Commit 9376f7e9 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

rt/softpll-ng.c: code snapshot correctly compiling

parent ceb1897b
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ static volatile struct SPLL_WB *SPLL = (volatile struct SPLL_WB *) BASE_SOFTPLL;
#include "spll_main.h"
#include "spll_ptracker.h"
static struct spll_helper_state helper;
static struct spll_main_state mpll;
static volatile struct spll_helper_state helper;
static volatile struct spll_main_state mpll;
void _irq_entry()
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void spll_init()
int spll_check_lock()
return helper.phase.ld.locked ? 1 : 0;
return helper.ld.locked ? 1 : 0;
#define CHAN_TCXO 8
......@@ -83,12 +83,13 @@ void spll_test()
helper_start(&helper, 0);
helper_init(&helper, 0);
mpll_init(&mpll, 0, CHAN_TCXO);
// mpll_init(&mpll, 0, CHAN_TCXO);
while(!helper.phase.ld.locked) ;//TRACE("%d\n", helper.phase.ld.locked);
while(!helper.ld.locked) ;//TRACE("%d\n", helper.phase.ld.locked);
TRACE("Helper locked, starting main\n");
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