Commit c1e5f0d7 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

misc: setup git submodules and update doc

parent a58b4bf1
[submodule "ip_cores/wr-cores"]
path = ip_cores/wr-cores
url =
[submodule "ip_cores/wr-switch-hdl"]
path = ip_cores/wr-switch-hdl
url =
[submodule "ip_cores/general-cores"]
path = ip_cores/general-cores
url =
[submodule "ip_cores/gn4124-core"]
path = ip_cores/gn4124-core
url =
diff --git ip_cores/wr-cores/ ip_cores/wr-cores/
index 72b6614..e2064f7 100644
--- ip_cores/wr-cores/
+++ ip_cores/wr-cores/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ modules = {"local" :
- "modules/wr_eca",
+# "modules/wr_eca",
"platform" ],
fetchto = "ip_cores"
modules = { "local" : ["modules/wrsw_dio"],
"git" : ["git://",
"svn" : ""
modules = { "local" : ["modules/wrsw_dio",
......@@ -147,6 +147,20 @@ are going to embedded into our *HDL* gateware. It is not needed to recompile it,
lm32 behaviour you can look at the [WRPC](#wrpc-sw-lm32-firmware) section to check how to build it.
In order to synthetize the HDL for wr-nic you need to have installed the `hdlmake` tool.
For more information on how to install and use it, you can look at the [hdlmake.pdf]
To generate the wr-nic bitstream we have used latest commit in the isyp branch.
cd <path-hdl-make>
git checkout 20c784d
> Notes: the synthetization can work with other hdlmake verison but if you obtain any errors we
recommand you to use the same version as our.
WR-NIC (HDL-gateware)
......@@ -159,15 +173,19 @@ the wrpc-sw (`wrc.ram` file) embeded inside.
## Checkout the code
git clone git://
cd wr-nic
git checkout -b wr-nic-v1.0 wr-nic-v1.0
##git checkout -b wr-nic-v1.0 wr-nic-v1.0
## Create and update the submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
patch -p0 < 0001-Comment_ECA_for_Xilinx.patch
## Go to the main directory
cd wr-nic/syn/spec/
## Synthetize using hdlmake
hdlmake --fetch
hdlmake --fetch
hdlmake -l
hdlmake --make-ise --ise-proj
you should finally obtain the bitstream to import in your fmc driver folder.
general-cores @ 18fa7851
Subproject commit 18fa7851a47d149d5562a92e0fa36b05286628e0
gn4124-core @ 3844fe59
Subproject commit 3844fe59dab7b66f46698e348c16e252f93e4cc3
wr-cores @ fd76aee4
Subproject commit fd76aee4277f68116169e6a6fca232de28b752bf
wr-switch-hdl @ ea1c7152
Subproject commit ea1c71522755f7b58bf44d81a67b3c71e02cef8b
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