being used routinely, so those
changes require extra effort and remain not very well tested anyways.
@item PPSi support for @t{arch-wrs} has some strange use for the timeouts,
and some of the code is more complex than it should. I need to audit
it and make it shine. This applies to both the WR servo and the
......@@ -273,10 +267,6 @@ it and make it shine. This applies to both the WR servo and the
after fixing the lost-frame problem. Still, some time must be devoted
to this.
@item We should drive the WR PLL when being slave to a non-WR master.
The performance of wr-switch as a slave of another PTP host is now
unacceptable, because we only jump time without adjusting frequency.
@item PPSi should be able to rescan its configuration file. This is needed
to allow management actors to change the configuration and see it
effective soon after.
......@@ -161,14 +161,6 @@ The following configuration options are available
@t{configs/buildroot} directory; an absolute pathname is used
@c FIXME: remove noposix option
Users can select one of these options, to build with one or the other
flavour of @sc{wr-ptp}. PPSi is the default choice, and
@i{ptp-noposix} is scheduled for removal in a later release.
The NTP server used to prime White Rabbit time, at system boot.
ppsi @ 4c8ddedf
Subproject commit 3a0780456abd484509c39dfdf2e8a949e1486864
Subproject commit 4c8ddedfa4028fecd548721cf943d266c29b1179
ptp-noposix @ b426591a
Subproject commit b426591a40158a0f039e02716ff8f9aa95973271
......@@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ export WR_HOME="/wr"
eval $WR_HOME/bin/wrsw_hal -c $WR_HOME/etc/wrsw_hal.conf $LOGPIPE_HAL \&
eval $WR_HOME/bin/wrsw_rtud $LOGPIPE_RTU \&
# run ptp-noposix or ppsi, whatever is installed
if [ -x $WR_HOME/bin/ptpd ]; then
eval $WR_HOME/bin/ptpd -A -c $LOGPIPE_PTP \&
exit 0
if [ ! -x $WR_HOME/bin/ppsi ]; then
echo "No WR-PTP daemon found" >&2
exit 1
......@@ -48,4 +43,6 @@ for i in $(seq 1 10); do
eval $WR_HOME/bin/ppsi $LOGPIPE_PTP \&
# ensure we receive UDP PTP frames, since ppsi supports UDP too.
(sleep 4; $WR_HOME/bin/rtu_stat add 01:00:5e:00:01:81 18 0) &
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ CFLAGS = -O2 -g -Wall \
-I../wrsw_rtud \
-I../mini-rpc \
-I../libsdb \
-I../ptp-noposix/PTPWRd \
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