Commit cabc9d24 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

swcore: added resource manager for MMU resources (forgot to include it into previous commits)

parent 8f7bad99
-- Title : Alloc Resource Manager
-- Project : WhiteRabbit switch
-- File : swc_alloc_resource_manager.vhd
-- Author : Maciej Lipinski
-- Company : CERN BE-Co-HT
-- Created : 2012-03-30
-- Last update: 2012-03-30
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL'87
-- Description:
-- The available pool of pages can be divided into different resources, e.g:
-- * there will be a reserved number of pages for WR High Priority Traffic
-- * there will be a reserved number of pages for "standard" traffic
-- This module manages the count of the useage of different resources:
-- The pool of all pages is devided into [resource_num]:
-- 1) [resource_num = 0]
-- unknown resource: unknown_res = (port_number*(max_frame_size/(2*page_size)+2*port_number), where:
-- max_frame_size is in bytes, i.e.: 1518 + oob
-- 2*page_size is in bytes, i.e.: page_size is in 16bits
-- (word written to FBM), so 2 bytes
-- (max_frame_size/(2*page_size) is the number of pgaes used by max size frame
-- 2*port_number is to be able to allocate in advance first page
-- (pckstart_pageaddr) and intermediate page
-- (pckinter_pageaddr) for each port
-- [requested number of separate resources, e.g]
-- 2) [resource_num = 1]
-- High priority traffic (e.g broadcast & 7th prio), e.g.: prio_res = page_num -(unknown_res/2)
-- 3) [resource_num = 2]
-- Standard traffic, e.g.: prio_res = page_num -(unknown_res/2)
-- If the resource is not known during allocation (which is very likely because we allocte
-- pages in advance), the default resource number (unknown resource, [resource_num = 0])
-- shall be used.
-- The information about the resource needs to be stored with the first page of the frame, the
-- inter_pages does not need to store this info
-- If page is allocated and the resource number is known, it shall be indicated and an appropriate
-- counter will be changes
-- If we make usecnt, it is used only for the first page of the frame. during usecnt also
-- resource_cnt is done, which includes:
-- * resource num - to which resource a provided page should be allocated
-- * resource_cnt - how many pages from the unknown resource ([resource_num = 0]) shall be
-- allocated to the new resource
-- In the input block the usecnt is set only for the first page, so this is also the "must" for
-- resource number
-- The deallocating process (when deallocating the last usecnt), will receive the information that :
-- * the usecnt is 0 (last_usecnt)
-- * the resource number,
-- so, when freeing the rest of the frame, it will indicate the resource number.
-- When freeing page, two sources of resource number can be used:
-- * the one stored in the memory (when res_num_valid_i = LOW) - this should be used for
-- the first page of the frame
-- * the one provided by external soruce (when res_num_valid_i = HIGH) - this should be used for
-- the inter-pages of the frame
-- Copyright (c) 2012, Maciej Lipinski / CERN
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
-- later version.
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License along with this source; if not, download it
-- from
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2010-03-30 1.0 mlipinsk Created
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.CEIL;
use ieee.math_real.FLOOR;
use work.swc_swcore_pkg.all;
use work.genram_pkg.all;
entity swc_alloc_resource_manager is
generic (
g_num_ports : integer ;
-- max pck size
g_max_pck_size : integer;
-- page size
g_page_size : integer;
-- number of pages in the allocator pool - total number of pages in all resource pools
g_total_num_pages : integer := 2048;
g_total_num_pages_width : integer := 11;
-- here we define the number of pages in a special resource pool [resource = 1]
g_special_res_num_pages : integer :=248;
-- number of separate resources, the number of areas the page pool is divided is always one more
-- (g_resource_num + 1) since we need to have a number of "unknown source" pages
g_resource_num : integer := 3; -- this include 1 for unknown
g_resource_num_width : integer := 2
port (
clk_i : in std_logic; -- clock & reset
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
-- indicates the resource to which the page shall be allocated
resource_i : in std_logic_vector(g_resource_num_width-1 downto 0);
-- indicate that is allocated
alloc_i : in std_logic;
-- freeing (completely) page
free_i : in std_logic;
-- setting resource cnt to already allocated pages (strobe)
rescnt_set_i : in std_logic;
-- the number to be set
rescnt_page_num_i : in std_logic_vector(g_total_num_pages_width-1 downto 0);
res_full_o : out std_logic_vector(g_resource_num- 1 downto 0);
res_almost_full_o : out std_logic_vector(g_resource_num- 1 downto 0)
end swc_alloc_resource_manager;
architecture syn of swc_alloc_resource_manager is
-- the number of pages reserved for unknown source (happens because we allocate pages in advance
-- we don't know RTU decision when we do that, and sometimes we store pages before receiving
-- RTU decision). It should be enough for all the ports to receive single max_size frame and
-- all ports to be ready to receive new pcks
constant c_unknown_res_page_num : integer := integer(CEIL(real(g_num_ports * (g_max_pck_size/g_page_size)))) +
integer(g_num_ports * 2) ;
constant c_special_res_page_num : integer := g_special_res_num_pages;
-- we can have as many resources as we want, the division of the page pool is following:
-- 0) unknow resources : number of pages = c_unknown_res_page_num
-- 1) special resources : number of pages = c_special_res_page_num
-- 2) normal resources 1 : number of pages = (total - unknown - special)/(resource_num - 1)
-- 3) normal resources 2 : number of pages = (total - unknown - special)/(resource_num - 1)
-- [...]
constant c_normal_res_page_num : integer := integer(FLOOR(real((g_total_num_pages -
c_unknown_res_page_num -
-- tells how many pages we need to have for a single max ethernet frame to be stored in FBM
constant c_page_num_for_max_pck : integer := integer(CEIL(real(g_max_pck_size/g_page_size)));
type t_resource is record
cnt : unsigned(g_total_num_pages_width-1 downto 0);
full : std_logic;
almost_full : std_logic;
end record;
type t_resource_array is array(integer range <>) of t_resource;
signal resources : t_resource_array(g_resource_num-1 downto 0);
signal cur_res : integer range 0 to g_resource_num-1;
-- debugging;
signal res_page_sum : unsigned(g_total_num_pages_width-1 downto 0);
signal res_free_blocks : unsigned(g_total_num_pages_width-1 downto 0);
cur_res <= to_integer(unsigned(resource_i));
variable sum : unsigned(g_total_num_pages_width-1 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
for i in g_resource_num-1 downto 0 loop
resources(i).cnt <= (others => '0');
resources(i).full <= '0';
resources(i).almost_full <= '0';
end loop;
if(alloc_i = '1') then
resources(cur_res).cnt <= resources(cur_res).cnt + 1;
elsif(free_i = '1') then
resources(cur_res).cnt <= resources(cur_res).cnt - 1;
elsif(rescnt_set_i = '1') then
-- "resource count set" is used to move a number of pages from "unknown" resources
-- to any other resource pool. Therefore, if the cur_res is different then "unknown" (0),
-- we subtract from unknown pool
resources(cur_res).cnt <= resources(cur_res).cnt + unsigned(rescnt_page_num_i);
if(cur_res /= 0) then
resources(0).cnt <= resources(0).cnt - unsigned(rescnt_page_num_i);
end if;
end if;
--------------------- generat ---------------------------------
-- control "unknown" resources
if(resources(0).cnt = to_unsigned(c_unknown_res_page_num - 1,g_total_num_pages_width-1)) then
resources(0).full <='1';
elsif(resources(0).cnt > to_unsigned(c_unknown_res_page_num - c_page_num_for_max_pck ,g_total_num_pages_width-1)) then
resources(0).almost_full <= '1';
resources(0).almost_full <= '0';
resources(0).full <= '0';
end if;
-- control special resources
if(resources(1).cnt = to_unsigned(c_special_res_page_num - 1,g_total_num_pages_width-1)) then
resources(1).full <='1';
elsif(resources(1).cnt > to_unsigned(c_special_res_page_num - c_page_num_for_max_pck, g_total_num_pages_width-1)) then
resources(1).almost_full <= '1';
resources(1).almost_full <= '0';
resources(1).full <= '0';
end if;
-- control "normal" resources
for i in 2 to g_resource_num-1 loop
if(resources(i).cnt = to_unsigned(c_normal_res_page_num - 1,g_total_num_pages_width-1)) then
resources(i).full <='1';
elsif(resources(i).cnt > to_unsigned(c_normal_res_page_num - c_page_num_for_max_pck, g_total_num_pages_width-1)) then
resources(i).almost_full <= '1';
resources(i).almost_full <= '0';
resources(i).full <= '0';
end if;
end loop;
------------------------------ debug: ----------------------------------------
sum := to_unsigned(0, g_total_num_pages_width);
for i in 0 to g_resource_num-1 loop
sum := sum + resources(i).cnt;
end loop;
res_page_sum <= sum;
res_free_blocks <= to_unsigned(1024, g_total_num_pages_width) - sum;
end if;
end if;
end process;
FULL_OUT: for i in 0 to g_resource_num-1 generate
res_full_o(i) <= resources(i).full;
res_almost_full_o(i) <= resources(i).almost_full;
end generate FULL_OUT;
end syn;
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