Commit 41cf7503 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

build kernel: add u-boot/tools to PATH if mkimage not found

parent 5a12038d
......@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ fi
cp $CFG .config
export ARCH=arm
make oldconfig || wrs_die "kernel config"
# add mkimage in the path, in case it is not there
if ! type -p mkimage > /dev/null; then
wrs_echo "No mkimage: adding u-boot tools directory to PATH"
export PATH=${WRS_OUTPUT_DIR}/build/u-boot-1.3.4/tools:$PATH
# now proceed as usual
make $WRS_MAKE_J uImage modules || wrs_die "kernel compilation"
cp arch/$ARCH/boot/uImage $(find . -name '*.ko') $WRS_OUTPUT_DIR/images
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