Commit fb22121a authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

add align_10MHz functions

parent 2a0ae707
Pipeline #1371 failed with stage
in 3 seconds
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static struct gpio_pin pin_pll_wr_mode1_o = { &board.gpio_aux, 9 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_pll_clk_sel = { &board.gpio_aux, 10 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_eeprom_scl = { &board.gpio_aux, 11 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_eeprom_sda = { &board.gpio_aux, 12 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_pll_even_odd_n_i = { &board.gpio_aux, 13 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_aligned_10mhz_i = { &board.gpio_aux, 13 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_pll_sync_done_i = { &board.gpio_aux, 14 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_aux_scl = { &board.gpio_aux, 15 };
static struct gpio_pin pin_aux_sda = { &board.gpio_aux, 16 };
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ static struct ltc6950_config ltc6950_ext_10mhz_config =
static spll_gain_schedule_t spll_main_ocxo_gain_sched;
#define PLL_EVEN_ODD_TIMEOUT_MS 200000
#define PLL_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS 4000
timeout_t pll_even_odd_timeout;
......@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ void spec7_set_pll_wr_mode(int wrc_ptp_mode)
ltc6950_configure(&board.ltc6950_pll, &ltc6950_ext_10mhz_config);
while ((ltc6950_read(&board.ltc6950_pll, 0x00) & LTC6950_LOCK) == 0);
board_dbg("ltc6950 locked.\n");
#if defined(CONFIG_HPSEC_GM)
// align_10mhz();
} else {
// Forward 125 MHz VCXO_REFCLK at CLK input to outputs 0, 1, 2
......@@ -130,14 +130,18 @@ void spec7_set_pll_wr_mode(int wrc_ptp_mode)
int pll_sync()
int is_aligned_10mhz()
// Used in HPSEC Grand Master mode where external 10MHz generates 125MHz.
// 125MHz is not an integer multiple of 10MHz so it has two lock modes: even/odd.
// The generated 125MHz must be even/odd alligned with the external 10MHz/1PPS.
return gen_gpio_in( &pin_aligned_10mhz_i );
int align_10mhz()
// Used in HPSEC where external 10MHz needs to be phase aligned.
tmo_init(&pll_even_odd_timeout, PLL_EVEN_ODD_TIMEOUT_MS);
while (gen_gpio_in( &pin_pll_even_odd_n_i ) == 0) {
while (gen_gpio_in( &pin_aligned_10mhz_i ) == 0) {
// Reset the PLL (RES6950 clears itself)
board_dbg("Reset ltc6950...\n");
ltc6950_write( &board.ltc6950_pll, 0x03, 4);
......@@ -146,25 +150,12 @@ int pll_sync()
while ((ltc6950_read(&board.ltc6950_pll, 0x00) & LTC6950_LOCK) == 0);
timer_delay_ms(1000); // wait for next PPS
if ( tmo_expired(&pll_even_odd_timeout)) {
pp_printf("TIMEOUT: External 10MHz/1PPS lock to \"even\" 125MHz clock cycle.\n");
return 0;
board_dbg("HPSEC_GM mode: External 10MHz/1PPS lock achieved on \"even\" 125MHz clock cycle\n");
// Trigger a clk_ref_125m to clk_ref_62m5 divider synchronisation
gen_gpio_out( &pin_pll_sync_o, 1);
gen_gpio_out( &pin_pll_sync_o, 0);
tmo_init(&pll_sync_timeout, PLL_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS);
// Wait for sync sequence done
while (gen_gpio_in( &pin_pll_sync_done_i ) == 0) {
if ( tmo_expired(&pll_sync_timeout)) {
pp_printf("TIMEOUT: clk_ref_125m to clk_ref_62m5 divider synchronization.\n");
pp_printf("TIMEOUT: External 10MHz alignment.\n");
return 0;
board_dbg("HPSEC_GM mode: clk_ref_125m to clk_ref_62m5 divider synchronization done\n");
board_dbg("HPSEC mode: External 10MHz phase aligned.\n");
......@@ -177,7 +168,7 @@ int pll_sync()
board_dbg("HPSEC_GM mode: synced to external PPS.\n");
while (!phy_calibration_done()) {
......@@ -185,6 +176,7 @@ int pll_sync()
return 1;
int post_pll_lock(int wrc_ptp_mode)
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
void spec7_set_pll_wr_mode(int pll_wr_mode);
int spec7_init(void);
int is_aligned_10mhz(void);
struct spec7_board
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