Commit 2dfa0b8e authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Tomasz Wlostowski

swcore: bugfix: lossing rtu decisions in case of very short stuck input

parent 676c5b4a
......@@ -311,7 +311,6 @@ architecture syn of xswc_input_block is
signal pckstart_usecnt_write : std_logic_vector(g_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
-- previously set usecnt (not necessarly the same as pckstart_usecnt !!!)
signal pckstart_usecnt_prev : std_logic_vector(g_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pckstart_usecnt_next : std_logic_vector(g_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pckstart_usecnt_pgaddr : std_logic_vector(g_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
-- interpck page allocation in advance
......@@ -396,7 +395,6 @@ architecture syn of xswc_input_block is
-- used to produce delayed in_pck_sof -- basically, this is illegal by pWB standard, but
-- if it happens, we loose, pck, why not to take care of this?
signal in_pck_sof_on_stall : std_logic;
signal in_pck_delayed_sof : std_logic;
-- indicates that the reception of pck finishes due to :
-- (1) eof, error (by in_pck_*)
......@@ -631,7 +629,7 @@ begin --arch
-- tracks start of frame on the stall (not allowed, but sometimes happen)
if(snk_cyc_int = '1' and snk_cyc_d0 = '0' and snk_stall_int = '1') then
in_pck_sof_on_stall <= '1';
elsif(in_pck_delayed_sof = '1' and in_pck_sof_on_stall = '1') then
elsif(in_pck_sof_delayed = '1' and in_pck_sof_on_stall = '1') then
in_pck_sof_on_stall <= '0';
end if;
......@@ -959,6 +957,8 @@ begin --arch
if(tp_stuck = '0') then -- un-stuck the input :)
s_rcv_pck <= S_IDLE;
snk_stall_force_h <= '1';
snk_stall_force_l <= '1';
rp_drop_on_stuck <= '0';
else -- still stuck
......@@ -1222,8 +1222,7 @@ end process p_page_alloc_fsm;
--rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i and (not f_gen_mask(g_port_index, current_mask'length));
rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i;
rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i; -- and (not f_gen_mask(g_port_index, current_mask'length));
p_register_rtu_rsp : process(clk_i)
......@@ -1241,7 +1240,7 @@ begin
-- remember input rtu decision
if(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1' and rtu_rsp_ack = '0' and rp_accept_rtu = '1') then
-- make sure we're not forwarding packets to ourselves.
current_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp;--rtu_dst_port_mask_i and (not f_gen_mask(g_port_index, current_mask'length));
current_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp;
current_prio <= rtu_prio_i;
current_drop <= rtu_drop_i;
current_usecnt <= rtu_dst_port_usecnt;
......@@ -1896,7 +1895,6 @@ rp_in_pck_error <= '1' when (rp_in_pck_err = '1' or in_pck_err = '1') else '0';
-- Input signals
--rtu_dst_port_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_i), g_usecount_width));
rtu_dst_port_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_tmp), g_usecount_width));
-- generating output STALL: fifo_full or stall_after_err or stall_when_stuck;
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