Commit 2bdd15bf authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat Committed by Adam Wujek

www: correct bad display when WRS in GM without PPS/10MHz

parent c452df1b
......@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ function wrs_header_ports(){
echo '<tr class="status">';
for($i=1; $i<18*3; $i=$i+3){
if (!strstr($ports[($i+1)],"NoLock")){
if (strstr($ports[($i+1)],"Locked")){
echo '<th>'."<img class='syntonization ".$mode."' SRC='img/".$mode.".png' alt='syntonization: ".$mode."', title = 'syntonization: ".$mode."'>";
if (!strstr($ports[($i+2)],"Uncalibrated")){
if (strstr($ports[($i+2)],"Calibrated")){
......@@ -168,20 +168,24 @@ function wrs_main_info(){
$Monitor = check_monit_status() ? '[on] ' : '[off] ';
$WRSmode = check_switch_mode();
if(!strcmp($WRSmode, "GM"))
if(!strcmp($WRSmode, "GM")) {
$ports = shell_exec("cat /tmp/ports.conf");
if(empty($ports)) $WRSmode_xtra="<br>Waiting PPS/10MHz ...";
else if (!strcmp($WRSmode, "BC"))
$WRSmode="Boundary Clock";
else if (!strcmp($WRSmode, "FM"))
$WRSmode="Free-Running Master";
// Print services table
echo '<br><table class="'.$class.'" id="'.$formatID.'" width="100%">';
echo '<tr><th>'.$infoname.'</th></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>PTP Mode</td><td> <a href="ptp.php">'.$WRSmode.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>PTP Mode</td><td> <a href="ptp.php">'.$WRSmode.'</a>'.$WRSmode_xtra.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>White-Rabbit Date</td><td>'.$wr_date.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>PPSi</td><td>'.$PPSi.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>System Monitor</td><td> <a href="management.php">'.$Monitor.'</td></tr>';
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