Commit 97e035f9 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

modules/wrsw_nic: support for invalid timestamp indication

parent f2de0510
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Tomasz Wlostowski
-- Company : CERN BE-Co-HT
-- Created : 2010-11-24
-- Last update: 2010-12-01
-- Last update: 2012-03-16
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL
......@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ package nic_descriptors_pkg is
error : std_logic; -- RX error indication
port_id : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- Packet source port ID
got_ts : std_logic; -- Got a timestamp?
ts_incorrect: std_logic; -- 1: Timestamp may be incorrect (generated
-- during time base adjustment)
ts_r : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); -- Rising edge timestamp
ts_f : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Falling edge timestamp
len : std_logic_vector(c_nic_buf_size_log2-1 downto 0); -- Length of the allocated buffer
......@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ package body NIC_descriptors_pkg is
variable tmp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
case regnum is
when 1 => tmp := "00000000000000000" & desc.got_ts & desc.port_id & "000000" & desc.error & desc.empty;
when 1 => tmp := "0000000000000000" & desc.ts_incorrect & desc.got_ts & desc.port_id & "000000" & desc.error & desc.empty;
when 2 => tmp := desc.ts_f & desc.ts_r;
when 3 => tmp := f_resize_slv(desc.len, 16) & f_resize_slv(desc.offset, 16);
when others => null;
......@@ -148,6 +151,7 @@ package body NIC_descriptors_pkg is
desc.error := mem_input(1);
desc.port_id := mem_input(13 downto 8);
desc.got_ts := mem_input(14);
desc.ts_incorrect := mem_input(15);
when 2 =>
desc.ts_f := mem_input(31 downto 28);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Tomasz Wlostowski
-- Company : CERN BE-Co-HT
-- Created : 2010-11-24
-- Last update: 2012-01-24
-- Last update: 2012-03-16
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ entity nic_rx_fsm is
-- Wishbone regs
bna_i: in std_logic;
bna_i : in std_logic;
regs_i : in t_nic_out_registers;
regs_o : out t_nic_in_registers;
......@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ begin
rxdesc_new_o <= cur_rx_desc;
-- some combinatorial helpers to minimize conditions in IFs.
wrf_is_payload <= '1' when (fab_in.addr = c_WRF_DATA) else '0';
wrf_is_oob <= '1' when (fab_in.addr = c_WRF_OOB) else '0';
wrf_is_payload <= '1' when (fab_in.addr = c_WRF_DATA) else '0';
wrf_is_oob <= '1' when (fab_in.addr = c_WRF_OOB) else '0';
wrf_terminate <= '1' when (fab_in.eof = '1' or fab_in.error = '1') else '0';
-- process produces the RCOMP interrupt each time a packet has been received
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ begin
state <= RX_WAIT_SOF; -- and start waiting for
-- incoming traffic
rx_dreq_mask <= bna_i; -- enable RX (but to /dev/null)
rx_dreq_mask <= bna_i; -- enable RX (but to /dev/null)
end if;
......@@ -368,7 +368,8 @@ begin
-- the descriptor
if(oob_sreg (0) = '1') then -- 1st OOB word
cur_rx_desc.port_id <= '0' & downto 0);
cur_rx_desc.port_id <= '0' & downto 0);
cur_rx_desc.ts_incorrect <=;
end if;
if(oob_sreg (1) = '1') then -- 2nd OOB word
......@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ begin
-- we've got 2 valid word of the payload in rx_buf_data, write them to the
-- memory
if(rx_rdreg_toggle = '1' and fab_in.dvalid = '1' and ( wrf_is_oob = '1' or wrf_is_payload = '1') and wrf_terminate = '0') then
if(rx_rdreg_toggle = '1' and fab_in.dvalid = '1' and (wrf_is_oob = '1' or wrf_is_payload = '1') and wrf_terminate = '0') then
increase_addr <= '1';
buf_wr_o <= '1';
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