Commit 19db0a4f authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Tomasz Wlostowski

swcore: input block free-force deallocation bugfix

Signed-off-by: Tomasz Wlostowski's avatarTomasz Włostowski <>
parent 9376f7e9
......@@ -716,7 +716,8 @@ begin --arch
-- received when we get the RTU decision, so we are waiting in IDLE.
-- in such case, we will get tp_drop before getting tp_sync, but we will
-- still have tp_drop when finally tp_sync is HIGH, so this is why the order of if's
elsif(tp_drop = '1') then
elsif(tp_drop = '1' and -- transfer_pck state indicates the drop decision
mmu_force_free_req = '0') then -- the pck is not being freed yet
mmu_force_free_addr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
......@@ -1542,6 +1543,12 @@ begin
-- sync-ing with rcv_pck FSM
if(lw_sync_first_stage = '1' and rp_sync = '1' and tp_sync = '1') then
s_transfer_pck <= S_READY;
-- this is to prevent trashing of the drop process (it happened that force_free was
-- re-done many times by rcv_pck FSM when transfer_pck FSM stayed in DROP state waiting
-- for global sync
elsif(mmu_force_free_req = '1' and mmu_force_free_done_i = '1') then
s_transfer_pck <= S_IDLE;
end if;
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